MovieChat Forums > NRC123

NRC123 (2097)


Why didn’t they reconvene with the other survivors before heading to Dry Land at the end? Would you rather live on the atoll or the Exxon Valdez? Would the neighborhood have been safer if Kersey never showed up? The first coach wasn’t such a bad guy Did Mike and Jake have a responsibility to warn the public? What was Shoop doing at the strip club? Did Sam Lombardo deserve to die? Christy could have made it Why didn’t they let the crowd out of the room during Del’s execution? More sad news View all posts >


They had no business doin that. None. Mmes. Rodriguez and Emil might still be alive. The riot, which killed dozens of civilians, would have never happened. Fraker was a uniter of men. Can’t improve on this. In Part V, little Reggie accuses Pam of having a white savior complex. Sam Gerard sent him there after he bottomed out on the board. It took me out of the movie. “One day, Sheinberg arrived at the location from L.A. He had dinner at Steven’s house, and afterward, the director excused himself and went off into a corner with Gottlieb, who was sharing the house with him, to work on the script for the next day’s shoot. Sheinberg thought to himself, My God! This is the way this is being done? We may have footage that we will never be able to assemble into a movie. The next day, Sheinberg went to the location, watched Spielberg shoot. During a break, they sat down on the wooden steps of the Kelly House, the cast and crew hotel where the executive was staying. Sheinberg said, “You know, this would be a lot faster and cheaper to shoot in a tank.” “Well, I want to shoot this in the ocean for reality,” replied Spielberg. “Your ‘reality’ is costing us a lot of money.” “I understand that, but I really believe in this movie.” “Well, I believe in you. I will back you in [either of] two decisions. If you want to quit now, we will find a way to make our money back. If you want to stay and finish the movie, you can do that.” “I want to stay and finish the movie.” “Fine.” But the real hero of this episode was Bill Gilmore, Zanuck and Brown’s line producer who was in charge of the numbers. According to Gottlieb, “The week before [Sheinberg’s visit], Gilmore had calculated the cost-to-date and cost-to-complete, and the picture was over, but not horrendously so. In the intervening week, apparently some stuff came to light, and it was obvious the picture was deeply in trouble. Probably with Steven’s connivance, Bill locked the new budget in his desk, wouldn’t give it to anybody, didn’t let on that it existed. He could have been fired for that. The following week when that budget came out, the brass had already been there and approved, so they couldn’t very well say no, so the picture went on.” Excerpt From Easy Riders, Raging Bulls Peter Biskind Probably why it did less business. Yes Cobra Kai never dies. View all replies >