NRC123's Posts

Why didn’t they reconvene with the other survivors before heading to Dry Land at the end? Would you rather live on the atoll or the Exxon Valdez? Would the neighborhood have been safer if Kersey never showed up? The first coach wasn’t such a bad guy Did Mike and Jake have a responsibility to warn the public? What was Shoop doing at the strip club? Did Sam Lombardo deserve to die? Christy could have made it Why didn’t they let the crowd out of the room during Del’s execution? More sad news Inappropriate things to say during love - Anaconda style. Why didn’t the anaconda wipe out the Shirishamas? Why didn’t they wear goggles? RIP Louis Gosset Jr What good qualities did Daniel and Miyagi have? Whose death did you mourn and why? Jackie Chan, Ralph Macchio Team for New ‘Karate Kid’ Movie Did Jason build his shack himself? “Celeste. You really think I’d let anything happen to these kids?” Would Daniel have supported Israel or Palestine?