NRC123's Posts

Would Brody have supported Israel or Palestine? How should we honor WA’s memory? Did Daniel have any redeeming qualities? Would they have stayed friends into high school? Why did the ooze affect shredder’s costume? RIP Marc Gilpin (Sean Brody) What would the vibe on Cable Junction have been like while they waited for rescue? Was Macchio on cocaine during filming? How did Angel Eyes track them from the town to the cemetery? Why does Blondie continue to bounty hunt? Did she have it coming? Did Biff watch the whole of Fistful of Dollars with the two women? “As of 2015, Andrews' whereabouts are unknown” How did Hector rise to second in command? Did Fraker care about his men? Does Meghan realize her father’s been killed? Has a black woman ever entered Jerry’s apartment? Where was Webman the rest of the movie? Could Daniel Penny have stopped Jason?