What would happen

If during a kumite match, one of the contestants all of a sudden broke out into a tai-chi like kata?

What would the penalty be for such an insolent lack of sportsmanship and making a mockery of karate?

A lifetime ban from tournament competition?

A lifetime ban from karate itself?



This has already been discussed ad infinitum.
There would be no penalty because (a) it isn't a Tai Chi kata it is a Karate Kata, and (b) there is nothing in the rules forbidding it.
Barnes lost, get over it NRC123!

What would happen if a competitor deliberately kicks their opponent between the legs?
(1) Instant dsqualification
(2) Instant disqualification or,
(3) Instant disqualification

See if you can guess the right answer.


What would YOUR reaction be if you saw someone do a kata in the middle of a kumite ghost?


Not being a ghost, I'd punch them in the midriff and score the fucking point. Which is exactly what dickhead Barnes should have done.


Whinielle might as well have spread out a picnic blanket and proceeded to sit down and eat a meal right there on the mat.

During Barnes understandable confusion over this act, Whinielle could have quickly tapped Barnes chest while he was sinking his teeth into a big slice of watermelon.

Then Whinielle would have technically scored a point and "won" the match according to your logic.


It's not according to my logic. That's your logic. I never mentioned a picnic, you did. But then this is old news, you've gone down this ridiculous path in the past. I'll put it in capitals so your poor eyes can maybe read it, though your lack of knowledge/intelligence may inhibit your ability to comprehend it.



Where do the rules state that a kata is allowed during a kumite but a picnic isn’t allowed? Provide this evidence you sad little ghost.


That would be the bit that forbids food and drink on the kumite mat you sad little twat.
Wasn't sure why some dickhead who doesn't know the rules would try to argue with a qualified referee, but then I remember.....you're a fucking clown!


Produce the rules that specifically enumerates that a contestant can’t have food on the mat. Even if a tournament found it necessary to spell out that food isn’t allowed on the mat (which is sad) my point still stands.... no rule set can account for all scenarios. Whinielle could have stared to do a ballerina dance and snuck a tap for a point. He could have squatted down and started to defecate on the mat and snuck a tap. He could have launched into a Shakespearean monologue and snuck a tap. All those scenarios qualify as wins in your opinion because you’re a pathetic little ghost who gets beaten down by the Kai every time.


As previously stated, we've done this already.
If you couldn't take it in then, there is nothing to indicate you will take it in now. But you know what? You are the one who claims it's my logic yet here you are arguing for it to be so.

None of the following you mention, ballerina dance, starting to defecate on the mat or launching in to a Shakespearean monologue, oh and having a picnic, are Karate moves and as such are not allowed.

Give up, by entering in to an argument (apparently you do argue with what you perceive to be ghosts) and not actually knowing the rules of competition Karate against a qualified Referee, you were beaten before you even started.


So you believe that the "kata" Whinielle did was.... Karate?


Lesson of the day.
It's a version of Seiyunchin which is a Gojo-Ryu Kata. Gojo Ryu is a style of Karate by the way. All Karate styles originated from one style and the Katas are similar but slightly different. Some even have different names but are the same Kata with slight variations n the moves. For example, the Wado Ryu Kata Passai is their version of the Shotokan Kata Bassai Dai. All Karate of course.
So yes, it was karate moves.


Get on that line!

Get on that line, Ghost-WA!

You're worthless!

Your Seiyunchin karate is nothing!

Get up, man!

You're no champion. Get up!

You suck, Ghost-WA! You suck, man!

And your teacher's Gojo-Ryu karate is shit.

You hear me? He's shit!

You're done, Ghost-WA.

Your karate is a joke.

And your teacher's worth shit.

He's nothing! And you're nothing!

I own you! I own you, Ghost-WA!

Where's your little teacher now?

He's a phoney, man.

He's a fake

and he didn't teach you nothing.

Your karate's shit. You hear me?

Get up!


Love it when you admit defeat NRC123


You really are as dumb as you look.

Pray tell ghost.. what if during the kata section of the tournament (where contestants do their katas alongside each other and the judges determine the contestant with the best form).. one of the kata contestants all of a sudden started SPARRING with the other one?

Would that have been legal too?


Oh you poor thing, you really don't understand.
Kata competition is strictly non contact with your opponent whereas Kumite isn't.

Keep it up you are making me look better with each post and yourself dumber in the process.
I did warn you about arguing with someone who is qualified in this. Fact will always beat opinion.


Show me the rule that says you can’t start a kumite in the middle of a kata competition. Go get it ghost!


It's non contact and if two kata performers are on the mat at the same time there must be a minimum distance between them so no contact is made. In fact if one performer bumps in to the other their score gets lowered to the minimum.
Those are the rules for kata.
I don't need to get you anything, this is an old argument, you never took any notice then either.


You really are a confused ghost.

During the kata section of a tournament you are required to do a kata.. nothing else.

During the kumite section, you are required to spare.... NOT DO YOUR DAMN KATA.

I don't know how many tournaments you refereed while you were alive or how many plastic trophies you gave out to crybaby Whinielle wannabes... but the contestants should sue your estate to get their money back!


We've been here before. You don't know the rules...I do.
You are wrong... I am right.
Here endeth the lesson.
Now it must be 3.30 am where you are so go to bed, or at least let one of your personalities have a rest.


You are wrong and I am right.

Everyone knows this.

You are a troll ghost continuing to haunt this board with your made up BS about tournaments allowing contestants to perform katas during a sparring match.

If you could only see how foolish you look you would hang your head in shame and go back to the demon spirit world from whence you came.


Do you know how April Fools Day came about?
It was because of fools like you.


Do you know what you see when you look up dumbass in the dictionary?

A picture of you.


God only knows what you see when you look up reality. Because you have absolutely no sense of it. Your problem is you can't accept any truth other than your own. The drawback with that though is you lack vital information and cold hard facts, so you are arguing blind. This somehow doesn't deter you hence you come across as a dickhead and a buffoon.
Put it this way, I would never argue with an American about US Football. I don't know anything about it. But here are you arguing with a qualified referee about Karate rules when you have never competed or even practiced the art. Yet somehow you have the audacity to call me a dumbass!!!!
Classic denial behaviour. Lol!


So what would you do if you were refereeing a kumite and both participants started breaking out into their respective katas? Probably give them both trophies lol.


Well to give them both trophies they would have to be at least semi finalists. But then you would know that if you knew what you were talking about.
But the cut and thrust of a kumite match is there has to be a winner and a loser in individual events, so one has to hit the other and score a point to win the match. If this doesn't happen even after encho sen, then the Referee and judges (flag bearers who sit on each corner of the mat) must come to a decision on who they declare the winner.


So if you were refereeing a kumite where two contestants did nothing but their kata the whole time who would u declare the winner?


Not me, all 5 officials. Each case is different and you wouldn't understand the procedure. Hell, you don't understand any of it hence your ignorance.
Now crawl back under your rock it must be bedtme.


You have dodged the question because I have you cornered and outwitted.

You have been defeated in devastating fashion on a public forum.

Two opponents in a kumite do nothing but their katas throughout the match. The "match" ends... who is the winner in your (ahem) expert opinion?


The question was answered for all to see in a previous post....

Well to give them both trophies they would have to be at least semi finalists. But then you would know that if you knew what you were talking about.
But the cut and thrust of a kumite match is there has to be a winner and a loser in individual events, so one has to hit the other and score a point to win the match. If this doesn't happen even after encho sen, then the Referee and judges (flag bearers who sit on each corner of the mat) must come to a decision on who they declare the winner.

...you just don't understand the answer, so instead claim a false victory.

It was further expanded upon in my next post...

Not me, all 5 officials. Each case is different and you wouldn't understand the procedure. Hell, you don't understand any of it hence your ignorance.
Now crawl back under your rock it must be bedtme.

Again you didn't understand.

No surprise there eh?


Answer my question ghost. If two contestants in a kumite just each did their katas for the whole 3 rounds... who would you declare the winner if you were one of the judges? Also, if a contestant ASKED one of the judges if they could do their kata during the match kumite would would they say?


You've betrayed your ignorance right there. You are like one of those kids who keeps asking their parents the same question over and over despite being given the answer.
I get it, you don't understand. But that doesn't mean your question wasn't answered. Also, you've once again strayed from the track of your original question, which was also answered, trying to prove yourself right.....you have failed in that department too.
I can't make you understand. You have to put aside your bigotry and ignorance and be prepared to learn. At this moment in your sad little existence you are a flat earther, and no amount of people telling you that the earth is spherical will change your mind.


Typical dodge.


Not my problem you lack the understanding.


Dodge. You have lost.


Your lack of understanding means you have lost. The questions were answered.
Goodbye NRC123, ths conversation is done. The answers are there. Now go to sleep, you must need it


You have just admitted defeat. Too bad you're a ghost and can't see it.


Except I didn't. I in fact reported my victory and told you that you've not only lost but that you have been rumbled, NRC123


Wears is completely out of his depth. His lack of understanding of basic tournament rules betrays both a low level intellect and frightening lack of ethical code. He has brought shame on himself and dishonor to his dojo. He needs to commit Seppuku.


It's really funny that you would comment on this in your guise as cruisin109 and then again as your alter-ego NRC123 and still be completely wrong. How can a qualified referee be wrong on this and someone who doesn't know or understand the rules be right?
Oh that's right, this would be the same person who would think someone guilty despite the evidence to the contrary.

After your little (ahem) courtroom shenanigans you lost all credibility, so your latest statement means nothing!


It's really funny that you would comment on this in your guise as cruisin109 and then again as your alter-ego NRC123 and still be completely wrong.

It’s really funny that you’d admit to creating a false identity then bitterly accuse others of doing the same.

How can a qualified referee be wrong on this and someone who doesn't know or understand the rules be right?

You’re just creating another fake identity. I’m almost certain you paid a web designer to create a fake karate dojo website and profile so you could brag about your credentials on this board.


Keep at it cruisin109, who knows you might even convince somebody other than yourself.

Oh and bitterly accuse? No, you were rumbled by somebody else.
Now be off with you.


There’s no legitimate proof that you’re a real life karate instructor or black belt. You’ve created an online fantasy identity. Fess up.


There's plenty of legitimate proof, but what difference would that make to you with your track record?
As for on line fantasy identity, look no further than the mirror.
You have been rumbled, just accept it.


Let's put your karate skills to the test then.

Name a place.


Glad you have stopped denying you and NRC123 are indeed the same person.
As for your request, we are unable to meet at the moment as we are in different countries and there is the small matter of a pandemic going on. When this all ends though how about we arrange something? Then I'll give you the good kicking you deserve. The beauty of it all is I'll be getting a bogof seeing as I'll be giving both your personalities a beatdown.


You can still travel during the pandemic.

I think you're looking for excuses.

Name a place... you can't just drop a challenge and then walk away.


You can still travel during the pandemic.

Not to another country, and you can't come here without being quarantined. If you know otherwise, come and see me and receive your kicking.


Too much advantage... your country.

Plus you were a no show last time and still owe me $4k for my wasted travel expenses.

This time we must meet on neutral soil and a kicking you shall receive.


Too much advantage... your country.

Plus you were a no show last time and still owe me $4k for my wasted travel expenses.

^^^^ Well that's a lie and you know it!

This time we must meet on neutral soil and a kicking you shall receive.

Bearing in mind the pandemic, how about we meet next year May 12th in Jamaica (in particular Negril) and I will give you a good kicking then buy you a beer as that's the kind of good guy I am.

edit: Kinda funny that your (mis) quoting Miyagi there, bub.


It should be a fight to the death. There will be no socializing afterwards.


Tbf, it should be.
But it's hardly a fair fight since you are as soft as shit, so leniency is coming your way.



Don't be such a wimp!

Siberia... Pleistocene Park.

Next week... be there.

And get ready to experience pain.


Already told you WE in this country can't travel abroad at this moment.

You have been given a definite date and venue.



Seeing as you're a ghost, it shouldn't be a problem for you to appear in Siberia.

Next Saturday 12PM GMT

Be there.


Seeing as I’m not a ghost, yes it is a problem. Anyways, you can’t ask me to name a time and place, then when I do decide, it’s not good enough for you . I get the home advantage bit, which is why I suggested Jamaica. Now, that’s an eight hour flight for me and a significant time difference...advantage to you. I stand by my choice, be there or admit defeat!


The point is you’re a wimp for suggesting a tropical climate for the fight. I VACATION in tropical climates (Tahiti mostly) and would rather fight in a cold desolate area like a true warrior. Plus since you’re a ghost you can essentially teleport anywhere so advantage you!


Let's put your karate skills to the test then.

Name a place.

^^^^ your original challenge

I've named a place., which is more convenient to you travel wise and time zone wise. But as usual you seek to bend your own rules and make excuses and false claims (ie, you're a ghost ). Either way, you still gave me the option of where. I've even given you a date which allows you a lot longer to train for said altercation than LaRusso had for the first All Valley he entered, and a place.

You are a joke. You've never been to Tahiti in your life, nor England for that matter.

The place is Jamaica, Ricks Bar in Negril. Noon. 12th May 2021.
Challenge made.
Now go away, you need to train for this....seriously.


I challeneged you to name a place and you picked a tropical climate probably because it's the only environment that can ameliorate your tuberculosis.

Also you want to schedule this a year out? Probably so you can have time to scheme some kind of unorthodox hail mary situational move (errr... dance) to steal a point and claim a "win".

Man up and face me in Siberia.


I challeneged you to name a place and you picked a tropical climate probably because it's the only environment that can ameliorate your tuberculosis.

^^^^Please re-read this. Let me spell it out in capitals. YOU CHALLENGED ME TO NAME A PLACE!
Now irrelevant of why I chose this place, you still gave ME the choice.
I have chosen. You have the details now man up, start training and turn up at the proposed venue at the proposed time, or drop it. Just don't, after initiating this thing, go making excuses and being all Mistah Coward!!!
It just makes you appear to be a cunt!

Now good day to you.


So you have declined to face me in Siberia like a true warrior would?


Your abject cowardice in on display for the whole dojo to see.

You have lost.


No. You have lost.
The venue was never your choice. You gave me the choice of place and have reneged on the deal.
It is no surprise though. You are a wanker and a fantasist as well as a coward. I've called you out and everyone who reads this post will see you for what you are...all wind and piss.
Good day to you...loser, you've been rumbled!


^^^^Please re-read this. Let me spell it out in capitals. YOU CHALLENGED ME TO NAME A PLACE!

You're so dense. I simply said "name a place".... I did NOT say that you got to actually CHOOSE the ultimate location of the fight.

First you named your country.. obviously I'm not going there twice and have you no show... fool me once..

Then, you shamefully "named" a wimp Mickey Mouse location and I said that that laughable family friendly location was also unacceptable.


You're so dense. I simply said "name a place".... I did NOT say that you got to actually CHOOSE the ultimate location of the fight.
^^^^ Let's look at this statement for a moment shall we?
You said name a place. Correct?
Now that is giving ME options. Yes?
As we've already discussed and accepted, the choice of my country was more to my advantage (forget about your lie about being there previously because you and I both know you weren't). I then gave you a location that was closer to you than me and with a definite time zone advantage to you. You then decide YOU are going to choose when and where. You are using a pandemic to cover your blatant lie here, because you know that there is no way I can travel to your location in the time frame you are DEMANDING because of a travel ban.
I on the other hand have taken the travel ban in to consideration and also have given you almost a year to prepare. Yet here you are once again making excuses!

Your credibility died the moment you moved the goal posts.

As an afterthought, what then gives you the right to name the place after asking me to and then refusing my offer?


Because your offer was a wimp location.

I choose a cold desolate area where two men can fight like warriors with honor.

YOU chose some touristy beach location where any fight would be broken up in seconds.


So fighting in 90 degrees heat is wimpish eh?

You chose a desolate area so there would be no witnesses to you getting your ass kicked!

You chose an impractical date (this coming Saturday) which due to my country being in lockdown leaves me unable to make said meeting...again so you know you don't have to face me.

As for the fight being broken up in seconds...you wouldn't have lasted long enough for anyone to intercede.

The simple truth is you tried to call me out to prove my skills then chickened out when I agreed.
The offer is still there for you to meet me as I proposed. I will post on this board whether or not you had the guts to show up. Bearing in mind I have given you almost a year to prepare for this whereas you tried the trick of giving me a week in impossible circumstances knowing that it could never be fulfilled.
Once again your shyster like behaviour has been rumbled. Unless by some miracle you show your face in Jamaica next year.
Watch this space eh?


What's funny it's that you're gonna see some random guy in Jamaica and (incorrectly assuming it's me) punch him.

You will then be arrested for assault and be sent (again) to jail.

Jamaica has an extradition agreement with the UK as well.


What's funny it's that you're gonna see some random guy in Jamaica and (incorrectly assuming it's me) punch him.

^^^^ Really?

Let's be honest even a thicko like you would know that further arrangements would need to be sorted regarding the actual face to face.

You will then be arrested for assault and be sent (again) to jail.

Jamaica has an extradition agreement with the UK as well.
Awww! It's sweet that you're worried about me, but all I'm getting here is that you are not going to show up. This is despite dropping a challenge and asking me to name the time and place. You were given a good place and time and date. You were given a year to prepare, yet still you make excuses.
The best thing about this is you've chickened out on a public forum .
Don't waste my time with your lying you useless waste of oxygen.


I was not given a good time and place... I was given a crap tourist spot where families go on vacation.

Not to mention the fact that your proposal is a year out, an extreme amount of time giving you time to formulate an excuse.

I gave you a proper venue and a timely date.

You have rejected it.

You have failed.


I gave you a proper venue and a timely date.
What, this Saturday at 12pm in Siberia?

I'm not sure if you're trying to convince anybody else reading this or yourself.
Either way it is bollocks.
Once again YOU ASKED ME TO NAME THE PLACE. I did. You were given ample time to train as well.
As for giving me time to formulate an excuse, you gave no time at all for any reasonable person to comply bearing in mind the current situation regarding the corona virus.
You are a fool as well as a coward. I will be at Ricks Bar in Negril, Jamaica at noon on the 12th May 2021.
You will either be there for your beating or you will be shown to be the big mouth I always knew you were.
Either way...I WIN!


Probably nothing - unless it was a full-contact mixed martial arts match in which case the tai-chi user would be out like a light.
