Mr Miyagi... man or woman?

So Jessica makes a reference to a mysterious “Aunt Pat” who has a habit of planning Mac and cheese dinners and then cancelling last minute leaving the preparer stuck with all the Mac and cheese. We never actually see this.. “Aunt Pat” but it’s curious why John Avildson choose the name “Pat” when he could have chosen any other name. Was this supposed to be some sort of Amateurish tribute to Pat Morita... OR... was “Aunt Pat” Mr Miyagi’s alter ego? Mr Miyagi was living a double life as Mr Miyagi... child trafficker and also the woman Aunt Pat 11th hour canceler of dinner dates leaving people stuck with copious amounts of Mac and cheese.


Hmmm...makes you also think Terry Silver or Teri Silver. Was he/she really a trans woman who was secretly in love with Kreese? I mean we know he's a pederast because of his relationship with Snake, but was there a darker truth going on?


Answer the question. Who was Aunt Pat if it wasn’t really your precious Miyagi?


I don't know. It's feasible seeing as Miyagi is pushing Daniel to go to the shop because of Jessica. Ask John Avildsen he often visits Facebook and answers questions on the trilogy, or at least he used to.
Now, about Teri Silver? We do know he's a pederast. One of the Kai even wrote a synopsis on it. Unrequited love for Kreese?


You’re a ghost so only YOU can communicate with Avildson.


You know what? I genuinely didn't even know he had died.
You didn't answer my question on Silver though. Are you dodging it?


You genuinely don’t know that you’re a ghost as well. No Terry Silver was a good man. Multi millionaire war hero karate master and true friend to the greatest karate man ever known. He lives by the principles that if you get you GIVE. Honesty. Compassion. And FairPlay.


You genuinely don’t know that you’re a ghost as well.
So if you really believe this then YOU too can ask Avildsen.

So because somebody is good, a multi millionaire, a true friend oh, and a pederast, he can't be a trans or in love with Kreese?
Do yourself a favour and leave your cellar once in a while to check out the real world.


Wears continues to disrespect the memory of the fallen members of the KK cast and crew. His outbursts have no place in a respectable forum such as this.


Are you the real one or the imaginary friend? Who came first, you or the cruisin109 personality? Or was FrogClarke the original.
Oh, and by the way, not knowing someone had died is not disrespectful.


You are a wayward man-child in need of proper guidance.

You’re accusing others of committing the very crime of which you are guilty. That might work for Trump but the KKIII board is a place of integrity. Everyone knows your history of creating false accounts and you’re merely calling attention to your own criminal record.

Avildsen was a giant of the cinema whose passing was covered in the mainstream press. That you did not know this reflects your casual ignorance of current events and general lack of respect for the arts. Even worse, you make a living as a karate instructor and owe your livelihood to the influence of his films. You should have observed a moment of silence during class.


First he makes fun of Rob Garrison dying and now this.....


Continues to scrape the bottom of the barrel. He needs a John Kreese figure in his life to guide him straight.


Yeah, then I can strangle you, eh?


Stop replying to yourself


You are a wayward man-child in need of proper guidance.

You’re accusing others of committing the very crime of which you are guilty.
Says the person who held an imaginary court despite being informed of the persons innocence and then passed a death sentence they actually believed they could and did carry it out.
Avildsen was a giant of the cinema whose passing was covered in the mainstream press. That you did not know this reflects your casual ignorance of current events and general lack of respect for the arts. Even worse, you make a living as a karate instructor and owe your livelihood to the influence of his films. You should have observed a moment of silence during class.
Talking about ignorance, let's look at yours shall we?
1) I don't make my living from Karate as I've always run a not for profit club.
2) I owe nothing to the influence of the films seeing as I was involved in Karate two years before this movie even came out.
3) How could I have held a moment of silence if I wasn't even aware he had died?



Says the person who held an imaginary court despite being informed of the persons innocence and then passed a death sentence they actually believed they could and did carry it out.

You participated in the trial, arrogantly assuming you would walk free and even allowed the shady Samgerard on to your defense team. The jury found you guilty and the judge sentenced you to death, fair and square. The law is bigger than you.

1) I don't make my living from Karate as I've always run a not for profit club.

“Hell, I might even teach for FREE!”

2) I owe nothing to the influence of the films seeing as I was involved in Karate two years before this movie even came out.

A good portion of your students took up karate after being inspired by the Cobra Kai onscreen. No doubt, they would have been disappointed to have you as their sensei.

3) How could I have held a moment of silence if I wasn't even aware he had died?

His passing was covered in the British press. You have no excuse.


You participated in the trial, arrogantly assuming you would walk free and even allowed the shady Samgerard on to your defense team. The jury found you guilty and the judge sentenced you to death, fair and square. The law is bigger than you.
You arrogantly believe you could do this.

“Hell, I might even teach for FREE!”

A good portion of your students took up karate after being inspired by the Cobra Kai onscreen. No doubt, they would have been disappointed to have you as their sensei.
Now you are making things up. You are basing this on what exactly? Oh that's right...nothing other than your imagination.

His passing was covered in the British press. You have no excuse.
I don't read the Daily Mail. Your arrogant presumptions betray your ignorance.


John Kreese or Joan Kreese?




Kreese would mop the floor with you WA.

Actually, he would have Snake (LA's Bad Boy) handle you.


No, he really wouldn't.

As for Snake, he couldn't even handle himself.


What are you basing that on? No one could attain the title of Bad Boy of LA if they couldn’t handle themself.


The title of bad boy came from Terry Silver who was fucking him.
Guess only Terry Silver knows what he means by that.


What’s your title? The good boy of England? Not exactly a name that inspires fear in your opponent.


My title?
You can call me Sensei


How does someone attain the title of Bad Boy of LA if they aren't legit?


Can't you read?
Terry Silver gave him that title because he was fucking him.


Watch your language WA.

I will not allow you to continue to corrupt the youth.


I will not allow you to continue to corrupt the youth.
But you're happy enough for Terry Silver to do so.


Terry Siver fought for his country in Vietnam, employed thousands of people at Dynatox industries so they could support their families, and was going to open up 20 Dojos all over the Valley and teach youths for free.

Yeah big corruptor of the youth....


Yet he didn't. So by lying about this and getting youths hopes up, he showed garnering false hope was a way of life for somebody.

Ergo corrupter of youth.


Maybe something to do with those two jerks constant attempts to ruin Cobra Kai's reputation?


So despite what you say, those two jerks foiled them again.
You give up too easily.


That's why they're the villains.

Do you get your kicks by constantly defending the bad guys?


You've got it the wrong way around.

Do YOU get YOUR kicks by constantly defending the bad guys?
Silly question, of course you do.


The Cobra Kai were the good guys.




