'Diplomatic Immunity!!!'

"Its just been revoked!!!"





Does "BAM" stand for "Brobdingnagian Anthropomorphic Magistrate?"


LOL I always say this, diplomatic immunity goes out the window when you are shooting police officers to death.


Does Murtaugh have the authority to revoke?


LOL I always say this, diplomatic immunity goes out the window when you are shooting police officers to death.

And even if that weren't the case: Riggs and Murtaugh hadn't respected his diplomatic immunity up until that point, so what made him think they would start now?


He was out of bullets, it was his only option left to save his ass. Therefore it DID make sense.



It makes perfect sense, as in the context of this film, diplomatic immunity means that a diplomat can do whatever he likes without consequences. In real life, that isn’t the case and they'd have been in jail either in the US or South Africa before the movie started.


No it doesn't. Diplomatic immunity doesn't let you operate with impunity. In real life, the U.S. would have had them expelled in the very beginning. Otherwise yes they would have been prosecuted in the U.S. or South Africa.


there are varying levels of immunity, a diplomat with the immunity level of the main guy would in fact be able to commit any crime he wanted with out being able to be arrested the only way the u.s would be able to arrest him with out violating a treaty is if his home nation revoked his immunity if not the only thing the state department could do is proclaim persona non grata and kick him out of the u.s


"Nailed it" - another quote up there with the best.

Aww hell no...


He said "Nailed 'em both." Just saying...

: )

Pitch to Johnny? You can't pitch to Johnny!?! I'm Johnny!! -Little Giants


I think my favorite line of the whole series is

"My dear police officer....you could not even give me a parking ticket."

Ackland delivers that line just beautifully. One of the greatest taunts of all time.



I think he said "De-Kaffirnated". A play on the term "Kaffir" which is a racial slur often used in South Africa. At least that's what I've always heard during that scene, I don't know for sure. Rudd and his men use it a couple of times during the film.


Yes, that's what he said.


That line was one of my favourites too.

And lets not forget the rubber tree scene.

"If you don't like, you can exchange it!"


I cheered so loudly at that scene!

"A man ought to do what he thinks is best" - John Wayne, Hondo


This thread kind of makes me wish that LW3 had dealt with the aftermath of LW2, where the South African government is super-pissed about the LAPD killing off their guys, and what happens after the revelation that their ambassador was a ridiculously large-scale drug lord.

'It's a mess, ain't it, sheriff?'
'If it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here.'


"They *f* you at the drive-thru, okay? They *f* you at the drive-thru!!"
