'Diplomatic Immunity!!!'

"Its just been revoked!!!"


He might as well have said "No tag backs". As hard to follow as the plot was, the guy shot at police men, blew them up, transported drug money (which btw when he saw falling into the ocean I think Kevin Costner expressed more emotion in Water World when he saw the wreckage of his boat) and who knows what else and expected to get away with it....Ahh the 80s and their loosely tied together plots. I'm not complaining, really, hell I laugh my ass off at the 'mobile phone' from the first movie; I still think it's a fun movie but man what was the movie viewing crowd like back then?


What was the movie-viewing crowd like back then?

Apparently much more intelligent than the movie-viewing crowds nowadays if they think the the plot of Lethal Weapon 2 is difficult to follow.


I agree.Audiences in those days didn't question movies as much as they do now.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


I agree.Audiences in those days didn't question movies as much as they do now.

That and they didn't have many outlets to do so lol.

Utah! Get me two.


I take it the events of the movie happened within a few days or even a week and there wasn't much time or evidence for the Feds or LAPD to get a full grasp on what was going down. Plus the U.S. government at the time was preoccupied with Communism and the drugs wars in Miami/South America.

The Feds knew money laundering was involved when Leo turned himself over as a witness, he never got to testify as to what he was involved in or who his clients were. Riggs and Murtaugh got lucky by being assigned to protect Leo, and the bad guys stupidly invaded Murtaughs house which gave away their accents.

An overweight Colombian bitch in Miami ran one of the largest cocaine smuggling rackets and hit squads for 10 years unnoticed. A Dutch a-hole with credentials isn't that much of a stretch to get by unnoticed.


that's what i say when i get pulled over by the cops. tho, it rarely ever works. maybe if i had a south african accent.

Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


When arrogant Arjen Rudd shoots Riggs, then pulls out his credentials and holds them up and says to Murtaugh, "Diplomatic Immunity," Murtaugh's response is to roll his neck and then shoot Rudd in the forehead.

Murtaugh then says, "It's just been revoked.

Rudd's line deserves a quick, pithy in-your-face response.

Instead, Murtaugh's line should have been, "Smith and Wesson!"


I love that line, haha!

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Good thing Murtaugh shot before saying the line! :P


"LOL I always say this, diplomatic immunity goes out the window when you are shooting police officers to death."

Exactly. In real life, diplomatic immunity does NOT give one carte blanche to operate with impunity. The movie took real life diplomatic immunity out of context. In reality, Arjen Rudd would face (at best, and this is if he were lucky) life in prison with no chance of parole, for shooting a police officer in cold blood. When one with diplomatic immunity commits a crime, the host country is contacted, and either the individual has their DI revoked and stands trial, or is sent back to their country to face whatever consequences they have there.



top Diplomatic Officals Like Arjun would not face a single day in jail what would happen is he would be proclaimed persona non grata and would be kicked out of the u.s the state department would request south africa to either revoke his immunity or charge him. they would likely say *beep* you to u.s

on another hand all of his men would in fact be arrested as even if they are working for the south African government would only have functional immunity which would protect them if they did a crime in the process of doing there job for the consulate

but when it comes to immunity the united states has no legal authority to revoke immunity they can only revoke the diplomats right to be in the u.s



I've always thought the shot cuts should have been reversed.

Rudd: "Diplomatic Immunity!"
Murtaugh: "It's just been revoked!"
Rudd has a reaction shot of "Oh, *beep* it's not going to work!" THEN Murtaugh shoots.

It's not enough that the bad guy gets it, he has to see he gets it if even for a split second, what I call the "Oh *beep* I'm f'd" shot.

As that great philosopher Bugs Bunny said, "Something tells me I shoulda stood in bed."



Hello,Mister sniper sir!!-Riggs

I count six shots n*****!!
I count two guns n*****


One of the best one liners in cinema history (and Glover delivered it wonderfully).

"Speak of the Devil, and He shall appear."


yet, i'm not sure he's legally allowed to revoke it. 

🎍Season's greetings!🎅🌲


thats not how it works. Diplomatic immunity can only be revoked by the visiting nation.

the only thing the united states could do is proclaim Persona non grata which means person not welcomed ie the only thing the justice department could do is kick them out of the united states. South Africa on the other hand could be requested to prosecute or lift the Immunity and may agree to lift the immunity
