why do girls like Ariel?

Is it just because she's a pretty princess? Even for Disney princesses she's a horrible role model.

Belle had her book smarts and didn't take *beep* from anyone
Tiana proved in order to get ahead in life you need to work hard for your goals
Cinderella taught tolerance and patience
Jasmine fought for her own choices
Merida earned the right to her own life

What did Ariel do? Sell her voice for a pair of legs and gave up her life just for a guy




I wouldn't say Ariel is flawless. She isn't perfect.


I'm one of Ariel's biggest defenders, and even I won't go that far to say she's perfect. She did have flaws of naivety, stubbornness, impulsiveness, and brashness. That being said, I do agree with your statement on how Ariel was definitely a very great character and why she is that.



I had to undergo a lot of challenges getting to where I am today because of my autism/aspergers, similar challenges to what Ariel had to undergo in fact, so I hold a lot of respect and reverence to her, which also makes me angry when people diss on Ariel, and especially if they ignore other flaws of the DPs, especially Belle.


She's way more than just a "pretty princess."

One of her best qualities is that she is brave. She faces sharks, storms, forbidden places/people, and willing to go out of her comfort zone for what she wants.

If she were a simple mermaid, she would just sing at the court concerts and settle down with a nice mer-man which is what was expected by everyone.

Instead she has her own independent interests. It's not like she fell in love with Eric and then all of the sudden wanted to be human. She had a life-long fascination with the human world, and Eric just fit in with that.

Sure she is 16 and makes impetuous decisions with hard consequences. But she is more interesting than if she were a picture perfect role model. Snow White is kind of a snooze.


As a father of a little girl I can tell you, they love all princesses.



She kept her legs crossed after getting them, I guess.


Her adventurous, rebellious nature is appealing to young girls. A lot of girls can identify with a girl who doesn't do what she's told. Others like her because she's pretty, she's a fun character, and eventually gets her man. Some like her simply because she's a redhead.
