
Good day.

I recently was recommended this film by a fellow member of my church. She claimed that it was a great movie for children; which I have 3. First of all, let me tell you that I am STRONGLY Christian and am raising my children to have very strong Christian values and belief in our God. The animation looked cute but the cover struck me as odd because it showed a cute girl flying on a broomstick. I naively ignored this and put the video into the VCR for my children and me to watch; I regret this DEARLY. The film started and she claimed she was leaving to be a witch. I was so shocked when that infernal feline started talking, that I IMMEDIATELY unplugged the television and told my children to go to bed and pray to God for forgiveness. Witchcraft is a disgusting tool of the devil and in this case is even more disgusting for being hidden in a supposed children's film. Do not allow your children to watch this; as it is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Margaret Fisher.


If it's genuine, this is very very sad and pathetic. Yes there are witches in the world, even today. whether any of it actually works is another thing. But there are indeed black witches who worship the devil. And there are white witches who practise spells for healing and good fortune- NOTHING to do with the devil. And this CARTOON has nothing to do with the devil! Even if this post was a troll, there are unfortunately people out there who have this opinion, and it's sad their kids will grow up with such parents restricting and hiding them away from anything other than their God.
This movie is innocent good family entertainment, and it's an absolute classic!


If this is genuine (and I sincerely hope not), then I'm going to say this as politely as I can: This is the 21st Century, not the Dark Ages.


i'm more shocked by you having to watch this with a VCR in 2011. lord have mercy


"I IMMEDIATELY unplugged the television and told my children to go to bed and pray to God for forgiveness."

You did the right thing, the unplugging part let your made up god know how serious you were.

The children's souls will be safe.

Their minds however are in grave danger!

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


You did the right thing! If you would have let the movie play, your cows might have started giving sour milk and your crops might have gotten the blight! Disaster averted. Now the only thing left to do is to find the makers of this movie and burn them alive.




Now we know why God has sent another plague!


This is a work of FICTION.


A troll with a sense of humour - well done!


It was nice.
