Favorite moment

Ok, UHF fans, let's get this party rolling. We all know that UHF is the best and funniest movie ever made, but what is it that makes it so funny? Post your favorite moment, one that adds to the comic gold of this classic.


Box, I'll take the box
What's in the box...Nothing, absolutely nothing, stupid you so stupid!!!

and also Filo the deleted scene where he tells how to make plutonium out of common household items, an eggbeater, a car battery and a bowl of Jello. My favorite movie ever


"Badgers!? Badgers!? We don't need no stinking badgers!!!"


Oh man, I can't name all of them, here are a few... Just call me Mr. Butterfingers. Today, we're teachin poodles how to fly. and the rambo part.

Rocky Balboa < Favorite movie
Spider Man 3 < Gonna be second fav


Two words:

"MY MOP!" Followed by inspirational church-organs.


the rambo scene was one of the funniest things ive ever seen in my life


"Who is this guy"
"I'm your worst nightmare"
The gun goes to his head and in a normal, not so Ramboey voice
"Look, I think this is all just a big misunderstanding"

And the Spatula City President
" I love their spatulas so much....i bought the company" with the instant cut away to the upbeat Spatula City echoes.




Just the look of Al's face when he goes, "Redrummm."



He's a one man wrecking crew... but he also knows how to PARTY! "one steak, medium rare"

Don't you know the Dewey decimal system?

Lesbian Nazi hookers, abducted by space aliens and forced into weight loss programs, all this week on Town Talk!

A-ha! Road Maps!

Well call me Mr. Butterfingers...

Guns don't kill people... I do!


Okay. Now I'm thinkin of somethin blue. somethin bluoooooooooooOOOOOooooooo...

I love how upset George gets during the second Uncle Nutsy.

Okay. Right now I'd like to show you one of my favorite cartoons. It's a sad, depressing story about a pathetic coyote who spends every waking moment of his life in the futile pursuit of a sadistic roadrunner who MOCKS him and LAUGHS at him as he's repeatedly CRUSHED and MAIMED! Hope you ENJOY IT!!



Gee, I'd say,... THE WHOLE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!

Zim: "Why was there BACON IN THE SOAP??!!


I love the outtake with Stanley, when he's in the back during the telethon commercial, and there's a knock at the door.

Stanley: "Who is it?"
Thug: "Pizza."
Stanley: "...pizza who?"

Love it!


Yeah! The whole depressed Unlce Nutzy scene made me laugh so hard! Conan the Librarian was also hilarious. As was Town Talk and any time Al goes on a screaming rant like on the phone message. And no one said that laboratory guy going back to his Home Planet.



Who Is Driving?! Oh No! Bear! Bear Is Driving! How Can That Be??!!


'Yes, yes, it's all true, I just don't know what's wrong with MEEEEEEE!...................so what's for dinner?'


I like The Kipper Kids ( the guys with long chins), they were funny.

If faced with certain death, die laughing.


Want some peanuts?

"I'm not here to talk about what I think about you." - A.D. Skinner


Ghandi II is one of the most perfectly done comic sketches ever. The person lampooned, the kicky 70s music, the voiceover...truly hilarious. Plus, "Don't move.....z-lime-bowl". Gut-buster. "This is one bad mutha" and Ghandi taunting the thugs in the alley. Plus "Hey, baldy!" and firing the title onto the screen.

And an honorary mention to "This community means about as much to me, as a festering ball of dog snot!!"



Definitely the Rambo scene. I laugh every time.

You are now breathing manually.



5) "And what better way to say 'I love you' than with the gift of a spatula?"
4) Early's face thing he does when Al says "Tablesaw"
3) The Wheel of Fish
3) "And take that ridiculous thing off!" (guy takes off mustache instead of feathered cowboy hat)
