Favorite moment

Ok, UHF fans, let's get this party rolling. We all know that UHF is the best and funniest movie ever made, but what is it that makes it so funny? Post your favorite moment, one that adds to the comic gold of this classic.


Stanley's speech during his first show, and the fact that the people in the bar were so inspired by it.

Conan the Librarian slicing open the kid who turned in a late book.

Raul's Wild Animal Kingdom.

Spatula City

The Rambo parody.

Take that ridiculous thing off at once!

Man, this post really jumped the shark toward the end...


I find it hilarious when Stanley pokes his head through the model train town, startled by the mini explosions around him, his face is priceless.

"Food is your fuel" - Cal Ripken Jr.


Has to be the scene "Conan The Librarian".... Don't you know the dewey decimal system (Arnold voice) lol


Kuni had these few lines that made fun of his being Asian that I think slip through the cracks. Like his first line..."HIYA, George". Karate joke, (hi-yah). And opening the SUPPLIES closet & all the karate guys say "surprise", and ha ha, it cracks me up just thinking about it. Ah, that's good old-fashioned racism right there, but it's hard not to laugh!


Oh wow! So many to choose.

The Gandhi 2 scene always gets me.
Raul's Wild Kingdom! Especially the poodles.
Any scene with Kuni. "Supplies!" or "Stupid! You are so stupid!"



There are too many to list, but the one that always gets me is when Stanley is giving his inspirational speech:

...you gotta, you gotta stand right up... you gotta run to a window and say "HEY... these floors are dirty as hell, and I'm not gonna take it any more!"

LOVE that scene


"No more Mr. Passive Resistance" - awesome


When YANKovich says - "YANK" in his kitchen near the beginning.


I just went through every post in this entire thread, with my face in permasmile. Looooove this movie!

My personal favorite scenes are all of Raul's. But one scene I loved that hasn't been mentioned:

- When Stanley is first abducted, he is talking about pizza with the sack over his head. His abductors talk about whether they should kill him. And then he finally realizes..."Hey, wait a minute! You guys aren't from the pizza place!"


This film here is hilarious and there is so many good parts in this movie it is hard to name just one. I love it when the secretary played by Fran Dreschel calls up RJ at the competitors other station complaining about how one of his reporters made a sexist remark to her and RJ says I will take care of that and as soon as he goes to hang up the phone he makes a comment to her that is pretty bad. LOL Hilarious!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans! http://usaupallnight.webs.com


The part in Raoul's Wild Kingdom where he is talking about ants.

"They really hate it when you do this." (Shakes ant farm.) "Oh look, they're really mad now!"

And "Timmy get's to drink from the firehose!"


Yeah that is funny to watch that scene all right!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans! http://usaupallnight.webs.com
