Favorite moment

Ok, UHF fans, let's get this party rolling. We all know that UHF is the best and funniest movie ever made, but what is it that makes it so funny? Post your favorite moment, one that adds to the comic gold of this classic.


It's hard to choose just one but if I had to it'd be one of these:

-Joe Early the shop teacher
-Raul's Wild Kingdom
-Stanley, You get to drink from the FIREHOSE!!
-The whole episode of Stanley's capture and rescue.
-Wheel of Fish


Conan the Librarian


The board with all the shows in their lineup. The one show says "Beastiality Today."


"Ah home-sweet-hell."
Al Bundy


Bobbo the clown! From the time he was ticked from being hit in the face..until he ran out tying not to get sick...I was in stiches. I used to rewind and watch that scene over and over agian and would eventually tire myself out so Id go to sleep more easily.

"How's the steak?" "It was poisoned (argh)...and a little rare" (collapses).


Although I was a huge Weird Al fan (& never heard of Michael Richards) most of MR's lines are classics. Among some of the greatest:

Hey wait a minute, you guys arent from the pizza place! (after kidnapped, driving away, and discussing pizza toppings for like 10 minutes)

Yeah that was fun ... wait a minute... do I still get to be the janitor? (wants to keep his job after on tv first time)

Uh no (after George asks him if he has the money to save the station Stanley pulls out his wallet & counts)

These floors are as dirty as hell speech


When the audience kid unexpectedly spits into Wierd Al's face.

Keith Moon was the greatest 'Keith Moon Style' drummer ever!!


The Rambo parody.



Funniest joke ever.

Mirror inspector is a job I could really see myself doing.


If I only have to pick one or two I would have to go with:

1. Spatula City Commercial....All of it, the jingle, the acting, the idea

"Hi, I'm Sy Greenbloom president of Spatula City. I love their spatulas so much.. I bought the company." (All monologue is monotone)

2. Town Talk Commercial (Not the Emo Phillips segment)

"Lesbian Nazi Hookers..Abducted by UFO's and forced into weight loss programs, all this week on Town Talk." -George Newman


- Spatula City, we sell spatulas. And that's all!

- When Weird Al/Indiana Jones' Indian friend gets crushed by a train in the jungle

- Gandhi II! (I thought it was great when he banged that guys head on the car over and over)

- Rahul's animal kingdom, especially with the ants. "And, oh yeah, they hate it when you do this." 'Shake-shake-shake' "Oh look, they're really mad now."

- Rambo scene, especially the villains reaction when his helicopter was about to get blown up. Priceless!


My favorites:

"What's the matter, George?"
"You don't wanna know, Stanley."
"I don't? Then why'd I ask?"

The blind guy doing Rubik's cube -
"Is this it?"
"Is this it?"

And when the phones light up after Stanley's first TV appearance -
"No ma'am, I don't think he's married. I THINK he went to Harvard!"
