MovieChat Forums > UHF (1989) Discussion > First Richards, then Jackson

First Richards, then Jackson

Who will be the next person who starred in this movie to start spewing hate?

Poor Al. :(


I was wondering the same thing.

How I rate movies: 5 stars=F,6 stars=D,7 stars=C,8 stars=B,9 stars=A.1-4 stars are very bad.



Your replying to the wrong person.

How I rate movies: 5 stars=F,6 stars=D,7 stars=C,8 stars=B,9 stars=A.1-4 stars are very bad.


I see your parents have been letting you watch Glenn Beck. Go tell your ignorant tripe to somebody else you dirty Repiglican.

To the world you may just be somebody, but to somebody you may just be the world.


As expected, we see name-calling and insults from the hypocrites who accuse others of hate.


That statement, while hateful and uncalled for, wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Calling somebody a punk because you don't agree with their fiscal policies and saying that they're ruining this country isn't exactly flattering, why don't you jump down his throat too? You're the only hypocrite I see, Jack!

To the world you may just be somebody, but to somebody you may just be the world.


That's the dumbest thing I've read. It's hardly hate to call someone on the fact that they are spewing hate...even if you have to use some harsh words to do it. And it's not hate to call Republicans on the fact that they are uncaring, selfish, pigs. Not hate, just accuracy.


Nice tolerant name calling, leftist.

"They sucked his brains out!"


That's a hell of a leap. You're on the wrong message board.


I've been expecting Gedde Watanabe to give himself athlete's tongue. So far I've been pleasantly disappointed.


I can forgive Michael's racist rant, (as uncalled for as it was) because I genuinely believe he just really blew up his temper in the moment, realized he was wrong, and I'm sure that's not the way he normally is. It seems to have died down in recent years, and it doesn't take away from my enjoyment of UHF, Seinfeld, or other things he's been in that I grew up on, like Problem Child.

Victoria on the other hand, is harder to overlook because a crazy Teabagger seems to be her usual self now! Going on Faux News and complaining about gay kids on Glee and basically using the Bible and Christianity as a reason to inferiorize gays or anyone else she personally doesn't like... and being just really mean-spirited, close-minded, and hateful while doing it too!

When I saw that last year, the crush I had on her when I was 10-12ish (from this movie and SNL) went out the window faster than you can snap a finger. Considering that she always played really sweet/cute girl next door types, she's totally not somebody you would've expected it from. Her extremist views run counter to what you expect from the entertainment industry. Even the select few of them who are conservatives, are probably more moderate conservatives.

I'm not sure if she always has been this way (and maybe just didn't express it as much back in the day, when she was a bigger star, for fear it could hurt her career), or if she's gotten more right-wing hateful in recent years.... but she's so much more dislikable as a human being now because of that.



LOL..everyone does. Its only a question of who can hide it better. Except Al... the man is really good-hearted and genuine and keeps his life in perspective. But we all get angry. It is just that most of us arent heard or are so unknown, it doesnt make the news.

"How's the steak?" "It was poisoned (argh)...and a little rare" (collapses).


Richards was forgettable. Jackson is a full blown bigot.


Jackson who?


I know about Michael Richards and the n-word; but what "hate" sppech is Victoria Jackson supposed to spewed? I mean, is it real hate speech, like the n-word? Or "hate speech" as defined by "liberals" (and by "liberals" I mean "tax-happy, coercion-addicted State-fellators")? That is, "hate"="anything opposed to the Hive"? (The Orwellian subtext being "Hate="Anti-Statism" because "The State=Love.")


Michael Richards didn't do anything wrong

he was being heckled, and he heckled them back

they shouldn't have started *beep* if they couldn't handle the retaliation


The same thing goes for him. For stand up comedians, hecklers are part of the package. Yes, they're annoying, but a good comedian knows how to skate around them. Obviously he's not one.

The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated.
