MovieChat Forums > UHF (1989) Discussion > First Richards, then Jackson

First Richards, then Jackson

Who will be the next person who starred in this movie to start spewing hate?

Poor Al. :(


Who will be the next limp wristed overly politically correct doogooder to start spewing cow manure?
Agree with whoever said 'Kramer' just heckled back, the chick? Victoria is it? Good on her, freedom of speech and all that. I have no problems with gays, but Glee (and especially as it is aimed at kids) is a bit too over the top with shoving the whole gay agenda down peoples throats.

Grow a back bone morons and start reciprocating that whole tolerance and peoples rights bollocks you spew at everyone.

Just look at the double standards, calling people breeders these day is fine, 'white face' is acceptable. Yet we do not see Straight Caucasians running through the street crying foul on every little injustice.

Seriously everyone has a card they can play, I'm rather tall, people point it out all the time and make comments or call me names based on that, can I cry 'haters' and get some special rights and privileges? Maybe some free money, a get out of gaol free card, scholarships for my kids......

IF you got freckles, brown eyes, are fat, short, black, asian, walk with a limp, have a speech impediment, someone you piss off will take it and use it to hurt you. It's not hate, it's just called being humans. We all do it, male female, black white, straight, gay, Christian or Jew. If you say you never have you're full of crap.

Now piss off and talk about movies and save your Political Correctness and sob stories for your facebook wall.
These kinds of posts have no relevance to the films whose boards they appear on and they should be removed and the posters permanently banned.

imdb, once for discussing movies, now a facebook substitute. Off topic and all drama.


Hilarious! That's the whole mentality that says, "It's OK that kids bully other kids at school. It toughens them up." And yes, doomedmarine, White people have it so hard. You're right. Always being called "white face." (???) You're also right that minorities always have it so easy: getting their Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Cards and getting free scholarships. Life is made for them. (Can I put most that paragraph in Sarcasm font?)

And "Glee" is shoving the gay agenda down people's throats? No, it's called portraying gay characters on television--something you seem threatened by. It's also funny that you say that you "have no problems with gays," yet you start you post off of "Who will be the next limp wristed...?" And to even suggest that there is a "gay agenda" is ridiculous.

And being human is using what identity people have and using that as a weapon? What a misanthropic and xenophobic way of viewing life. That's one of the most dehumanizing definitions of being human that I've ever heard. You seem like a very bitter person.

doomedmarine? You sound more like Ann Coulter. (Or Victoria Jackson for that matter.)



Ha, dude relax! I'm just trying to make a point that I think it's a pretty dismal view of the world to accept that throwing out racial epithets and putting down a whole cultural group is an OK thing--that we just need to "buck up" and throw bigoted comments back. I'm White, but that does not mean I'm OK with calling someone "white face" (which I completely believe is a derogatory term--I've just never heard of it). I don't think living in a world in which we accept bullying as a tactic to sift out the "weak" in a survival-of-the-fittest mentality is OK. Yelling the loudest or saying the meanest things possible is no way to sort out problems.

I was not saying that White people don't have problems or live in poverty or experience racism. But I also believe that it is impossible to completely experience prejudice in the same way as a part of the majority.

Yes, the world of "Glee" is ridiculous. And yes, too many shows still portray gay characters extremely stereotypically--including "Glee," "Modern Family," "Will & Grace," etc. What's offensive is not that these gay characters exist, but that there is a lack of gay characters who aren't limp-wristed, talking with a lisp, etc. And I completely agree with you that shows like "Glee" are ridiculously PC.

And just because those are words you don't know, doesn't mean I had to look them up; believe it or not, those are words I know. It's not called using a thesaurus; it's called using English. And I used the word xenophobic instead of homophobic because I was talking more generally about prejudice and fear of the unknown. And I have no problem admitting what I don't know: I have no clue who Derryn Hinch is. What's your point? Good job on purposely stating an obscure reference just to "one up" me. Looks like you got me there!

Criticizing the "pretentious" words I used and trying your hardest to insult me is hardly "dissecting" my post. To me it looks like going on the defensive and throwing out insults. It did make me smile, though.


(Can I put most that paragraph in Sarcasm font?)

Hypocritical as***le font would be better.


Get lost, commie.
"They sucked his brains out!"


Roger that.

"They sucked his brains out"


Beautiful, not to mention there is a board here on IMDB specifically for politics.



The Social Justice Workers need new diapers.


So, to you, truth is hate?
"They sucked his brains out!"


How about the guy that wrote 'Those Darn Homos'.

Oh wait.....opps.
