
My girlfriend and I saw "UHF" in 1984 in a theater in Chattanooga TN. I know this to be true because we were still dating then and were looking for something to do on a Sunday afternoon. I suppose this must've been an early version of the film. I know I'm not crazy! Did anyone else see the movie before 1989?!


Nope, you, my friend, are absolutely 100% bonkers nutso crazy.



Nope. In fact, the reason it did so bad, as commented in his VH1 Behind the Music, the movie came out during one of the "biggest block buster summers ever", which included Batman, Lethal Weapon, and a few others.


People just didn't appreciate this movie in 1989. I think a lot of people thought "Oh Weird Al is getting his own movie" and were skepticle. Then the reviews were not good and that along with competition probably killed it at the box office. UHF has really become quite the cult classic in the last almost 20 years though. Becoming very successful on Video, DVD and on television. People really appreciate it much more now.



Is that like some kind of pervertic skeptic?

A skeptic that hangs from the ceiling and falls when it melts in the spring?

A cubicle customized to house skeptics?

A skeptics who are very ticklish?


I'm pretty sure it was Lethal Weapon 2 that came out that summer. Also Batman (as you said,) Indy 3, and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids all came out within like 3 weeks' time. UHF didn't stand a chance.


I saw the movie in 1984 too!! it was a double feature along with "the matrix"


Yep, I could have sworn I saw it as a double feature with "Jaws," actually. Okay, I guess the joke is old after one time.

"Men go crazy in congregations; they only get better one by one." ~Sting


Yep, I could have sworn I saw it as a double feature with "Jaws," actually. Okay, I guess the joke is old after one time.

Actually yours doesn't work in this aspect. Considering we are claiming a movie came out before it was actually released, JAWS has already been out for years in 1984. Thus making your "joke" rather lame.

If you had mentioned a film that came out after 1984, then the joke would have worked. ;)

Man, I have way too much time on my hands eh?

"Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends."


Maybe he meant Jaws CAME OUT in 1984.


Who cares? Let's drink!!!

"Caveman" spelled backwards is "'Nam evac"... Coincidence? I don't think so


No, Jaws came out in 1975.


In your comment, you said that you saw "UHF" as a double feature with "The Matrix". But I don't see how this is possible, since "The Matrix" was not released until 1999, 10 years after "UHF" was actually released.


Its a joke, based on the fact that UHF wasnt made until years after this person claims to have seen it.

We can't stop here! This is Bat-country!




heh heh heh


What's in the box ? Nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. STUPID. YOU'RE SO STUPID !!!

I said various lines from this movie (including the Wheel Of Fish line) for a decade after I watched the movie, heh. This movie is amazing, and still doesn't look out-of-date when I rewatched it last year.


Wow. Nothing gets past you, huh?

"That woman deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die." - Budd (Kill Bill, Vol. 2)


My dad swears up and down he saw it in the early 80s. I'm guessing it had some kind of limited release in the early 80s. And if you really believe it came out in 1989, then take a good look at Micheal Richards. Tell me isn't so much younger.


On the DVD Al says the first draft of the script was written in 1986. And shooting began in July of 1988.
He also mentions the first public screening was only a week before wide release in 1989. Anyone who saw it prior to then would have been part of a test audience, and even then it wouldn't have been before 1988.


I moved to Florida in 1987 and saw UHF in Chattanooga LONG before I moved to Florida. My wife (then girlfriend) and I were the only two people in the theater. We laughed uncontrollably at the "Money for Nothing" computer animation segment with the squared-headed Jed Clampett.
I loved the jokes about my apparent delusion, but I'm right.


Maybe you had stepped into the Twilight Zone.

Seriously, there is NO WAY you could have seen it in 1984. Maybe you're getting your years mixed up or something.

We got movie sign!



sorry dude, there is no possible way you could have seen the movie before 1987, as the production dates are July 18, 1988 to september of 88. The only way you could have seen it is if someone had invented a time machine (which won't be inveted for another 6 years) and went back to 1989 when the film was released, then they took it back to 1984, before it was even made. But once he accomplished that, he would have destroyed his reason for going back in time, ergo, everything he did would not have happened. therefore, you could not have seen this movie "LONG before I moved to Florida in 1987"

Revenge is a dish best served cold!


hehe that's funny!
I'm saddened by the fact there will never be any time machines invented. If they ever were invented, there would be people visiting us now and saying "I'm from the future" wouldn't they? And they'd make lots of cash on betting, etc. Unless they ALL choose to visit more exciting times, like the '60's, when everyone was too stoned to notice any time travellers :-)


I distinctly remember watching this movie in the theater with a couple of friends as we were all big Weird Al fans. What really sticks out in my mind was that our parents allowed us to see the movie without their supervision on opening night... We had just finished 6th grade and were moving on to junior high and they figured we were mature enough to be by ourselves. That was the summer of 89, so if anything I'm certain the showing we went to was billed as the movie premiere and it was absolutely in the summer of 89, although the exact date escapes me.


I'm sorry, but there is NO possible way you could have seen this movie in 1984. First of all, the movie began filming in July 1988. Second of all, Trinidad Silva (who plays Raul Hernandez) died on July 31, 1988 while making this movie. Third, before the deleted scenes (DVD extra), Weird Al Yankovic says UHF came out 13 years ago (the DVD came out in 2002, so he meant 1989). Fourth, and final, the movie is dated 1989 on the end credits.

So, with that, your post is wrong.


And "Money For Nothing" is from 1987.


Plus, why would they lie about the release date? There would be soemthing on the internet about it too. I didn't do the search right now, but I have searched for UHF on the internet before.


"Money for Nothing" was actually released in 1985. But you're still right about the movie's release date (1989).


Also, "Rambo III", the Sylvester Stallone movie that Weird Al makes fun of, is from 1988.



Actually nobody mentioned Purple Rain, just Batman and Lethal Weapon.

Round up the usual suspects ... 'specially that damn Kevin Spacey


I believe your friend who mentioned that "weird al blamed the films failure on 'coming out the same weekend as purple rain'," has got it wrong. Al did make a comment about UHF relating to Purple Rain, which was shown during the VH1 Behind the Music special on Weird Al. Not sure when he made the comment but I would assume it was around the time this was released. What Al said was the following (not an exact quote, as I can't recall how he started the sentence, but the punchline is the same):
"It's sort of like Purple Rain, except that its intentionally funny."


According to this site, UHF was filmed in 1988.


Is it possible that you are mistaking UHF with The Compleat Al, a spoof of The Compleat Beatles?

Maybe so...



Yeah, it was probably the Complete Al or some other comedy. Possibly with a similiar plot or something and you're getting your movies mixed up.

That or you're getting your dates mixed up.


Another possibility is the Mandela Effect.

Stranger things have happened; I was also surprised to know this was made in 1989, when it looks and feels something much earlier, plus I vaguely remember seeing it earlier than that.


"Azechiel", I hope you have by now, after fourteen years, learned how to spell "Complete" correctly.

Hint, it's not "compleat".

I would've let it slide, had you not typed it TWICE. But typing it even once is not a typo, since you can't construct the word 'complete' from the letters included in the non-word 'compleat'.
