
My girlfriend and I saw "UHF" in 1984 in a theater in Chattanooga TN. I know this to be true because we were still dating then and were looking for something to do on a Sunday afternoon. I suppose this must've been an early version of the film. I know I'm not crazy! Did anyone else see the movie before 1989?!


I don't know if anybody will ever read this reply, but in 1984, a Danny DeVito movie called The Ratings Game was released. It has a lot of similarities to UHF, including fake promos and a kidnapping.



I saw it in 82 with JFK and MLK.

"I'm not here to talk about what I think about you." - A.D. Skinner


It was made in 1988 and released in 1989 for damn certain, 1989 summertime release, everybody said that the floor was to be mopped with UHF by big budget movies during that time, but I think I'd pick UHF over any of those big budget Steven Speilberg turds. I love UHF, I gave it a 10/10. Anyway, someone was trying to tell me that Nightmare on Elm street was released in 1983, no f-ing way! When I was 10 years old in 1998, even then I knew Nightmare on Elm Street was released in 1984, some one argued that they ( Wes Craven and his team) couldn't have made 2 movies ( Nightmare on Elm Street 1 and 2) back to back in 1984 and 1985, becuase of the stress of filmmaking, but they were wrong. I love your guys' smartass comments!


I saw this on pay TV before any 1989!


Yeah so did I. Saw it sometime pre-summer of 1988 on PPV. I know this to be certain because my family moved to an area that didn't have PPV cable in July of 1988.


by - Sanpaco13 on Mon Jan 7 2008 23:03:03
I saw it in 82 with JFK and MLK.

I think I saw you there...
You guys were two rows ahead of me.

I was there with Adolf and Elvis...

Because the world is rushing toward entropy. What's your excuse?



His one and only post on IMDb.

"If I heard 'Silent Night' one more time I was going to start taking hostages." - D.S.


Cocaine is a helluva drug.


Man I first saw this movie in like 98, it is so funny, if you are into the Monty Python esque comedy (it is just so dumb it works, although Monty Python is too good to be surpassed by anything I have seen in my 17 years of life). Best line "Kuni: You took the box? Let's see what's in the box!
[Hiro-san opens the box; the audience gasps. There is a silence]
Kuni: Nothing! Absolutely nothing! STUPID! You're so STU-PIIIIIIIIIIID!"

If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.


You might have seen "Welcome to the Fun Zone" in June of 84. It was a parody/skit show with Weird Al and Victoria Jackson (also John Candy). It was however, a TV pilot, not a movie. Perhaps the Weird Al/ Victoria Jackson combo is throwing off your memory.


Not a chance.

I first saw this in 1890, one year before The Edison Company successfully created the Kinetoscope.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


You're not crazy like everyone here seems to think (stupid idiots). Chattanooga TN is known for showing films that'll be made. I swung through there last week to watch Superman vs. Batman (that's the official title apparently) and it was pretty good. Ben Affleck surprised us all in that gay scene where he takes it up the ass by James Franco. Gay love scene = instant credibility as a serious art film.



First response is great
