MovieChat Forums > Get a Life (1990) Discussion > What Are Your Favorite 'Get A Life' Epis...

What Are Your Favorite 'Get A Life' Episodes?

My all-time favorite has to be the one where there's a toxic waste leak and chris gets smarter and goes to spelling bee contests. Other ones i really thought were funny are the episode with spewey the alien and the one where he builds a submarine in his bathtub (the part where he does the "jaws" line about the shark's eyes is hilarious). Let me know which ones everyone else really liked.


Definitely the submarine episode...or the one where he goes to the Big City and the guy gives him a "mickey".

" tastes like rootbeer. Only mediciney!"



S.P.E.W.E.Y (Special Person Entering our World Egg Yolks).


Hands down my favorite episode is the one where Chris finally gets the submarine he ordered from the back of a comic book 20 years after he ordered it. Him and his Dad decide to have some "family time." So they build it together in the bathroom shower, only to get stuck and eventually fall through the floor.

Classic material.


The submarine episode, "Neptune 2000".

Fred: Have you given this death trap a name yet?
Chris: Yes, yes, Tony. Well don't you get it? Tony, as in Tony the Tiger? Because there's no sub-stitute for breakfast?
Fred: I thought I was hammered.


Chris is a genius when it comes to comedy.


Is "prettiest day of my life" the "Handsome Boy Modeling School" episode? If not, I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned. Sparkles!


the tonsilitis show.

Chris has pain in his mouth. Talks with Gus.

GUS -- Naw I've seen it a hundred times. What you got is a plain 'ol simple,
run-of-the-mill soar throat.
CHRIS -- Oh kay. (clutches his throat!) A soar throat!!



CHRIS -- Good morning Dr. Kramer
KRAMER -- Mr. Peterson, it's very unusual to take an ambulance for a simple
CHRIS -- I take ambulances everywhere. I find them much more courteous and
quicker than taxi cabs. Also their telephone number is easier to memorize,
it's just 911.




Hi, I'm from Spain, we had Get a Life on TV too and I remember it as one of the best series I've seen ever. I could choose a lot of hilariuos episodes (Spewey, the Ruffians, the watch, the time travel...) but I choose the episode when Chris is a escort (not many people have chosen it) Simply great! Cojonudo!!.
PS: Doyle Murray is just perfect as Gus



one of my favorites is when chris wins martin mull in a contest, funny stuff.


I think it was when he went to male modeling school, that was great "Sparkles Peterson"!! I also loved it when he got a job as an escort, who could resist "free plays"!! then there were "zoo animals on wheels", when he went to get a part at the local theater. So many great episodees, I miss them all, they all were great!!


My favorite is the one with the ruffians.

"Awwwh. Clowny-Puss got broken... Well, looks like i have an evening of gluing ahead of me."

"Come on in snake, mommy's just putting on her panty-hose"


The episode where Chris and Sharon start making out when they are locked in a meat locker. Sexual tension at its best.


