MovieChat Forums > Predator 2 (1990) Discussion > Would the predator have killed the kid i...

Would the predator have killed the kid if he had a real gun



yes, because that would have made the kid a threat to the Predator.


I highly doubt the predator would have killed the kid if the gun had been real, unless the kid fired it at him, even then very unlikely. Predators want worthy prey, and even with a gun the kid would not be a threat, unless he fired it at him. The predator did not kill an armed female who was trained and dangerous to him, due to her being pregnant. Therefore, in the predator's mind, killing the kid would have been dishonorable, even if armed. Even if the kid shot at him, I believe the predator would have just withdrew, rather than potentially dishonoring himself among his clan with a dishonorable kill.


Right on the money.

It would be like a hunter killing Tigers to prove himself and killing the cubs too just because they also have claws and teeth. A kid isn't a worthy adversary to a predator no matter how big a gun he's holding. Now if he had used it against him that's another story. If you've watched AvP (yes I know, shouldn't put much trust in those movies canon) the predator there doesn't kill Wayland when he sees he's sick, then he attacks the predator because he turned his back on him and is pretty much instantly killed.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.


Yes. He wouldn't care. He's a hunter and a killer. If the kid had a real gun I think he would.



this 'Predator only hunts worthy prey' stuff is boll@x, he kills people from behind that aren't looking just because they are armed.



Depends on the circumstances. It's considered bad manners to kill a young/ elderly person according to the Pred's code of honour. But if he had an actual weapon it's debatable whether the City Hunter would really kill him. The Preds generally think that whoever is armed is fair game, whether or not you know how to use a weapon, the fact that you have one makes you a prime target.


He killed the old woman on the train because she was armed.


yes. if kid have real gun then he be in pred's trophy cabinets.

he spare woman because she is pregnant and hunters spare pregnant game.


First, keep in mind that in 2023 the fanbase is not the same as in 1990, today they're persuaded that the extended universe and the first two movies are the same wich is wrong.

In the first two movies the preds, not yautja, preds, are not honorable, they just spice up their hunt parties by only killing armed people, but they keep an advantage all the way, let's not forget that they kill unaware people, while being invisible, in fact the only times the preds were visible was because the tech was jammed or damaged. They are also sore losers who'd rather nuke a 300 city blocks radius filled with unarmed people rather than just die alone.The Thomas brothers who created them, talked about a redneck sunday hunters mentality.There is a vague sort of honor code, wich made the preds spare Harrigan and Leona, wich is just enough to make them interesting and makes you wonder. The elder spared Harrigan, maybe he's more interested by a rematch later.

And yes, that kid was very close to be snuffed out.


can you please tell where the fuck 'the yautja' come from. who invent this word? i see it all over pred fan fiction. it is dumbest name i ever see for bad ass like predator.


I agree, it sounds feminine and whoever came up with it should have their sack repeatedly bludgeoned.


yes. if the thomas bros did not use this word in any of there scripts or novel, then it should never be mention. some nerdlinger who write fan fiction does not get to use shit word and have it be official. only thing offical in pred universe is jim and john thomas.

fan fiction is no cannon. predator is the name of the species - the predator hunting species. then you have jungle hunter aka "anytime" in predator 1. then you have city hunter aka "pussyface" in predator 2. that is it. there is no yautja. only fantards use this word

and dutch's team are special forces, not mercs. the fantards call them mercs for some reason. dutch and co were conformed as special forces in predator 2, proving that fanboys have no clue about predator.


the guy above said
" the extended universe and the first two movies are the same wich is wrong."

If thats true then everything after the first 2 movies is non canon fan fiction disguised as an "extended universe"


yes exactly fan fictions is wrong it is made by fantard who did not create or write first two goat predators. they are not filmmakers, they do not understand complicated mythos that you need to make legendary film like predator. if it not wrote by jim & john thomas then it is not official.

"the yautja" hahahahahahah. i cannot take this serious:

these nerds must be stopped. read that first part of article. it say dutchs teams were "elite mercenary team". we are told literally in predator 2 that dutchs team were special forces:

they are suppose to be experts in predator but can not follow simple line of dialogues hahahhahaahahah


"today they're persuaded that the extended universe and the first two movies are the same wich is wrong"

Wasn't the pistol that the pred threw to Harrigan a nod to a story in a comic?


Nope, the comic Predator 1718 was released in 1996.


Wow, didn't realise that.


Its a nice comic book, so better than that ridiculous Adolini cameo in Prey.
