the worst nightmare sequel of all

i think this one freddy's dead:the final nightmare was the most stupidest nightmare movie of all the nightmare on elm street movies this,freddy vs jason, as well as the a nightmare on elm street remake was the most dumbest nightmare movies i just hated those favorites was nightmare 3,4,& 7!what do you guys think.


I like them all, but parts 5 and 6 seem to get the worst raps.

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


yes but at least i like nightmare 5 way better than the awful freddy's dead one that sucked period but yeah your right i liked all not the remake though!


I've noticed something, it seems like people who like part 5 hate part 6, and people who like part 6 hate part 5.

I'd have to be more on your side, I've always really liked part 5, I thought it was pretty creepy!

The things I liked about part 6 were the whole going into Freddy's past, seeing him as a child, etc. And I thought the scene with Carlos and Tracie were REALLY disturbing.

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


oh yes the dream child was frightening as hell as frightening as stephen king's it,are you afraid of the dark,& friday the 13th:the series those shot in canada movies/tv series!canadians they sure make there horror movies and tv series'more creepy!but oh well real creepy stuff are very interesting anyways!i love a nightmare on elm street 5:the dream child(1989).


I actually like all of them. Except the remake, that one really sucks...


Freddy's Dead is my least favorite, I like all of them except this one although there are parts I like.

However, I watch it a lot because I'm trying to force myself to like it lol. I'm crazy. But I won't give up until I appreciate it for what it is.

"Cinema is everything to me. I live and breathe films -- I even eat them!"
- Lucio Fulci


I don't know. It's a toss up between 5 or 6 for me.


Yeah I know it's hard to choose I don't like f v j though now that was stupid but it's not too bad though because I saw it in the theatres back in 2003


Honestly I don't think ANY "vs" movie could be truly scary. A vs movie is more about the ACTION than scares.

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


I've always liked it and think part 5 is the worst in the franchise.


Follows my pattern observation perfectly :)

People who dislike part 5 like this one and vice versa, I'm not sure why that is.

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


I can't decide which is worse between this and Part 5 but as bad as they are they're alot better than that awful remake.


No freakin way. The remake is better than any sequel except new nightmare



Wow, another poster on IMDb who thinks they have superior taste because someone has a different opinion that they dont agree with. Movies are subjective and yet so many people cant grasp that. What movies someone likes or dislike is nothing more than OPINION because its highly SUBJECTIVE. So NO, you dont have superior taste to ANYONE.

Haters gonna hate



It is subjective but I agree, give me the original series over the remake anyday.

I DO have the remake but haveonly watched it a total of 2 times I think lol

Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.


Says the troll. Butthurt? Nope, it just baffles me how someone cant grasp the very simple concept of subjectivity and how it pertains to the viewers like/dislike of a certain film. I was going to try and explain what subjectivity means but its obvious you have the mental capacity of a 3rd grader. Congrats! Dont worry, we can still be friends.

I liked the new Total Recall, but the original is by far superior IMO. Never watched the Fog.

Haters gonna hate



Personally, I thought that part 5 was the worst but this one is probably second or third worst.


The worst ones are:

1. New Nightmare

2. Freddy's Revenge


Well, I actually liked it. I thought it was a pretty good "final" episode of a series. Look at Final Friday. Terrible. What was that thing crawling around??? And H20, the Halloween "final episode" was hideous, the last Phantasm was terrible etc.

I always liked Freddy's Dead. Sure it was silly in parts, but it was a fun and cool movie. It had a cool ending and background story.


Yeah, I've always liked all of them too, it's hard to say which is the worst. I used to think #2 was my least favorite, but then I just watched all of em in a row today (yes I had nothing to do, ha) and I really don't know which one is the worst. Freddy's Dead used to be one of my favorites actually, but now I realize it doesn't really add much to the story or characters, because all the sort of interesting back story stuff with Freddy's daughter is with this new girl that we really don't know or care about...

Anyways, I think New Nightmare may actually be my second favorite, next to #1 of course.

The remake was an absolute abomination, and I have a hard time understanding how any fan of the series could even like it. Sure Freddy was actually evil again, but they managed to take every iconic moment from the film and remove any shred of impact from it. Notice how many of the effects in the original still hold up today (particularly the "Freddy in the wall" shot). Now try watching the remake 10 years from now and see how those effects look. They already looked just awful...


Lol, I feel you. Remakes are such the norm, people don't even think anything of them anymore. TCM, FT13th, Halloween, etc are all pretty bad remakes. Not really because they suck but simply because they can't come up with something new worth a damn.


What annoyed me most about FD was the way it felt completely disjointed from the rest of the series, and was chock full of retcons.

Parts 1 and 3-5 all were basically one continuous storyline with its own established rules.

FD starts off saying every kid in Springwood is dead, violating the basic rule of Freddy's operation (unless we're to believe that Alice/Jacob somehow fed every kid in town to him, which even if plausible, wasn't even hinted at).

Then the story continues on with a cast of complete newbies that have no connection whatsoever to the events of the previous films, which takes the punch out of the "finale" idea. Our "heroine" was quite literally pulled out of thin air, with not even so much as a hint to her existence throughout the rest of the series.

Freddy wasn't even dispatched in a cool fashion either, it was just a straight up recycling of Nancy's plan from the first film, one that didn't work at all the first time.

And then there was the dream demons. The less said about them, the better.

FD essentially felt like a parody of the Nightmare series rather than a true sequel, and it probably would be much better received if it was treated as such to begin with.




The film does have silly moments, but I've always liked it
and don't think it's the worst. IMO part 5 is.


I stopped reading when you said Lisa Zane isn't good looking.



freddy vs. jason is an oldschool masterpiece compared to this crap.

This must have been a cemetery for the... Spanish conquistadores!


If I were to rate the films on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, I'd rate them like this.

NOES - 5/5

FR - 4/5

DW - 5/5

DM - 3.5/5

DC - 2/5

FD - 1/5

NN - 5/5

Freddy's Revenge has a bad reputation, but I like it. It's a proper horror film and probably features the most sinister Freddy of them all.

Dream Master was a little too bright and needed a lot more dark night scenes.

Freddy was a little bit of a clown in this one, wearing sunglasses in the beach dream for instance, but it was much more subdued and tolerable compared to the next two films. The film featured some great scenes as well, one of my favorites being Freddy appearing as a reflection in the free weights during the cockroach dream.

Dream Child has too many wisecracks, although it's nothing compared to Freddy's Dead, they needed to tone that down a bit. It needed a higher body count too.

The only thing that can help DC as it is would be to release the unrated cut on DVD already which would make it a lot better.
