MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > One of the top contenders for the worst ...

One of the top contenders for the worst movie ever made!

I have seen quite a lot of movies, but I have not been as shocked at the sheer idiocy of any movie, as much as I was when I saw Braindead. It is a horror-comedy I know, but this movie insults the viewer's intelligence waaaaaaaaaay beyond the tolerable limit. I am fine with cheesy, sarcastic, over-the-top, demented, gory, leave-your-brain-at-home, etc type of movies as well, but what the heck is this? This movie was completely pathetic without even a single point of redemption. Wait...was this even a movie? It was so bad that there is no point debating the merit (or the sheer lack of it) of even a single scene in the entire movie.

For the love of god, I cannot believe the director is Peter Jackson! If I had seen this movie earlier, I would not have ever dared to watch any of the more respectable movies he made later. And 7.5 on IMDB? WOW? Just WOW! I have not seen such a misleading rating for any other movie. This movie makes me feel that there should be negative rating that allows users to rate below zero.


People like the OP are why we can't have nice things.

Seems like every outstanding but "cultish" film has it's share of *beep* knobs who come along and claim it to be "the worst movie ever made". Seriously? 90% of what comes out today, and I'm not trying to be pretentious at all, is *beep* Seriously. All those *beep* "false scare" horror movies that rely heavily on dark lighting, blue color-tone, and muffled booming noises, with a PG rating...*beep* that.

OP claims to like "over-the-top, gory, etc" which is obviously *beep* because this is the KING of over-the-top gory comedies. Not only that, but you have to at least appreciate the sheer amount of skill and talent that went into constructing the elaborate special effects, the models, etc. on such a low budget (because you know nowadays, they'd skip all that in favor of Syfy original movie-quality bad CGI).


*beep* you sKePtOmAnIaC

"I fought your kind in the great war and we kicked the living *beep* out of you"


Dude, you need professional help.


My god you are a joke, delete your acc and never return you moron


I've seen this movie more times than I can remember, it's AWESOME!! Even one of my mates who isn't into watching movies of any kind loves Braindead/Dead Alive, now that's saying something! I've owned this movie on VHS and now DVD, will always be a classic comedy/horror. It's true, nw horror movies are all about how much the director can make you jump or feel uncomfortable, this is pure genius and entertaining for the viewer. Kids today, tut!



You rate obvious films and you basically put everything in the middle. How can I trust your opinion if it looks like you have no opinion at all?


First - thank you. Your review is the only one I needed to read.

And 7.5 on IMDB? WOW? Just WOW! I have not seen such a misleading rating for any other movie.

I see them all the time, man. I don't know what's wrong with people. Severe retardation? Extremely sever retardation?

We are doomed as a race.


I don't really like these types of films so I didn't enjoy it much either. I wanted to watch it though because it is a Peter Jackson film. I don't see the appeal of it. Everything was so over the top it became ridiculous. If that's what he was aiming for, it is indeed perfection.

"By what right does the wolf judge the lion" - Jaime Lannister


I have not seen it but I see it is a horror movie, and from the tile I was wondering if this was about the current administration in the white house. Brain dead makes me think of who is running this country and horror is an apt description of what they have done so far (Horrible) and the word horror has Hore it it and they seem to be doing a lot of whoring of themselves to the highest bidder!


If it was "so bad that there is no point debating the merit (or the sheer lack of it) of even a single scene in the entire movie", why the hell would you start a discussion?
