MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Do you reckon this is better than Shaun ...

Do you reckon this is better than Shaun of the Dead?

I didnt really think much to Shaun of the Dead on the whole, it was just over hyped.
This movie is *beep* awesome, much better deaths than hitting some old guy with snooker cues to "dont stop me now" that wasnt even funny.
if you want out of context music listen to the credits of this or watch the editing sketches from Big Train series 2. nothing funnier than watching a man and his son crying at the grave side to "Rockin all over the world by Status Quo" lol.


I liked Braindead, had some funny moments, but I liked Shaun of the Dead better, laughed much more with SotD than I did with Braindead.

I guess SotD is more my type of movie than Braindead, but the Sumatran rat-monkey IS epic :)


It's hard to pick one over the other. They are both great in different ways.


Shaun of the Dead was terrible! Braindead however was hilarious without relying on ole British humour jokes (and I'm British might I add). Man... the 'divine intervention' scene... *beep* hilarious!


Braindead much MUCH better. Didnt enjoy SOTD.
"I kick ass for the LORD!!" LMFAO!!


I thought Shaun of the Dead was OK. But Dead Alive/Braindead is the most original zombie movie I've seen. Hella gory, crazy, never seen anything like it before or after it.

*The scenes with the baby, lawnmower, priest and crazy transformation of the mom are some of the craziest ever put on film.


Shaun of the Dead is an infinitely better film. In almost every aspect, Shaun of the Dead surpasses this film. While I enjoyed Braindead/Dead Alive quite a bit, I felt that it was nothing more than gore, gore, and more gore. Shaun actually had a plot, which Dead Alive sorely lacks. I love both films, so don't think that I'm hating on Dead Alive, I'm just supporting what I think is obviously the better film.

I don't read the script. The script reads me.



Yeah, Braindead was better, particularly from a directorial stand point. That being said, Shaun of the Dead was quite subtle with its humour, and when you rewatch it you get things you missed the first time round. Really I don't think the two should be compared, and if I were going to compare Braindead to anything, it'd be Evil Dead 2. Which is better out of those two films is a question I'd struggle to answer.


SOTD is more of a horror movie that has comedic elements - similar to Return of the Living Dead. It tries to stick to the NOTLD and DOTD style while adding in comedy that for the most part has nothing to do with the zombies. I would also put Zombieland close to the same category as SOTH and not Dead Alive.



I loved both of them, but I agree with the OP, Braindead is the winner for me.


Both great movies! But Dead Alive (AKA - Braindead) wins by a long shot! It has everything! Comedy, Action, Horror, Gore and even a Kung-Fu Priest and Baby zombie! The Baby blender scene had me crying with laughter!


Well, I agree with most here. Shaun of the dead had some funny moments, but it was an average movie. The direction with all the sudden close ups and loud noises really got on my nerves (although hot fuzz has the same problems but remains a far superior movie nonetheless). The story didn't feel fresh enough, most of the situations having been seen in lots of older horror movies, and worst of all, it felt like the movie constantly switched between a comedy and a drama, and eventually, I had a lot of trouble taking seriously the more dramatic parts toward the end (well, also because they were so cliched).
