MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Do you reckon this is better than Shaun ...

Do you reckon this is better than Shaun of the Dead?

I didnt really think much to Shaun of the Dead on the whole, it was just over hyped.
This movie is *beep* awesome, much better deaths than hitting some old guy with snooker cues to "dont stop me now" that wasnt even funny.
if you want out of context music listen to the credits of this or watch the editing sketches from Big Train series 2. nothing funnier than watching a man and his son crying at the grave side to "Rockin all over the world by Status Quo" lol.


As much as I love Shaun of the Dead, Braindead is easily better.

"It's not a lake, it's an ocean"




Yes. SotD was good and all, but this is on another level.


This movie is way better than "Shaun of the Dead." I haven't enjoyed a comedic horror film so much since that day in 1987 when my neighbor screened his VHS copy of "Evil Dead II" for my edification. Its a shame it took me 19 years to discover this film; I would have enjoyed this even more back in the 90s.

Been making IMDB board posts since the 90s, yet can't bring up any from before December of 2004.


No. I think Shaun of the Dead is the better movie.

By the time the final rampage in Braindead is over, I'm bored to tears. The problem with the flick is that there isn't a single shock in the whole thing. There's certainly a lot of fun gore and lunacy, but it never tries to be scary. I also don't find much of it funny. The amputation gag at the beginning made me laugh, but nothing else really tickled me. I will admit, I prefer verbal humor to slapstick, and I prefer a dialog-driven film to an action-driven one. Overall, Shaun of the Dead just had a lot more to offer a viewer like me.
If there were reason for these miseries,
Then into limits could I bind my woes.


I agree with you Cimmerian Dragon. I wasn't as bored as you, but I was expecting a more zombie-survival horror film that Dead Alive gave me. Don't get me wrong, it was humorous, but it was a bit too "Soap Opera" ish for me. I didn't laugh out loud once during Dead Alive, I did during Shaun of the Dead. The rampage was well done though, and I was JUST getting attached to the @ss-kicking priest and he got killed off!

So for me, it was SOTD. But, to be fair, I prefer the Romero zombie world (Dawn is my favorite) Which may be why I prefer SOTD over Dead Alive.

I love to love my Lisa.



I don't understand how someone would like Dead Alive over Shaun of the Dead.

I mean, I watched Dead Alive solely because it was compared to Bio Zombie and Shaun of the Dead, but ended up with a bunch of painfully over-the-top gore instead of well written characters/dialogue. The style of humor in Dead Alive might be more graphic, but it's also notably more childish. Thought the whole thing was pretty boring, as a result.


Well "Braindead" wasn't meant to be scary. It was meant to be a camp, gross out comedy with a touch of slapstick. The whole tone of the movie is fairly comedic. And for me the scene involving Lionel in the park Selwyn is hysterically funny! I don't think I laughed anywhere quite as near as much in that one scene as what I did with "Shaun of the Dead". Not that "Shaun of the Dead" wasn't a good film. I enjoyed it but I think "Braindead" had more originality and inspired moments of lunacy. The Kung-fu fighting priest (who amusingly enough resembles Father Ted) being a notable one. And it's interesting that some people state that "Shaun of the Dead" rips this off seeing as Simon Pegg(who is a good friend of Peter Jackson)has gone record as citing the film as a one of his influences when making the film.


What an utterly stupid question. Do bears *beep* in the woods?





Not only better, but in a whole different league. SOTD had like 3 kinda funny lines/jokes, but overrall it was very much a down to earth and serious horror movie that submitted itself to the clichés of the genre rather than spoofing, exagerating or making fun of them like Brain Dead.


Yes but both movies kick ass

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb"-Batman 1966


Shaun of the Dead is just as good, you can see where edgar wright got his inspiration from

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