MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Do you reckon this is better than Shaun ...

Do you reckon this is better than Shaun of the Dead?

I didnt really think much to Shaun of the Dead on the whole, it was just over hyped.
This movie is *beep* awesome, much better deaths than hitting some old guy with snooker cues to "dont stop me now" that wasnt even funny.
if you want out of context music listen to the credits of this or watch the editing sketches from Big Train series 2. nothing funnier than watching a man and his son crying at the grave side to "Rockin all over the world by Status Quo" lol.


Shaun of the Dead hands down.



I saw them as being two different movies. Shaun's funny, but also more serious. Dead Alive's more slapstick and gag funny, and even more imaginative. The aspect of Dead Alive seems more fantasy horror, with mutating zombies and entrails that have minds of their own. Shaun was less fantasy.

I love both movies, though. Both are brilliant and hilarious. Dead Alive's gag reaction(really quick reaction) remind me of the Three Stooges.


shaun of the dead is actually my least favorite horror-comedy.


I like this movie a gazillion times more thant SotD, which I don't have the urge to ever see again. This is the only movie that can compete with Evil Dead 2 in the horror slapstick subgenre.


Shaun of the Dead was far more hilarious than Dead Alive. On the other hand, Dead Alive was far gorier. That said, Dead Alive absolutely sucks for the first half of the film. Shaun of the Dead was brilliant from start to finish. For me, Shaun of the Dead is the better film. Dead Alive has excellent special effects and gore for its time, I give it that. But the film was kinda boring IMO.


Shaun of the Dead is a masterpiece. One of the best films ever.

Dead Alive was hilarious and well-made, but not in the same league.


Shaun of the dead is a good movie, but Dead Alive is a great movie. The main reason Dead Alive is better is because it knows what kind of movie it is and stays true to itself throughout.

Shaun of the Dead is good, but it has an identity issue. The intent was to be a send up of/homage to the zombie movie genre. However, they screwed it up slightly and left it with an identity crisis.... Is it comedy, is it drama, is it horror, is it slapstick, is it dark comedy? It has elements of all these things and that leaves it just a little confused and disjointed. It is still a fun and enjoyable movie, but it isn't great.

BTW, Hot Fuzz is an example of the same people doing the same basic thing, a send up/homage, with cop movies, but getting it exactly right and ending up with a fantastic movie. If they had been that spot-on with Shaun of the Dead it would probably be considered the 2nd greatest zombie movie ever made.
