MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Do you reckon this is better than Shaun ...

Do you reckon this is better than Shaun of the Dead?

I didnt really think much to Shaun of the Dead on the whole, it was just over hyped.
This movie is *beep* awesome, much better deaths than hitting some old guy with snooker cues to "dont stop me now" that wasnt even funny.
if you want out of context music listen to the credits of this or watch the editing sketches from Big Train series 2. nothing funnier than watching a man and his son crying at the grave side to "Rockin all over the world by Status Quo" lol.



Waaaaaaay better than Shaun of the Dead.


Braindead is much, much better directed than Shaun of the Dead. The whole production is incredibly stylish and original, with some truly fantastic cinematography ( one scene that comes to mind is when Lionel's lawnmower stops right over the camera lens ).

Shaun of the Dead is a hilarious, and great, film though! But it's nowhere near as good a film as Braindead.

*beep* continuity! Just shoot the goddamn movie!"
- My filmmaking motto.



Shaun Of The Dead is great. The plot is good, the characters are well-written, it's well-acted and even a bit emotional. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are as great as ever.
However, I do in fact LOVE this movie! Great, absurb dark humor, memorable one-liners, pretty damn good acting at times (though some of it is through its cheesiness), but most of all... hilarious unbelievable gore! Damn, I'm not sensitive to blood or even intestines, but some stuff was arguably disgusting! Peter Jackson must have had a helluva lot fun making this movie!
So overall, Shaun Of The Dead is the better story, but Braindead was soooooo much funnier! I was laughing almost every second!
7.6 is still way too low!


I think Shaun is a better movie, however i liked Shaun so our opinions simply may be different.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


braindead is the better cartoon, shaun of the dead is the better live action movie. both are clever, entertaining and funny. no reason to compare the two. In fact I would trace Shaun's roots more back to eighties horror comedies like return of the living dead, night of the creeps or the Joe Dante movies with a healthy dose of romero.


For me Braindead is a much better English speaking "foreign film" (Being not American) than Shaun of the dead is. The dialect is charmful in Braindead, while I tire of the use of the brittish dialect, and the constant quarrelling of details in a stuck up way all the time. That's the whole comedy. I like it to an extent, but it gets too much for me. Shaun of the dead is ok+, saw it once, I don't regret it, while Braindead is more spot on. And more honest, cause the comedy comes of people's genuine stupidity and the absurd situations rather than people exaggerating funny things to say all the time to make points.

Brittish people talk too much and are too stuck up. That being said New Zealand has a lot of Brittish influence, but they're a bit better to relax and are a bit easier to be portrayed as genuinely stupid. I don't know which country that was an insult to.. I'm sure there are a lot of better and funnier brittish movies than new zealandish movies, but this one at least landslides. 28 days later and 28 weeks later are a really good example of good brittish movies. It steals from Hollywood rather than brittish talking-films, and the characters are stupid. and not only stupid, some of them are smart. But silly movies, still. Gory, bloody and genuinely making you happy that you're watching it and not living it,

But it's popcorn material. No, I'm a bit tired of popcorn. Some other candy-material. lol, Candy-material. That's what Keanu West is made of. He raises his voice without real confidence, cause he's made of candy. Sorry for the digress and my ADD-ending there
