MovieChat Forums > Captain Ron (1992) Discussion > Favorite part in move?

Favorite part in move?

Hey everyone, whats your favorite part in this movie? Mine would have to be without a doubt when Martin gets knocked off the boat by the sander!


"you want a beer you go get your own"

best part ever


soccerhockeychick19 5 nice work! lol, i Was cacking myself reading your post!
I love the lines
'Hey Clarese! BABE! Who you waving at... Yeah! Thought so'
'You let a man with a SPIDER on his head give you a tattoo'
'What can I say? the woman had a system!'
'Been to Disneyworld one to many times Captain Ron?' - 'I dont believe Ive ever been to Disneyworld'
'Im into different cultures, like the other day I was watching Mr.Ed on TV and he was talking French or something and I was like, wow, he speaks French, thats so cool'
'Are we going to any Human type places?' - 'You've heard of St Croy?' - 'Yeah!' - 'We're going to the Island just to the left of it' - 'Oh, whats it called?' - 'Teds!'
'Dont blame me, you're the one who got engaged'
'What about Captain Ron, can we talk about him?'
and of course the music in the car when he's in Cuba

I love Kurt Russell in this movie, he has so many funny quotes

Cupid Shot Me In The Ass With a Poison Dart! - Don Vito


When Ron was telling them he never seen better seamen from the m, and then he says "were gonna f Uckin' die


My favorite part is definatley when Ron talks about how he ran into a reef of the coast of Australia.

Mrs. Harvey: The Great Barrier Reef ?

Ron: You've heard of it ? Smart girl



GOrilla, GEUrilla...GO...GUER. HUGE difference kids, HUGE difference!


mine would have to be when they think hes dead he wakes up comes up to the deck grabs the wheel and says "ahh good job boss" hits the throttle and slings it right up to the dock.

"Ive got a stage five clinger"


"on account that I dont like to draw attention to myself" lol
and the eagle tat on the kid heh


My two favorite parts are really hilarious. I love this movie so here goes:

-Martin to Catherine: "I don't think you understand... he's eating my brain!"

-Captain Ron to himself: "naturals by god all of you're naturals...we're gonna *beep* die!!!" -when the pirates are coming back. This one is my favorite. I mean just the way he says it is so hilarious.

This is one of my favorite feel good movies.

-"But at the end of the day we can endure much more than we think we can."


The two old Cuban gents commenting on the 'chase', then laughing...

Cracks me up every time!




When Captain Ron is explaining to Martin why his "broken leg" healed so fast.

"Well boss I've always been a fast healer and of course I beleive in Jesus so that helps."

I die everytime.



I like how they fooled you into thinking that flair gun she fired at the Pirates was that powerful, but than a Coast Guard Cutter showed up.. my dad is in the Coast Guard and I love the sound the siren makes on the ships.



When Captain Ron says "We're gonna fu*kin die!", also the discussion about the pirates is just too good:

Martin- We are not having guns on this boat!
Ben- Dad, we have to be able to fight off the pirates.
Captain Ron- Yeah boss, if we don't ya know they could steal the boat!

Just the way he said that was hillarious.

Also, Craig Rondell's appearance. He played Caroline's fiance, also the reason I decided to rediscover this film again. Strange reason I know, but he's the singer of my favorite band, I thought his part was hysterical, though it was short.


This movie is full of great scenes,most courtesy of Kurt Russell.One that I didn't notice being mentioned was the priceless look of desperate urgency as Capt. Ron tried to coax Ben into a "high stakes" Monopoly game.Cracks me up just thinking about it.


Any scene with Caroline in a bikini.

