MovieChat Forums > Captain Ron (1992) Discussion > Ending makes no sense (SPOILER)

Ending makes no sense (SPOILER)

I like "Captain Ron" alot, but the ending is a bit confusing. So the family decides to stay on the boat...until when? How are they going to get off financially? What about Martin Short's job, let alone his wife's? Aren't the kids still in school? Isn't the 16 year-old daughter engaged?


That's the whole point: the family was trapped--in an apparent huge
credit card debt, daughter engaged to a loser, a careers they apparently
did not like. They found freedom in hard work and the adventure of the
high seas. And Captain Ron was the key to all of the answers they
eventually discovered.


I sort of wondered the same thing myself but then realized, people make that sort of decision all the time. They just decide to make that change and then they do.

As well they could easily head back to Chicago ever so often if they wanted to or just sell the house, furniture and sail around the world or at least the Caribbean and South Pacific for years to come.

I didn't give it too much thought after a few minutes.

LOVE the movie and would love to see a sequel although I have no idea of how they could to it this many years later.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


It's called willing suspension of disbelief. You need it for most movies.

Or if you prefer, they sail around for a few years until the internet's big, then they hit up a port where there's an internet cafe and sell their house on ebay or craigslist.

And as others here have mentioned, people cut ties with the everyday grind all the time. Hell, all my belongings fit into a big backpack and I haven't had a real home since I left my parents' at the end of high school.

El vino did flow -- David Brent, The Office


First off, complaining about realism in a film like this is particularly idiotic.

But aside from that, are you not aware that in the actual world, there are people who have decided they've had enough of the normal game and give it up to do things like live on a boat, traveling around and doing things their own way, on their own time, etc.?


My take on the ending is that it isn't supposed to "make sense". That's the beauty of the way the movie ended. They 'could either sell the boat, go back to Chicago and their normal life...or don't'. They chose the freedom and adventure that comes with sailing the high seas. I love this movie and the decision they make in that scene makes me jealous every time. What a spontaneous life changing decision. I think many of us would LOVE to do something like that, but most of us don't because we have jobs & families & houses & mortgages, etc. to deal with. But wouldn't it be fun and exciting to take that plunge? I think that's the feeling they wanted the audience to have with this ending. Life is too short, if you don't stop to enjoy it every now and then, it'll pass you by.

I almost numchucked you, you don't even realize!


First off...good to see activity on this board again.

And to Mfiskey55, well written post. Our kids are grown & on their own, and this movie reminds us of good times with them when they were little, vacations, "adventures", the spontaneity of life. It's a great family movie, colorful, cheerful & I really like the soundtrack too.


I thought they mentioned that they were going to sail up the coast into the great lakes and dock in Chicago. Or maybe I'm dreaming... after all I am answering an 8 year old thread! lol

"Your wife's on my Wham-O"
