MovieChat Forums > Wuthering Heights (1992) Discussion > Am I the only person who prefers this ve...

Am I the only person who prefers this version...

...Juliette Binoche notwithstanding?

I greatly enjoyed the framing mechanism with Sinead O'Connor, just as I enjoyed the Ryuichi Yakamoto score (which I am still hoping to buy). This is the first version I ever saw that was true to the novel (admittedly I've not seen the 2008 version) but it has been adapted repeatedly and always mauled in the telling.

Juliette Binoche was problematic, but the woman who played Nellie and Ralph Fiennes as Heathcliff were (to me) magnificent. As were the set design and cinematography. For me, Heathcliff needs to carry the story. & Fiennes does; as does Olivier in the abortive '39 version.

This and the latter are the only two I own. Since is this my all time favorite novel, however, I am interested in the opinion of fellow cineastes.


Nice mixture of shots from this movie and some taken from other versions (plus some beautiful illustrations based on the book). Music by PJ Harvey:


this is also my favorite version. i loved ralph fiennes as heathcliff


Agreed! This is, hands down, my favorite version of this film.


I've only seen this one and 2009 version with Tom Hardy

And my favorite is definitely the 1992 version.
Ralph Fiennes was amazing as Heathcliff


I didn't like the 1939 version very much. It was too American, and overly acted.

I haven't seen the 2009 or 2011 version yet, but so far this is my favorite.

I had no idea Ralph Fiennes was capable of being hot. He owned this role, in my opinion. Arrogant and's his thing, haha.



It's my favorite version as well and I've watched many of them: from 1939, 1970, 1992, 1998, 2009 and 2011. Ralph Fiennes is my favorite Heathcliff. About Juliette Binoche... I used to think she was a bad choice for Cathy, especially because of her accent. I still have issues with her accent, but after watching all the other versions, I think she is the closest to Cathy from the book. Many of the other movies tried to sugarcoat her; this was partly done by the script, but also by the choices the actresses made when playing the part. Cathy was a selfish girl and her and Heathcliff deserved each other. She treated him badly as well and I think this was most apparent in this version.

Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from.


Of the 1939 and this version, this version is the best. I enjoyed both leads and own a copy.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world

