MovieChat Forums > Wuthering Heights (1992) Discussion > Am I the only person who prefers this ve...

Am I the only person who prefers this version...

...Juliette Binoche notwithstanding?

I greatly enjoyed the framing mechanism with Sinead O'Connor, just as I enjoyed the Ryuichi Yakamoto score (which I am still hoping to buy). This is the first version I ever saw that was true to the novel (admittedly I've not seen the 2008 version) but it has been adapted repeatedly and always mauled in the telling.

Juliette Binoche was problematic, but the woman who played Nellie and Ralph Fiennes as Heathcliff were (to me) magnificent. As were the set design and cinematography. For me, Heathcliff needs to carry the story. & Fiennes does; as does Olivier in the abortive '39 version.

This and the latter are the only two I own. Since is this my all time favorite novel, however, I am interested in the opinion of fellow cineastes.



I like this version too, but watching it recently I did laugh at the hair. Everyone had mullets and it was a bit distracting, but great acting all around.


Oh noooo! This is my favorite version, guess I'll have to rewatch it again to see if the mullets freak me out. 😨

Same Rules Apply


Like many on this thread, I adore the 1939 film - perhaps Hollywood's most sublime romance. But the 1992 is unquestionably the best version. It faithfully gives the viewer the entire story, with a simplicity and directness that heightens its power. No other version has three performances to equal those of Fiennes, Binoche and McTeer. Fiennes' brooding virility makes him born to play Heathcliff - though of a different style, his work is on a par with Olivier's. No other Ellen can approach McTeer's. But for all this exceptional talent, it's Binoche who amazes. She captures every contradictory aspect of Kathy in a brilliant performance that is unmatched in the role.


I prefer this version as well. I think Binoche was very good as Cathy.


I love this version. It's a very dark tale of romance. However, I like the 1939 version better but this film is among my favorites as well.
