MovieChat Forums > Bound by Honor (1993) Discussion > Who Counterfeited Bonafied's Comb?

Who Counterfeited Bonafied's Comb?

I can't figure it out.


miklo, he loved him but he was standing in the way of a war. Watch the last 20 mins again and you'll see that he destroys the soap with the imprint of the comb on it.




are you sure it was miklo? Magic said how he wanted Miklo to destroy it because he was holding it and he couldnt trust himself. Get back to me on that


yeh it defientley was miklo


You never know specifically who made the mold (Miklo or Magic). Magic actually worked with Bonafide, who believed the comb was taken taken at work, but considered Lightning to be the thief. Miklo had closer access to everyone else because of his gambling collections.

Magic was probably the one to take it, he and Miklo both worked on a mold and counterfeit copy, and Magic safeguarded it.


Listen to the last discussion the have,

Magic says "You told me to destroy this, but I wanted to keep it to protect myself...from you"

They then go on to say how much they did love him but how he was not keeping with the times.


It was magic i would say... U can tell on Miklos face look and what he says after magic holds out the soap thing




It was Miklo. Montana didnt want to start a war and liked La Onda staying where it was. "Plata takls" is what Magic says.. Montana wanted the money more than the power. Miklo made magic make a mold of Bonafieds comb.. and when he says, I kept this for protection, from you... so if anythign happend between miklo and magic, that magic would have something against Miklo. (watching movie as we speak)


I have watched this movie a gazillion bazzillion times and I have to agree with Dr. Fart. It was Miklo. It has to be Miklo... Magic was only a "soldados" (soldier). The brains is Miklo. And the conversation had before destroying the mold of the said comb only goes to show that it was Miklo.

Por vida vatos loco ese... (I just loved the machismo)



you mean 'sondalo'

what are you talking about ??

"What is it about good sex that makes me have to crap?" Nasty Landlady from Kingpin


No, it's SOLDADO, Soldados it's plural.


It was easily magic. Saying its Milo is plain stupid.

Magic did it because Montana wasn't being strong. You can tell because Miklo said "I loved him" Meaning basically "Why did you do that?" and magic replied "We both loved him, but I did what I had to do, for Onda"

*Update* The reason they forged a comb, is because they could send messages to the black dudes to do stuff.


miklo and magic did it together... coz he says "We did what we had to do, For Onda".

peace out A Town



Thank you Alexander!!! These people are nuts.
Magic did it!

The "we did what we had to do" refers to the other conspiritors.


Magic was a captain, he was part of la Onda council.


For La Onda. Its all in the bigger being. Montana was a important person to Miklo, but this isn't about Miklo or Magic it is about La Onda's survival.



They both did what was nesessary!Plain and simple!

"You smoke this sh!t to escape from reality.Me,I don't need this sh!t.I am Reality"- Sgt. Barnes


it was miklo magic saved it to protect himself from miklo just in case miklo did sumthing against magic he had the mold to show what miklo did so agic could expose miklo to la onda and everybody else.


Later, Miklo's cellmate, "Magic," gives Miklo the mold which they used to send the forged orders to the B.G.A. hit man. Miklo sobs in grief over Montana's death, "I loved him!" Magic responds,

"We both loved him, but we did what WE had to do for La Onda. You were right."

As Miklo destroys the mold, Magic tells La Onda's new boss,

"I give my life to you, Jefe."


Didn't it say that a member of the AVers fake the comb, the white to start a war between the Latins and blacks???




Well maybe he made the soap but under the orders of Miklo. Miklo was more of a mastermind then Magic ever was.. Magic was the muscle!


Miklo and Magic both conspired to kill Montana. They got the comb mold from Bonafide's boy with the Afro.


idk but i think it was magic... kuz like someone said (dont member the person) da impression miklo had when magic showd him the comb....



I think magic set up Montana without telling miklo but was gonna set up miklo if he tried to *beep* him.


Magic and Miklo were working together. Miklo was the brain an Magic the Legs.


when does he show him the comb?


Okay....I will set the record straight on this. First of all, neither of them loved Bonafied, they loved Montana. At the end of the movie when they are talking about "loving" him they are talking about Montana. Loving him, but still having him taken out. Now, onto who counterfeited the comb. It never actually shows either of them making the mold and counterfeiting the comb. But Magic worked with Bonafied in the woodshop, and Magic is the one who stole it from Bonafied. As far as making the mold and copying the comb, either of them could have done that. But that doesn't matter. In reality BOTH of them counterfeited it because it was a plan that they devised together. You see even though they both loved Montana like a father, they loved La Onda even more, and Miklo saw a way for him to become the leader of La Onda, and that far outweighed his love for Montana. You see Montana was trying to go straight, he was trying to clean up his life and trying to make right on past mistakes. He realized that gangs and violence only lead to the very life that he was trapped in, his life in prison. This was a threat to La Onda and a threat to Miklo and Magic's way of life in prison. They thought that Montana was becoming weak or soft, that he was killing La Onda, and that if they did not do something fast, La Onda would die, and they would no longer have any power in prison. You see Miklo wanted La Onda to be the most powerful gang not only in prison, but on the outside as well. Miklo and Magic saw their chance and they took it. They knew what prison Montana would be stopping at to see his daughter, so they copied the comb, and sent it to to a member of Bonafieds gang with instructions to kill Montana. They manipulated everyone to thier benefit. They eventually had Bonafied and Red Ryder taken out as well, and in doing so, took out the leadership of the white and black rival gangs in their prison. All that was left to do, was to destroy the evidence of the mold from the comb they had made, and Miklo takes over leadership of the most powerful prison gang in all of California. Watch the movie again and you will see that everything I just explained makes perfect sense.


Chandosschultz is exactly right and should be commended for his/her excellent analysis. For those convinced Magic counterfeited the comb based upon Miklo's reaction, in my opinion Miklo's look of bewilderment is due to the fact that Magic did not destroy the comb -- and not that he made it in the first place. Clearly, Miklo knew about it because Magic states "you told me to destroy this."


Well said Chand and agreed.

"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"


They were both in on it cause in the end Magic says to Miklo "you ordered me to destroy this..but I kept it for protection...from you" basically they needed Montana out of the way for them all to survive and they did it together so magic kept it just encase Miklo decided to back out if he was found out


In the shower scene, Milko asked Magic to help him and to go against the council. Magic agreed and they said they would wait until the timing was right. They were looking out for La Onda and loved and respected Montana. Both were involved, but Miklo has blood on his hands. Miklo ordered the comb to be made and sent. I guess he assumed Montana would get to see his daughter first and then get killed. This would not be a horrible death, but Montana got shanked before he saw his daughter. Montana was passive and allowed the Aryan Vanguard to get a stronghold and manipulate La Onda. Miklo supported Montana in front of the council as he was his friend and respected him. Miklo did however agree in principal about the need to control the drug trade, but he did not think Carlos was thinking it through logically.


There was a reason why they showed that Magic was an artist. I'm not sure who made the mold of Bondafide's comb, but Magic made the comb.

Again, he was the artist. (Miklo to Magic: "Burning them quils, huh? You're getting pretty good.")

They both conspired to kill Montana. Magic made the comb from the mold on Miklo's orders. Miklo told Magic to destroy the mold so there would be no proof, and Magic kept it just in case Miklo was trying to double-cross him and pin the murder of Montana on him.

Then, Magic decided that Miklo was the real deal, at least with him -- that they were 100% loyal to each other. So he showed the mold to Miklo and they both destroyed it, creating an everlasting bond between the two.

At least this is how I see it. I got "Blood In, Blood Out" when it first came out on videotape and have watched it dozens of times over the years.

By the way, Magic was a "capitan" (or captain) and had his own "soldados" (or soldiers). Remember when Miklo is initiated into La Onda, Montana explained "the seven of us" were on the council, each was a capitan with his own soldiers -- and one of the guys sitting in that circle of seven was Magic Mike.


here are my 2 cents.

i think Bob the Guard got a hold and copied the comb.

remember when Bonafide tells Miklo in the meeting, he says something that maybe a guard got his comb, that Ryder got one of the guards to copy the comb, and Miklo and Magic give a quick glimpse at eachother and Miklo says "it's possible".

i think Bob, still in debt to Miklo got the comb, made the mold, Magic built it and they sent it out.


I got the impression Miklo only said "It's possible" because it was a theory that didn't involve himself or throw everyone off, to keep the confusion and uncertainty up. The whole reason La Onda moved so quickly after Montana's death was to take advantage of the chaos that ensued immediately afterwards. Given enough time, Bonafide (or others) may well have come up with the (correct) theory, or at the very least decided not to trust Miklo as much as he did at that moment.

As for the way Miklo's face looked when Magic showed him the comb, that was because Miklo thought it had been destroyed, not because he didn't know about it to begin with.

Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.


I had always thought Magic was appraising Miklo of how he couldn't implicate Magic without implicating Miklo. When Miklo spoke of using the book money to make a buy, even if in defiance of the council, where defiance is punishable by death, which Miklo invites if on behalf of La Onda, Magic takes this to ultimately imply the assassination of Montana- but for Miklo, all this means is, if need be, he will buy La Onda into "America's cup of coffee", if only for La Onda's survival. La Onda is all he has left.

Magic certainly makes the mold, because we learn from lightning's death scene that magic worked in the woodshop as well, and would therefore also have access to Bonafide's comb. Then, later, they're trying to compel Montana to declare war, Magic gets almost mutinous, and Miklo tells Magic he's got to back Montana up. So in the end, he's just saying, hey, this is the way, La Onda, to La Onda's survival, and you're implicated. I think it's the logic of Miklo's character that leads me to that.

But my wiz says it's implicit they had an explicit conversation about it between scenes.



i think the aryans did it


Magic did it under Miklo's orders.

Am I Insane? YES!!


i think it was miklo because he was the brains and when he made that suprised look was because he thought that magic had destroyed the mold of the comb



they both did it. its fairly obvious to anyone who paid the least bit of attention.

and to everyone who's trying to speak or translate spanish, stop it. you're embarassing yourselves and pissing me off



Sorry to have pissed you off, JaySherman7. I don't want to get on the bad side of an Internet tough guy.


Miklo and Mike- Theres a scene where there in a prison cell toghter and destroy the replica by flushing it down the toilet


Chandosschultz summed it up best. My only question is how it got to Delano?
Can prisoners mail things to each other in different prisons?


Bryandeth316 has it right. Obviously Miklo had Magic copy the comb or else Miklo wouldn't have asked Magic to destroy the mold, if Miklo made the mold he would have destroyed it himself.

KJ Cassidy-you got your scenes mixed up. It was Bonafide's homie in Delano that broke up the comb and flushed it, after burning the message.

Nicenwide, that's a good question about how the comb got down there. I know prisoners can mail things out to their family so I guess they could send things between prisons.

I'd tell you don't quit your day job but you're awful at that too!-Bender B Rodriguez


ripisthesupremebeing is the only person who knows whats up and obviously watched the film very closely.

The only time you saw Bonafide without his comb was in the shower when one of his solder's with the fro handed it to him. If you watch closely when he hands him the comb he is avoiding eye contact and he sniffles as if he has just done cocaine. Now ask yourself...Is it not possible the prehaps Magic bribed that soldier with drugs?

Another good thought is that Magic and Bonafide worked at the shop together. There he would have all the materials to make such comb. But my final theory is that Magic bribed the afro wearing BGA soldier to get the comb to copy in order to frame the BGA and eventually take control of the prison.

Thank you and hopefully you'll discuss further.


Brokenanklesway, that scenario doesn't really hold up because after MeroMero got killed down in Delano all the BGA thought it was the AV that copied Bonafied's comb. Remember the dude with the Fro got killed too, I'm sure when all Hell broke loose he would have told Bonafied that La Honda (Sp?) was behind the whole thing

I'd tell you don't quit your day job but you're awful at that too!-Bender B Rodriguez


Your exactly right. The BGA soilder molded the comb. He avoided eye contact and ultimatly made some sort of deal with Magic. Power, coke.. whatever. I love this movie.


I think it was Magic acting under Miklo's orders. Recall when Miklo returns to prison, we see that one of the first things Miklo comments on after seeing Magic is his cellmate, is Magic's painting on the wall and the (noticeable to Miklo) improvement in his artwork. "You been burning quills. You getting good." In fact Magic is working on a drawing when Miklo arrives. Since Magic works with Bonafide, he could have swiped and created the mold, while Miklo supplied the wood. But nothing would have been done unless Magic was willing to back Miklo's plans.

Assassin, Lone Wolf & Cub.


Did any of you even watch the movie? They didn't do it together, when Magic was showing Miklo the comb he was telling him that he was the one who did it. Miklo was surprised finding out that Magic was the one who did it but then goes with it and helps him to destroy the comb to show that he supports his action and is ready to move forward with him. Magic did it himself, there's no room for debate on this and you'd have to be a complete idiot to watch the movie and get any other interpretation.


Magic says, "you told me to destroy this, but I kept it to protect myself, from you", or something similar to this. Either Miklo AND Magic made it, Magic made it because Miklo asked him to, or Miklo made it and gave it to Magic to destroy. No matter what way, Miklo was involved. For you to say that people must be idiots to get any other interpretation sort of makes you the idiot for saying that. Magic clearly says, "You told me to destroy this." Were you the idiot that watched the film and missed this?

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.

