Carlito was an idiot

He let Benny Blanco live and when Saso came to warn him about Pachanga he just ignored it like a moron. Carlito died because he was stupid. As Saso said, Pachanga would kill his own mother. Why he would let Benny Blanco live is beyond me. Carlito was just stupid. Pacino was Michael Corleone, he was Tony Montana, and he was Carlito Brigante. Carlito Brigante is by far, the dumbest. Michael was ruthless and Tony was crazy. But Carlito was just stupid.

You think you're gonna sail off into the sunset, think again.


I wouldn’t say he was as big an idiot for not killing Blanco, as he was a big idiot for 2 things:

1. Treating Billy Blanco from the Bronx like crap from the get go. I mean just humor the kid.

2. Telling Pachanga about his plans to leave. Like everyone said, Carlito was tipped that Pachanga was a rat for the Bronx.


I thought he was a bigger idiot for being in that business.


The problems started way before that. He never should have gotten into an argument with Benny Blanco in the first place. There was no good reason to make an enemy of a guy like that.


I'm saying. Benny was a prick who really let his emotions get the best of him though. Knowing Carlito, he thought, "this kid needs to learn a lesson, but he's just some punk upstart," and obviously didn't think much of Benny one way or the other. Carlito probably could tell the kid meant trouble, just like Carlito back in the day. Now, he's looking to get out, while Benny's lookin to get in.

Either way, Carlito might've underestimated Benny and how things were done now. No respect for the elders type stuff. It was a shame for Carlito, one of my favorite tragic heroes of film.

I do like to think though, that Carlito was avenged by someone. Who? Idk. His son? Maybe that waiter dude.
