MovieChat Forums > Cliffhanger (1993) Discussion > Things I learned from Cliffhanger

Things I learned from Cliffhanger

I can't believe people came up with the things I learned thread with other favorite films but not Cliffhanger its a perfect fit in the category so I will start it

1. if you fail to save your best friends girlfriend he will hate you for a year and threaten to throw you off a cliff but when terrists start to threaten you life thats when the chips are down and he will do anything to help you

2. treasury agents associate with terrorists

3. Mountain Rangers are the only ones that can stop a terrorist group

4. the rocky mountains is the best place to go Base-jumping

5. I can climb up a snowy mountain in a T-shirt and later swim in Ice water with no shirt on and I won't get hypothermia

6. Bolt Guns are best used under water

7. if a psico Terorist holds you girlfriend captive and threatens to kill her you threaten him back by saying you will drop the money and it will convice him enough to let her go

anybody else feel free to write what you learned please


8) You can jump off a cliff with a backpack full of equiptment and not only get a gash around your waist, but get up and run right after you land

9) A helicopter will stay on the side of a mountain as long as the hook on the chopper is attached to a ladder that goes down the mountain

10) Tracking devices are good decorations for a snowman. They're also good to put on rabbits


11) It is acceptable mountain practice to put your life and that of your ex in the hands of a sixty-year old rope you have admitted yourself probably won't hold.

12) English hooligans are considerate enough to use the term 'soccer', so that the people they're mauling can at least understand their sense of humour

13) The easiest way to steal $100m is to winch it between two in-flight jets over the Rocky Mountains, rather than, say, dropping them in a parachute over Nebraska and nipping along to collect them on the gorund.

14) As an international terrorist gang member, it is standard practice to use the 20mm canon launcher at a target directly above you on a mountain face, especially with a huge avalanche potential.

15) English bank robbers are really stupid, but although they claimed "you didn't see this coming" when lost in the Rockies, they all seem to have appropriate thermal clothing.

"He's a bit of a rough diamond but his heart's in the right place."


16-It costs a lot of money to heat a cave.

17-Avalanche funerals are the most expensive.

18-Don't kill the rabbit, but blowing teenagers away is acceptable.

19-Check the weather channel before going into the mountains.

20-When executing a well planned heist always make sure all the honest guards are dead.


21. You can point with a walkie talkie in your hand and still have your voice coming through, perfectly clear on it.

I may be a tiny chimney-sweep but I've got an enormous brush.


I laughed out loud with that one.


stalactites make good stabbing weapons


1. If you want to get some money you lost up a mountain, don't try to kill the guy you sent for the money until he's returned with it.


22. An aircraft is equipped with two handles behind an unsecured metal flap, that when operated, will detach the tailend of the aircraft in-flight.


"21. You can point with a walkie talkie in your hand and still have your voice coming through, perfectly clear on it.

Nothing odd about this. Anyone can do it, perfectly. You point with one hand, have a walkie-talkie (that is supposed to have a hyphen, by the way) in your other hand, and hold it close to your face.

I am of course attacking your wording, that makes your point null.

If you had said something along the lines of: "You can point with the hand holding a walkie-talkie, and have your voice transmit perfectly and clearly, even though the device is far away from your face and you are speaking normally, not shouting", you might be on to something.

But the way you said it, you left all the possibilities open..


22- You can run away in a straight line even it if it is pretty close in proximity - from a trained gunman with an automatic rifle which has a scope, and make it out unscathed.



Not to distract from all the fun, but #15 actually makes sense as to why they had the clothing on. They are flying over the rockies at 20,000' knowing they will have the jet doors opened for a while.


money makes a good campfire.

🌴"I'm not making art, I'm making sushi." Masaharu Morimoto🌴


There where terrorists in Cliffhanger? I thought they were just thieves.





22. Even after being shot in the back, you can still successfully jump of a mountain with a parachute.

23. Being shot doesn't mean you can't shoot an uzi at another person, push 3 stacked metal cases onto a line, and then shoot at another airplane.

24. Always carry a pen or pencil with you while hiking.


25. Bat crap looks like mud.

26. Mountain climbers use the same lingo as amusement park attendants, "...keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times..."

27. Rocks can be used to open anything. From jars of pickles to steel suitcases.


28. No matter how much damage you receive from a bad guy in one scene, as long as he dies you will completely recover in the next scene. You'll recover even faster if you're the one who killed him.

29. The "old guy who's about to retire" always dies while trying to help somebody.

30. John Lithgow's voice CAN sound funnier than it normally does.


31. Stallone’s mouth looks particularly hideous upside down.

32. Frostbite does not exist in them there mountains.

33. Tree's always break the good guys fall.

34. Janine Turner looks hot even in the worst movie made in the 90's


35. After being in the freezing cold for a long time, shaking and almost unable to speak, a thin sweater (that just happens to fit) will warm you up and you will be perfectly fine within about 2 minutes.

36. Getting headbutted in the face at full force dosen't really hurt.

37. You can throw a heavy backpack right on the edge of a cliff and it won't fall off.

38. With a rope attached to your foot you won't get pulled off a mountain even when about 4 men are pulling on the other end with both hands and you are not actually gripping onto anything.


39. The Rocky Mountains look amazingly similar to the Dolemites of northern Italy.


40. Bad hunour or not, it actually did cost a fortune to heat that place.

I may be a tiny chimney-sweep but I've got an enormous brush.


41. You can fall down a cave banging in to every rock on the way down and not break an arm or leg, then be able to lift a 6'2 man above your head and impale him on an icicle.



43. "True Love" involves shooting women in the back.

I may be a tiny chimney-sweep but I've got an enormous brush.


44. If you didn't have to look into Sarah's eyes as she was falling, you better drop it!

Blaze the weed up there!
Blaze that sh!t up nigha, yeahhh!!!


45. The black man should have asked Gabe where the money was 2 times instead of 3.

46. When unarmed, Gabe doesn't even attempt to kick with his spiked boots.

47. Don't always assume the good guy is dead.

48. Right before killing the bad guys, Hal and Gabe figure it is imperrative to say a corny line.

49. Kristel should have said "Yes" when Qualin asked her if she knew what true love is.


50. syvester atallone drives a land rover. (what happens to it? i can't remember...:S)


Scottish people are born to die on places they picked out.

Sometimes, the mountain you are basejumping from somehow disappears right after the jump, leaving free sky on all directions.

Michael Rookers head makes a great fotball, but you probably won't like the way the season is cancelled.

If you want to kill Qualen, get in line.


51. You can be hungover and still rock the *beep* up a mountain.


1. John Lithgow's british accent mostly consists of him pronouncing the word bastard "Baahstaahd".
2. John Lithgow can hold his own against Stallone in a fight.
3. A mountain rescue worker can find a case of money long before the group of professional thieves with the proper tracking equipment.


55. A stalactite makes an excellent weapon to kill someone with.

56. Never trust anyone, especially a rock climber with sweaty hands.

57. Snowboarding and parachuting are more exciting than drinking hot cocoa with a couple ski bunnies in a warm lodge.

58. No matter how f-words you say, there's always room for more.

59. Money burns as well as anything.

60. When crossing pedestrian bridges, always look for bomb trip wires.


51. archaic ropes can be used and work better than when they were brand new.


101. The Dolomites look EXACTLY like the Rocky Mountains.

Everything will be OK in the end, if it aint OK,it aint the end.


61- When you fall thru thin ice into a freezing pond, the first thing you do is take off your shirt
62- And you don't use your gun with the bad guy immeadiately, before that you make yourself fall down into that pond and give him enough time to shoot you (although he doesn't)

Hey, Mr. President! I campaigned for the other guy, but I voted for you!


63 - Never trust the new guy who just transfered over from the FBI,

64 - Shoot your co pilot in the head for no real reason at all except that everyone else on the plane is shooting so I might as well too!!

65 - Small planes handle like a 747 at slow speeds,

66 - Three suitcases full of money dropped from a plane inevitably fall onto the very tops of highest inaccesable mountains that require two experianced mountain climbers to go fetch them, instead of falling onto a road or into some log cabin.

67 - Teddybears bail on you if you are in a life or death situation.

68 - John Lithgow encourages teamwork by calling eveyone "BAASTAHHDS" and regularly shooting members of the team,

69 - The names Tucker and Walker sound like characters from an eighties TV show and will arouse suspician.

70 - The black guy after being impailed by a stalegtite had the respect and manners not to drop half of his intestines onto Sylvester Stallones head.


71 - When a plane crashes and the front has gone past the edge, 2 minutes later it will mysteriously go back 5 feet when none of the passengers have even left the plane.


72. That Michael Rooker looks real damn intense when the scene calls for it.
73. That homing beepers for metal suitcases will still beep for days even after falling thousands of feet, hitting the ground, and getting buried in snow without the batteries dying.
74. that when the old guy died it was real sad


68 - John Lithgow encourages teamwork by calling eveyone "BAASTAHHDS" and regularly shooting members of the team,

10 points , come to think of it that way it so funny.



77- Never use mountain climbing buckles that you bought at the dollar store.

78- Rabbits are easy to catch by hand to attach a tracking device, but hard to shoot with a semi automatic at 12 feet away.

79- While driving hilly, snowy roads, 2 simpletons can converse with you side by side in another vehicle, without stopping or going off the road.

80- John Boy's problems were no match compared to being a helicoptor ranger medic.


81. Loyalty that comes naturally > Loyalty that has to be brought.

82. A middle aged skinny British guy is a worthy opponent in unarmed combat for the massive 300lb Sylvester Stallone.

83. It doesn't matter if you die because the other guy is still an *beep*

84. What do you do with a 60 year old rope that could snap at any second? Split it in half of course!

85. Feel free to shoot your guns in an aeroplane. There's no need to worry about shooting out the windows and depressurising.

86. Sylvester Stallone must have an inbuilt heater. There is no other explanation as to why he didn’t freeze to death on so many occasions.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" - Voltaire


87. If you're running across a booby-trapped bridge, and snag the trip-wire, stay calm. Take a breath, turn and run back to the other side. Most killers will inexplicably use a 3-5 second delay, so you should be able to get away.

88. As long as you're one of the main characters, the bad guys will never simply shoot you, even though that would be the easiest course of action. They'll try to make some grand statement, or ask you to throw the money into the chopper instead of shooting you and the chick, then taking off again. Use this time to develop a carfeully planned strategy.

89. Attaching the chopper's winch to the mountain ladder, then jumping of said cliff and holding onto said ladder is a carefully planned strategy.

90. Mountains tend to have ladders for getting up the face of a cliff without all of that messy "rock climbing", though many don't reach all the way to the bottom of the cliff.

91. A helicopter will only pull out about half the bolts of a cliff-mounted ladder before it is unable to fly anymore (every mountain rescue worker should know the "helicopter pull rating" of their cliff-mounted ladders). However, the ensuing fight on the body of the crashed chopper may cause more bolts to come loose.

92. A simple treasury department helicopter contains enough equipment to track and triangulate a single emitted from a walkie-talkie that is no longer broadcasting.

93. Federal agents hunting murderous thieves will believe you if you claim to be mountain rescue.

94. Federal agents also don't mind it when civilians kill a bunch of people. In fact, they seem to like it.



95. Today's annoying teens are the same as those 2 base jumpers. The only difference is that now they have fancy cell phones and drive luxury SUV's.

96. A lot of everyday Americans know how to use firearms.


97. A free solo climber (with no need for rope or gear) still carries it.
98. Helicopters cannot pull climbing pegs out of cracks, even if they pull back the way the peg went in.
99. Stallone can climb a mixed route (rock and ice) without ice axes.
100. Stallone can survive the air-blast of an avalanche (which usually kills).
101. Frostbite and hypothermia can be averted by pulling on a thin woolen jumper.
102. Stallone can "dyno" 2 vertical feet without the use of his feet. On a cliff. In a blizzard


Gregory Scott Cummins' head makes a lousy brake.

Gabe is related to Wolverine, and can never break a bone.

John Lithgow knows the fastest way to the hospital.

Military Intelligence turncoats, proficient in the use of firearms, will still choose a Desert Eagle as if it's a practical sidearm.

Rabbits can make squirrel sounds in the Italian Rockies.


101. That Bill & Ted-esque Base Jumping Teens can drive parallel to you down a winding mountain road without watching the actual road and not drive off the edge. That's talent man.... Funnily enough, the passenger watches the road more than the driver.....

102. That Sly Stallone is the best actor in this movie......

103. That John Lithgow should stick to the likes of Third Rock from The Sun.


104. Even after getting your shin ripped open with a climbing blade you can jump down in to a cave and beat the hell out of someone without limping walking strangely or appear to be in any pain at all!Amazing!


105. Sylvester Stallone can catch a rabbit.


106.Elderly Mountain Rescue workers will grin broadly with a sick glint in their eyes while a young woman panics over the slight problem of her equipment coming undone while she is 3000 above the ground,he will then go in to hysterics while she falls to her death!Check the scene out if you do not believe me!


107. Those mountain hikers can go from point A to point B (probably 30 miles of extremely rough steep terrain) and then 20 miles to point C within 1 hour.


108. That Hal shouldn't have taken that young girl up there who had no previous climbing experience......even if it was better than sex.

109. That Sly's weight on the line caused her to fall.

110. That Gabe and Jesse are quite happy to walk through their house in their boots after walking around in wet dirt outside as they have stain proof floors

111. Gabe hasn't lost his nerve, just the feel thankyou very much

112. Travers somehow didn't think Eric would wait around if he sent the money first.

113. Gabe was going round to Hal's for a meal until he foolishly killed his girlfriend.


114. You can wave a walkie-talkie above your head and it still sounds like you're speaking directly into it.

You're the skid mark on the underpants of society


115.When your safety equipment has come loose you are thousands of feet above the ground etc do not believe an upside down mouintain ranger when he tells you you are not going to die!


116. If you're hanging onto someones arm for dear life over a cliff, don't wear gloves.

117. If you're planning to stab someone, ask them to kick you in the head a dozen times, don't try to do it when they're not looking.


118. If your girlfriend/boyfriend ever invites you mountain climbing, stay home and have sex instead.


119. Travers shouldn't buckle up. He might not want to survive this!


If John Lithgow asks you a question don't make him ask you twice!!!


120. If you ever need the code for the tracking device then don't bother asking Travers - as he's already told you that there are 50,000 key code combinations, in fifteen second intervals!


121. Climbing is DEFINITELY not better than sex.

122. Stallone is the fastest climber on earth. He can beat anybody, anywhere. Except maybe Chuck Norris.

123. When arguing with your 'ex' best friend about how its not your fault that his girlfriend dropped to her death, do no use the words "drop it".

124. Somebody needs to tell everybody in this movie that snow and ice are colder than they think.

125. The US treasuries suitcases can survive falling a few thousand feet, but will open easily when bashed a couple of times with a rock.



126. John Lithgow is damn sexy as a British villain.

Curse you Aqua Scum!


Mountain rangers should be questioned as to why it is a good idea to sleep when psychotic villains are looking for you with intentions to kill!I love this thread!



127.If someone points a gun at you through the front of a helicopter dont run away just surrender becuase they will definetly shoot you through the front glass panel.


Soccer is a great sport and Delmar was a ****ing good striker,inside right! That is 2 sepearate things!Keep this post going,I love it!


'120. If you ever need the code for the tracking device then don't bother asking Travers - as he's already told you that there are 50,000 key code combinations, in fifteen second intervals!'

Damn Travers has memorized all those combinations!

Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.


didn't read everything you learned but I learned:

160 gear is only for style and weight so if you have to lift yourself, it looks better

161 when I have to chose between a 60 year old rope and a new one, I will definitly use the old one to rappel down a wall and put the weight of two people on it (some shoots later they can be seen carring a new rope)

162 you just use boltguns to penetrate the mountain. since you free solo everything, you cannot think of any other use of this handy thing (except shoting people from under water through ice)

163 walking boots are best for climbing, I will dumb my 110$ climbing shoes right away

164 you better never put the girlfriend of your climbingpartner in the last piece of *beep* harness your grandfather retired 80 years ago after thinking it isn't safe anymore

165 girlfriends that barley can climb are able to climb up very high and hard routes, without any belay but when they have to pull themselves up only a meter to grab a line to safe their lives, they will fail

166 you better not forget to use your second hand to safe that girlfriend of that climbingpartner of yours, what wouldn't be a problem as you are belayed by a carabiner and a sling which both could hold probably 10 people or more.


167. Sly can get to stranded climbers by free-climbing a complex route about as quickly as a rescue helicopter can fly to them.

168. Helicopter pilot girlfriends are in no way fazed by their boyfriends hanging thousands of feet above a valley floor . . . from an overhang . . . by one hand . . . unbelayed.

169. Helicopter pilot girlfriends find it difficult to identify their boyfriends by their face.

170. Helicopter pilot girlfriends find it easier to identify their boyfriends by their butt.

Keep the thread going. It's great!


I haven't commented on this yet, there've been so many posts, but damn if you're not all correct. He looks like he's seeing Richard Pryor for the first time!

107 (?). Tomorrow morning's gonna suck. Wait, that's not what I learned from this movie. It's what I learned the last time I drank two glasses of scotch and an entire pint of Chimay.
