MovieChat Forums > Cliffhanger (1993) Discussion > Things I learned from Cliffhanger

Things I learned from Cliffhanger

I can't believe people came up with the things I learned thread with other favorite films but not Cliffhanger its a perfect fit in the category so I will start it

1. if you fail to save your best friends girlfriend he will hate you for a year and threaten to throw you off a cliff but when terrists start to threaten you life thats when the chips are down and he will do anything to help you

2. treasury agents associate with terrorists

3. Mountain Rangers are the only ones that can stop a terrorist group

4. the rocky mountains is the best place to go Base-jumping

5. I can climb up a snowy mountain in a T-shirt and later swim in Ice water with no shirt on and I won't get hypothermia

6. Bolt Guns are best used under water

7. if a psico Terorist holds you girlfriend captive and threatens to kill her you threaten him back by saying you will drop the money and it will convice him enough to let her go

anybody else feel free to write what you learned please


What did i learn from Cliffhanger? Mtn/rock climbing is safe,fun,and exciting- as long as you have a stunt double!


Just before Sara falls & the other people are yelling "reach out", someone should sing "reach out & touch somebody" by Noiseworks.


You can afford the helicopter fuel to drop someone off at a shack, then make a second journey to pick them up, provided you rebalance the budget by buying one of Frank's paintings

Calling someone cheesehead marks you for death

Night vision goggles also display your altitude and temperature

Always shoot with one hand whilst holding onto your night vision goggles with the other, even when they're sitting on your head

National Guard helicopters will all turn back if one has mechanical trouble

Shotguns from 200 yards make great anti-aircraft fire


207) If you're completely dominating a fight don't stop to boast about how you're probably going to rape and then murder the other guy's girlfriend later because the other guy will grab you by your balls, pick you up over his head (despite being shorter than you) and he will impale you on something very sharp and very cold. And if you're lucky, you'll be dead before you realize that the other guy has completely castrated you by crushing your balls because the other guy happens to be Sylvester Stallone.

208) Continuing on the theme of NOT just assuming you've won a fight because you've been kicking the other guy's ass, don't assume you've won now that you've got the other guy hanging off the edge of a cliff after you've kicked him around repeatedly, because odds are while you're laughing your ass off like an idiot he'll stab you and then he'll shoot you with your own gun while you stare down at him in impotent shock.


209) You can get blinded if someone sticks a flare in front of your IR goggles.


210. If you are a good enough climber, you will have a sweet soundtrack accompanying you on your climbs.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


211. Stallone can fall straight down a cliff, reach out and grab the ladder with one hand, and hold on to it.

212. He can also fall from the ladder, reach out and grab with one hand the skid bar of a helicopter entangled at the bottom of the ladder, and hold on to that, too.


They weren't terrorists... They were just thieves. Terrorists are fighting for a political goal; these guys were out for money. The word "terrorist" gets thrown around way too much these days.
