MovieChat Forums > Cliffhanger (1993) Discussion > Things I learned from Cliffhanger

Things I learned from Cliffhanger

I can't believe people came up with the things I learned thread with other favorite films but not Cliffhanger its a perfect fit in the category so I will start it

1. if you fail to save your best friends girlfriend he will hate you for a year and threaten to throw you off a cliff but when terrists start to threaten you life thats when the chips are down and he will do anything to help you

2. treasury agents associate with terrorists

3. Mountain Rangers are the only ones that can stop a terrorist group

4. the rocky mountains is the best place to go Base-jumping

5. I can climb up a snowy mountain in a T-shirt and later swim in Ice water with no shirt on and I won't get hypothermia

6. Bolt Guns are best used under water

7. if a psico Terorist holds you girlfriend captive and threatens to kill her you threaten him back by saying you will drop the money and it will convice him enough to let her go

anybody else feel free to write what you learned please


treasury agents associate with terrorists


Treasury agents are the terrorists!



Fact #6 (shootin' guns underwater) also manifests itself in the stinkier motion picture "Hard Rain."


That when you kill a million people, you are a conqueror.

That the clip is not gonna hold.

That treasury agents are the most superstitious people on Earth because everyone wants what they have.

That it's a banana eating a monkey.


1.You can get somebody to a hospital fast by throwing them out of a plane.

2.Delmar played soccor.

3.Real love means sacerfices.

4.bannanas can eat monkeys.

5.Travers has a big mouth.

6.Travers is or was in Arazona now.

7.That 1000 dollar bills can spend.

8.Frank has a Handsome head.


9. Qualen is the one 4000 feet down and wearing a helicopter!

Jonas Hodges: Stress is the fertilizer of creativity.


128. You can still base-jump when you've been shot. Just don't expect to be able to manouver your parachute.

129. Thieves make good bobsleds.

130. Even when it's on top of a mountain, in the middle of the night, there's plenty of light available to see with.

131. Impaling people on stalactites is quite easy. There's really nothing to it!

132. You should see Kristel bake a cake.

133. True Love = Sacrifice.

134. When piloting a helicopter, you have to keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times. Otherwise Sly Stallone will get mad.

135. It's wise not to play soccer on a mountain top.

136. Don't look at the flare when you're wearing night-vision goggles. It may hurt.

"You were almost a Jill Sandwich!"

Worst. Game line. Ever.


137: It's worth crashing a 17-45million dollar private executive jet to go fetch 100million dollars in the frozen Forrest, even down to the end when it's only a 30mil case.

138: The helicopter doesn't have enough fuel to find the case and get back, must stay put. Until Lithgow starts it up. Then you have hours of fun left.

139: Once you're soccer kicked excessively and broke you leg, you can still hike and climb mountains.

140: Foot tracks from Sly and the girl after taking the money are covered up in minutes despite it not currently snowing.

141: Sub machine guns should have scopes because their short unrifled barrels allows for long range ineffective shooting.

142: The first case was the strongest as it kept all the bills neat and in order, yet was opened by a rock. The rest just burst with (reused bills from the last scene)unorganized bills.

143: No matter how much running/climbing/fighting you do in high altitude - you'll only start heavy breathing, unless you're hiking through the mountains at night with only a shirt on. Otherwise you're good.

144: The money cases were bigger than the private jet doorway. In these special cases, during mid air delivery, opening the cases and taking the money out while they are tethered outside a flying plane is the best course of action.


145. The good girl always gets kidnapped just when you thought the movie was over.

146. If you're stuck for wolves, use huskies instead.

147. We secretly want Travers to survive.

148. There is nothing more frightening than some bats in a well-lit cave.

149. I have watched this movie too many times.


150. Wearing a helicopter: hazardous for your health.

"You were almost a Jill Sandwich!"

Worst. Game line. Ever.


151. The token black guy has to stand out even more by overacting his villain role.

Stuff like this reminds me of "Movie Poop" from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


If the Treasury Pilot sticks to the plan he's rich

Jonas Hodges: Stress is the fertilizer of creativity.


153. Kill a few people, they call you a murderer. Kill a million and you're a conqueror.

"Now What?"
-Treat Williams, "Deep Rising"


154.Hal is good with a gun and a knife but total crap with his fists,reference to the scene with Delmar!I LOVE this thread so keep it going!


If you want to kill Qualen you have to take a ticket and get in line!!!


I wonder if Gabe & Hal brought "Billy" his insulin.

Jonas Hodges: Stress is the fertilizer of creativity.


156. Wolves prefer boots over legs.

157. You can still catch someone's hand 1 second after they lose their grip.

158. Use shin protection when hiking.

159. Soccer is a dangerous game.


100 million dollars is a helluva temptation to a psycho like Qualen!!


Gabe doesn't know a thing about bad times.

You can break free from a band of ruthless thieves countless times to warn off your friends and they won't do anything to you.

Kristal was going to make someone a fine wife someday thanks to her talents in setting up C4 charges and baking cakes. Too bad true love means sacrifice.

Even though sadistic thugs are hot on your tail, its ok use their money to start a fire out in the open and get some much needed sleep.

Gabe can catch a rabbit and put a tracking monitor on him with no problem thanks to his previous training catching chickens with his old trainer Mickey. After all if he could catch that thing he could catch greased lightning.

If you're partners with Quailan, he'll somehow trust you to go and find the last case of money while he waits for you in a helicopter.

Apparently Delmar didn't know that soccer season was over.

Frank never hurt anybody. He just drove them nuts with psychotic paintings of bananas eating monkeys.

It's very important to turn your cap backwards before you set out to climb a mountain.

Anytime you feel like saying something, don't.


When basejumping, you can easily talk to your partner in a perfectly calm manner. No need to scream!


160. "Don't forget the insulin"


161. When you are being held against a rock with a gun on your head it is wise to yell for Frank.


When fighting with Qualen atop a helicopter on
the side of a cliff, you are advised to "stick around"

I also learned that Delmar was a fvcking good striker


162. When sliding down a snow covered slope along with a henchman, you can expect to not hit any rocks, trees, or uneven terrain (just like on a ski trail) all the way to the edge of the cliff.


#1) That made sense actually. It is normal for people to come together if they are under threat from a common enemy, especially since he didn't hate Gabe, but was just mad at him.


163) you always carry like a dozen flashlights with you, if you're on a plane
164) if you want your minions to kill somebody, always go away and let them deal with it alone - and don't forget to tell them not to use a gun for whatever bs reason you can think of. "be quiet" is always a good one. even when you're like dozens of miles away from anybody
165) hjones7 loves this thread
166) if you're working with a villain, always get on the plain before the money, because he may not wait for you. as soon as your on the plane, there's no way he might just kill you then
167) if you're setting up a bomb, don't be generous with the time. time is money, you know. to be a real pro, set the timer on the specific timespan that an agent you shot (and whom you didn't bother checking if he's still alive) needs to shoot your plane.
168) if you have a gun, still try to kill your hostage with your zubaza-tiger-kick and just die yourself
169) if you have a gun, but you're in a helikopter, just *beep* the gun and try to wrestle sylvester stallone. even if you're like 60 years old
170) a rope that is intended for rock-climbing will rip if you beat it with a stone - at least when you're on a mountain trying not to be pulled down by some crooks
171) if a mountain rescue guy confuses two places on the walky-talky, you won't check back, because you will instantly get that he's trying to send you a hidden message. however, you won't act on it but go anyways.
172) if you try to shoot somebody and he stabs your leg with a pocket-knife, you never shoot him anyways. instead you just scream until he throws you off the mountain
173) when you steal something, you always have a tracking device with you, because you anticipate, that your plan is *beep*
174) if you want to kill somebody and he's voluntarily shouting his position to you, NEVER think about that being a trap. not even if he has a partner. and on top of it, make a quick remark about how easy it was to find him - just for the irony
181) imdb-forum-members get even the most complex movies, but don't know how to count


Very entertaining very astute and very very funny!Oh and thanx for mentioning me!I love this reply to the thread that I love!Keep 'em coming!


182. In case Qualen's minions slept through the crash landing. They will need all the money they can get to buy their way out of the country.


183. Gabe can take superhuman leaps across wide chasms, with full climbing gear on.

184. Swearing means a penalty kick for unsportsmanlike conduct.


185.And Delmar reckons he was a ****ing good striker!!!!!


186. Rabbits are not impressed by automatic gunfire, they actually taunt you for missing.

187. That this is one of the few movies where it makes sense that Stallone is so unintelligible. (because of the cold)

188. Biting someone who is wearing a long sleeved winter jacket hurts a lot, or Gabe has very sharp teeth.

This thread makes this movie so much more entertaining :P

"Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep."
Fran Lebowitz


189. Assuming that only $100 bills (the largest denomination in circulation) are in the 3 suitcases, that means there are 1 million bills totaling $100,000,000. Divided equally, the 3 suitcases would have 333,333 bills each. If there were 18 stacks of bills per case, each stack would have 18,518 bills in it.

No problem fitting 333,333 bills into a suitcase.


190. Fingerless gloves is the solution to climbing thousand foot icy cliffs.
191. Criminals can climb over miles of icy, snowy, vertical terrain without getting out of breath.
192. Snowshoes are over-rated. No problem walking and running in deep snow without.
193. Mountains in the middle of nowhere, will have bridges, and stone chapels.
194. One minute Sylvester is in the valley stream, and the next the highest peak.
195. Every mountain needs a steel ladder to nowhere over the side.


196. Wylie Coyote isn't the only one who can get blown up, beaten up, run over, crushed by huge rocks, or fall off gigantic cliffs and still come back in the next scene looking really spiffy.

197. What wolves? Only saw the rabbit and the Teddy Bear...


Damn Travers has memorized all those combinations!

He did?

198. If I decide to drive up alongside you on a mountain road to have a conversation with you, the sound of our engienes will magically tone down, so that I don't have to raise my voice and shout in order for you to hear me!

199. That most people on this forum simply repeat what someone else has learned, rather than come up with something new and original.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson, you're the greatest! 1958 - 2009


200 If you have a really cool plan for stealing $ 100 million dollars by switching planes and disappearing you still carry an arsenal with you in case you have to fight off an army.


201. No matter how blue you're feeling, hearing John Lithgow say "baahstaad" will cheer you up


190. If you are not usefull, then you are useless. Useless items are usually dropped.


202. Stallone is a "rezilliant bastard..!"

203. A thin plastic carabeaner often breaks while hanging over the Italian alps. This is normal.

204. After a friend slips to their death after you did all you could to save them, a tomboy will tell you to get over it cause it won't get any better. Thus cheering you up.

205. When creating your terroist team it's key to select different minorities and ethnicities.

206. This is the first movie I've seen Michael Rooker in. First was Mallrats.

Love the notes how a small ladder would over a cliff in the mountains. Ha...


Gee this got me thinking (not what this movie was intending)
Here is a link to what volume $1 million takes up ($800,000 fits in a standard plastic shopping bag)

So 33 times that is ridiculous, so I have also learnt something, thanks @randy


However, I believe they were $1000 bills. The bills were not in circulation. I don't know how they were going to be used.


That if you reach a certain age as a man you will find it hilarious to see a young woman fall to her death


That if you show a couple of mountain rangers 3 points on a 2-dimensional representation of a mountain range, they will each instantly recognize precisely where those locations are, despite the fact that the terrain representation has no depth. One of the mountain rangers, having only seen the screen once before breaking away from the thieves, will have all three points memorized and be able to find each case without benefit of the tracking device.

Everything below the dashed lines is my signature.


--If you don't climb in months, you just lose the feel.

--According to his confession over the radio to Eric Qualen, Travers has constipation (I don't give a ____, Eric Qualen!)

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