MovieChat Forums > Dazed and Confused (1993) Discussion > Did Your High School Have Hazings?

Did Your High School Have Hazings?

I wasn't alive during the 70s so I have no idea what High School was like at the time, but in my experience, starting High School in 2003, I never saw or heard about any Freshman hazings like the ones seen in this film. I also had little to no social life at that time, so I probably wouldn't have heard about hazings anyway. The High School I went to for Freshman year was overcrowded and had fights once in a while, but most people who threatened each other or started fights did it to whomever they felt like, not specifically targeting a grade or age group.

After Freshmen year I went to another High School in a different part of the country, along with another nearby High School for tech classes part of the day, and I never saw or heard about any organized hazings at either of those schools.

Did any of you experience any hazings like the ones in the movie?

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No NEVER. No hazing and no frats and no sororities in 70s that I recall - they were the UNCOOL thing to do (they did make a comeback in the layer 80s). To get into clubs was not like this that I ever remember (but the band kids were always the weird ones so they might have been the only group to do such things but I was never a band kid). I'm not sure if Texas kids did initiations like that but not where I went to HS. The party atmosphere, pot smoker kids and teachers were like I remember tho. Just don't know about the hazings, never saw that sort of thing.


High school in Texas from 1990-1994. A few sports teams did for Freshmen, Soccer and Football most memorably. I went through it as a Freshmen and when I was a Junior and Senior I did it to the Freshmen. From I heard around 2002 they finally made a real effort to ban the practice.


No. No way were there organized hazings right outside the school or anywhere for that matter. That would've been a lawsuit waiting to happen.

That didn't mean that upperclassmen didn't haze or otherwise try to humiliate the freshmen in secret.

"I must express myself." - Delia Deetz


No, I graduated in 78 from A Texas School, and no way...This movie was spot on with Cars, Music, Weed, and saying Man a lot, but no hazing that I recall...

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


We used to go to the middle school and water bomb the 8th graders there. The Juniors did it to them every year, my class was the last class to do it because the kids started crying about it and the faculty/staff started complaining because you know how things are these days and it wasn't even that bad, nobody was ever hurt or humiliated.

Plum near cut his head in two mmmmm hmmmmm


Being that i was in highschool in the late 90's and not the 70's, my view may be different than the directors on hazing. We didn't have universal hazing as depicted in the movie but there was punishments towards people who were lower grades and messed up or if you were in a specific club/sport.
If you were the new person in a JV or Varsity sport, you might have got a little hazing, but i never saw anything that kids would freak out about.
We also had a special area where just seniors were suppose to park and I saw punishment towards juniors or lowers who parked there; or if an underclassman did any of the other time honored rules you shouldn't break.
But i never saw punishment to large amounts of kids just because they were incoming this or that.


When I was a freshman in band in 88, I got hazed. When I was a senior in 91, we weren't supposed to do it anymore. No one ever said not to, it just kind of wasn't done. I still told the little bitches to wipe those faces off their heads and get in line though.


We didn't have hazings when I was in high school in the early 2000s. We had bomb threats instead. At least 2 times, I remember having to go with my fellow students and the teachers, and file out of the school while the cops brought their bomb-sniffing dogs in to sweep the building. Both times it was a false alarm. It wasn't until my school forced all of us kids to wear our ID cards around our necks that they finally found the perp responsible. It was a 25-year-old who was making prank phone calls to the school! He wasn't even a student! After that, we could keep our ID cards in our pockets.


Early 70s, sure did. Called freshman fridays. Not on school grounds, Bus stops.


Whereabouts did you go to school?

I was at school in the uk during the ‘80s and we were told horror stories before moving into high school of first years having their heads flushed in the toilet etc but I never experienced it first hand. Either such practices had been stamped out by then or it was all urban myth.


New York State. Mostly stuff like eggs in your hair. Face marked up with lipstick, mustard. Intimidation, threats, things like that. Wasn't any ass pounding as in the movie, or that "Air Raid" thing.

In fact, I don't remember seeing or hearing of any freshmen girls treated badly as in the movie. Was a guy thing here. Course, it could depend on what type of asshole you ran into.

For the most part in was neighborhood driven. The incoming freshmen all lived within the same neighborhoods with the upper class-men. All the schools were populated by a common distant surrounding that school. The older kids mostly knew who the freshmen were.

I never heard of any head flushing, but you could bet your ass, I didn't venture into any bathrooms on my, freshman Friday. :) Hell, it wasn't uncommon for some sophomores to mistakenly marked as freshmen. Happened to me after a school change for my sophomore year.

The first Friday after school started here was Freshman Friday. No idea when it disappeared.


I went to HS in the late 80s/ early 90s and there was hazing.....but not like the stuff in this movie.
