MovieChat Forums > Groundhog Day (1993) Discussion > I hate watching this as an intelligent p...

I hate watching this as an intelligent person. Huge mistake!

We have a scene where he literally runs form the Bed and Breakfast and yet he still manages to bump into people at the same places. Sorry, if you leave earlier, they're not going to be there.


Easily explained, actually; he tires himself out running and ends up walking slower than before. The timing evens out


We have a scene where he literally runs form the Bed and Breakfast

As an intelligent person you should know it's spelled FROM not FORM

Of course one has to wonder how intelligent somebody is if they still bitch about the 2000 election.

....we're lucky if we last three months
John Lennon, 1963


Um, it's actually a TYPO more than likely, it's not a sign of being unintelligent. Sometimes you can hit the wrong keys. Have YOU ever made a mistake? I see you left out a comma and period from your sentence, if we just want to be SUPER grammar Nazi.

Yes, unless we type on IMDB like we would on a job resume or English class it means we're unintelligent.

Pretty desperate when all you can do is point out a typo.



Right back at'cha good buddy.


You know it's kind of sad to think about how much time Weird Al spent typing that out. Talk about an unintelligent person...

Everyone may have an opinion but very few seem to have an informed one.


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All things being equal, I'd rather be snorting cocaine off a hooker's ass.


Ha Ha Ha, Weird Al, I don't know what you said that the snowflake crybabies got deleted. But they can stick it up their bung hole.

....we're lucky if we last three months
John Lennon, 1963


You know, I'm gonna miss the Message Boards when they're gone. But there's at least two people I won't miss. It's a shame they can't be sent to the cornfield along with them....

Everyone may have an opinion but very few seem to have an informed one.


I'd like Weird Al and Beatles to try their *beep* at Sitcoms Online, and see how fast they get their asses banned! You can get banned there for even calling out a typo!


Oh no!!! The horrors of being banned from a website I never heard of. And despite the crap you were taught as a child, you aren't special and the only thing unique about you is the smell.

All things being equal, I'd rather be snorting cocaine off a hooker's ass.


Using those BUZZWORDS doesn't make you look clever, you realize words like "Snowflake", "Cuck", "SJW", etc... and been SO overused they no longer even MEAN anything, right?


Well no crap it's a typo, but the asshat was bragging about how *beep* intelligent he is, it's not hard to catch a typo you stupid snowflake, you can blow me C...___U.....- N....T!

....we're lucky if we last three months
John Lennon, 1963


Again making a TYPO doesn't make you unintelligent, coward, hiding behind a computer, calling random ppl HORRIBLE names you don't even know. Would you want someone talking like that to your mom or sister or daughter? Ppl like YOU are exactly the reason the message boards are going away, come and try that $hit at Sitcoms online, I DARE ya, see how fast you get banned!

And hell yeah I'm a SNOWFLAKE, as a child we were taught each snowflake was beautiful and unique and we were encouraged for our individuality, WHEN did that words start becoming a SLUR that is used as a catch-all buzzword.

Now lets have a little back and forth banter here until the message boards close.


I hate watching this as an intelligent person.

Well then I have good news for you...


Maybe he was destined to run into those certain ppl, kinda like the whole, "You cannot change fate" thing. B/c I remember once Phil took a different way to Gobblers Knob and he STILL runs into Ned.


OP did sound arrogant but he makes a very valid point that I noticed upon my first viewing.
The first repeat day he does all kinds of stuff inside before leaving the bead & breakfast. Outside he meets his(not yet) piano teacher and asks her where everyone is going.
The very next day he rushes outside very quickly compared to the previous day and his piano teacher is already 100+ feet down the road. Much further along her route to the show.
It makes no sense.
I let stuff like that go when I watch films, but OP is correct.
The timing is all phuked up.
