mighty ducks rip-off

i cant believe how much of a rip of the mighty ducks this is!

a team thats really bad, because of their coach, get really good and end up beating the best team in the league in the final game.

except that mighty ducks is a hundred times better (only 0.3 diffence in points between them? come ON, voters!)


i agree




I don't think it was a rip-off. Mighty Ducks is hockey. Little Giants is football. I think it depends more on what your game preference is. But when it comes to the film in general, I preferred Little Giants. Mighty Ducks was too showy.



i agree that u both suck ass...this movie rocks


#1. The Mighty Ducks was not 100 times better. The Mighty Ducks was about hockey. Hockey is boring to watch and painful to play (plus the selfish babies are on strike right now). While The Mighty Ducks went out to appeal to any viewer above the Mason Dixon line, Little Giants did more by bringing in everybody since it covered football. Football appeals to a lot more people.

#2. If you're going to say that a football movie copied a hockey movie, then you might as well agree that The Mighty Ducks itself was a rip-off of The Bad News Bears (which itself was 100,000 times better than both movies).

#3. The fact taht there was only a 0.3 difference between them is because people have their own opinions. You could think The Godfather is a great movie while your neighbor thinks its a snore-fest. You could think that The Naked Gun was a stupid movie while your neighbor thinks it was a riot.

Maybe some people were put off by the total predictability of The Mighty Ducks. Yes, Little Giants was predictable too, but once again...football is a lot more fun to watch!




the mighty ducks, bad news bears, little giants, and the big green are all the same with different sports. booo.



I don't see how it is a rip-off of the Mighty Ducks. In the MD the coach had experience and the knowledge. In Little Giants, the coach had no experience or knowledge. And come on, it is a younger kids movie...are they just supposed to show all the dumb retards losing all the time....NO!! That wouldnt make any money now would it. Think 'outside' the box and not just on plot. There are tons of movies with similar plots.


it is not a rip off because it is just an exabition game to see who team is going to be the citys team and the league has not started.
and like the other people said it just a lot more fun to look at o and read the trivia it said that it orignated from a mc donalds comercial.



first of all i wouldnt say it was the coach the brought the giants to victory, i would have to say it was jus the kids, that really smart one, and john madden, there wasnt that much of a good coach as there was in the mighty ducks and the coach of the giants really didnt know what he was doing, as the mighty ducks coach had a lot of backround and knew what he was doing. second i dont remember them saying the cowboys were the best in their league. and last it wasnt the final game, it was just to decide which team would stay and which team would go.


I like Little Giants better because

1)the kids were cuter-Junior-the little nerdy guy-Icebox-just to name a few!

2)Even though I love Emilo Estevez, I think Rick Moranis/Danny Oshea's coaching techniques were more unique(except I like Estevez's egg exercise)

3) The romance between icebox and junior

4) Ed ONeil as rival coach is hilarious

5)peewee football vs peewee hockey/ FOOTBALL-it's a little more adorable.

6) It was funnier!

i love Mighty Ducks-but I am most definetly, A Giants fan!

" Your legs are bigger then my body!"-lil nerd


What in the h-e- double hockey sticks are you smoking if you think that this is a rip-off of the Might Ducks. True, both are about children playing sports, and they end up beating a better team, but that would be where the similarities end. For one thing, in Little Giants, the misfit team doesn't beat "the best in the league," they beat another team... the Cowboys hadn't ever played ant teams yet, it had just been created. Secondly, incase you didn't notice, MD is about hockey, and LG is about football... The hero of MD isn't a tomboy, unlike LG, Danny isn't a drunk driver, who overcomes his hate of a certain sport, unlike MD... So, check your facts before you dump on a movie.



This is not a rip off of the mighty ducks. If anything every kids sports movie where the team stinks at first and then the coach turns it around is a rip off of Bad News Bears. So if anything, Little Giants rips off Bad News Bears, just like the Mighty Ducks did, or Lady Bugs, or kicking and screaming etc etc etc. Sure its the same formula but who cares, their kids movies.


kicking and screaming was also a mighty ducks rip off(down to the almighty flying V.) and I still got a few chuckles out of it


Wow I just noticed that on Christmas 05 I was posting on the little Giants Message board weird!


does anyone get if your saying this is a rip-off its like saying all sports movies featuring a team who sucks then comes back and kicks the hell out of the best team, are rip offs from the very first movie with a plot like this. Which was probably some time ago. It's not a rip-off movie, its another movie for kids telling them to "never give up, even when there are few who believe in you."
