mighty ducks rip-off

i cant believe how much of a rip of the mighty ducks this is!

a team thats really bad, because of their coach, get really good and end up beating the best team in the league in the final game.

except that mighty ducks is a hundred times better (only 0.3 diffence in points between them? come ON, voters!)


Yeah, but Football is better than Hockey. Fact.


I agree that football is better but I still think mighty ducks is a better movie, not hating on little giants though. I think the mighty ducks was supposed to be more serious than little giants because in MD the protagonist team actually tries to get better so they can beat the antagonist team while in little giants it was more about fun and they point it out several times in the movie.


it's not a rip-off!

#1 the Mighty Ducks coach is forced to coach by the law,
and the Little Giants coach decides to coach b/c his brother didn't put Becky on the team.

#2 Football and Hockey... similarities... both are sports... both have leagues... both are played by all ages... that's about all the similarities...

#3 SOOOOOO many movies are the underdogs winning... that's ALWAYS the plot... nobody can come up with anything better... a movie NOT about sports but about a little person coming out ontop... Star Wars? The Outsiders? Robin Hood? getting the picture here?

#4 and where are you getting the 0.3% difference statistic from??????? You probably made it up right???? Yeah don't deny it!

#5 the coach in Might Ducks knows how to play the game and was good at it! the coach in the Little Giants knew how to ply but SUCKED! look I just listed 5 reasons why this movie isn't a rip off...


Peace! ~*Skiler*~


mighty ducks is a bad news bears ripoff


i dont think little giants is a rip of off mighty ducks - in acutal fact little giants is in my opinion better!


how could little giants be a mighty ducks rip off, mighty ducks was made in 96 and giants was in 94, try verifying things before you say them


mwjpwj is right lets get the facts straight, there are only so many ways to present the basic plots of kids sports team overcomes diversity so lets get our facts straight

?? Bad News Bears

94 Little Giants

96 Mighty Ducks

?? Hardball
?? Um, you know the one with Will Ferrall, soccor team, flying V,

Come on add all the other ones you know


You, my friend, are a liar.

Mighty Ducks came out in 1992, not 1996. But still, I would not say that this was a rip-off. Almost all sports movies show the underdogs coming out on top, since that's what America likes to see. It's called marketing.


well before all of these movies, there was a movie starring Rodney Dangerfield called Ladybugs. Same concept and no one sees that as a knock off.


A bad kids sports team that gets better and wins in the end? That wasn't an original idea before The Mighty Ducks, so Little Giants can't be a rip-off of it. It's a common plot, none of them are ripping off the others. Don't be a moron.

Chris J. Nelson



yeah you are totally right... the mighty ducks was the very first movie ever made where the underdogs ban together and beat the people that are really good at what they do.

what are you smoking??



Bad news Bears (1976) WAS the original underdog sports movie. Every movie from the mighty ducks to dodgeball is technically a ripoff. Youve got..

A. A sports team of geeky misfit kids that have no business playing sports constantly getting creamed by the more athletic teams.

B. Their coach is an ex-athlete who never made it past the minors and has always been sore about it

C. The team decides they want to get better and recruit

A) The tomboy with the golden arm who's always the sole girl on the team

and B) The cool kid in town who wouldnt ever be caught dead hanging around with any of them

The only thing the clone movies do differently is Win their championship at the end.

Bad News Bears crafted the ideas, and every film that followed turned them into cliches. Mighty Ducks is insanely unoriginal, give me a break! Little giants is better, and funnier.

I love the little retardy kid who blows the snot bubbles!





That was just the genre for that time period. There were the Mighty Ducks movies, Little Giants, The Big Green, The Sandlot, Ladybugs, Angels in the Outfield, Rookie of the Year, Little Big League to name a few.

There are potholes on the road less traveled....


Yeah, they don't make many movies for this genre any more which, I think, is a big mistake.

