MovieChat Forums > Léon (1994) Discussion > Thought this movie was going to be great...

Thought this movie was going to be great... But was pretty dissapointed.

How did this get an 8.6? That really just baffles me. What is it that you guys think was so great about this movie? I didn't hate it, but it did not deserve an 8.6 and didn't deserve a 78% on rotten tomatoes. Despite the nice action scenes which i did enjoy, and the well done symbolism with the plant, most of this movie's acting was really cheesy, the writing was O.K... but could've been so much better. The soundtrack was so bad. Natalie Portman's character was pretty damn annoying, she did play the part well for a kid, but i've seen much better.

Please, enlighten me with what was so good about this one.


then go watch twilight + transformers and listen to tokio hotel+biber tracks as part of the soundtrack instead if u cant appreciate this masterpiece of luc besson, then you will probably deny, that a white paper is realy white and not black.


The OP is a little forward in terms of his approach to stating his disliking of the film, I will say that. But, the people on this thread haven't exactly helped. In my opinion, a lot of the posters are being obnoxious. Grow up people.

Ive studied film extensively in college. I've watched everything and anything film including Leon The Professional, but I must agree with the poster, nothing really made this movie for me. It is by no means a bad film, but it is by no means a great one. This film is ranked along side, and higher, than some of the greatest cinematic masterpieces such as The Seventh Seal and Rear Window, but yet this film is not even close to being in the same league. Great films are expressions. The point of a film is to become a part of the creative process and gain an understanding of the filmmakers plight. In short, the director is trying to communicate something with th images, the pacing, the themes, the music, and every other aspect. Leon lacks some of these communication tools, or at least their execution in harmony with the other components.

Leon is a great story, great themes included, but there really is nothing more to it. It just never struck me as an artistically significant film. I may have extensive knowledge of filmmaking as an art but by no means do I consider myself king of movies. As a previous poster stated, it's a slippery slope. Something like art or entertainment is not an exact science. I only offer credentials to give insight into the fact I've dedicated a lot to film as opposed to being John somebody whom chose to bash the film for the he'll of it. It's like with a doctor, you may not agree with them, but they do have substantial more knowledge of their field in comparison to you, the patient, or another random individual. I've done my homework and only offer my opinion based on what I've learned over the years. I hope my disliking of the film in question does not revert us back into children. We are adults and must act accordingly. If you disagree tell me, but be smart about it. I have no problem with constructive criticism.

Overall, I think this film suffers from Inception syndrome. Inception is a good movie, but not a masterpiece by any means. I think a 78% is a good score; a little too high but I digress. But I honestly find it's ranking on IMDB to be almost criminal. King Kong and so many superior films were ejected from the top 250 by movies of this brand; interesting but not substantially superior products. Just my opinion.

What did you have for dinner? Was it cocaine?


Ive studied film extensively in college. I've watched everything and anything film including Leon The Professional, but I must agree with the poster, nothing really made this movie for me. It is by no means a bad film, but it is by no means a great one. This film is ranked along side, and higher, than some of the greatest cinematic masterpieces such as The Seventh Seal and Rear Window, but yet this film is not even close to being in the same league. Great films are expressions. The point of a film is to become a part of the creative process and gain an understanding of the filmmakers plight. In short, the director is trying to communicate something with th images, the pacing, the themes, the music, and every other aspect. Leon lacks some of these communication tools, or at least their execution in harmony with the other components.

Leon is a great story, great themes included, but there really is nothing more to it. It just never struck me as an artistically significant film. I may have extensive knowledge of filmmaking as an art...


It's the Internet version of that scene.


Injectionlethal is the perfect example of ego trumping humility when evaluating films.

Film professors often disagree about films each considers to be great, because there are many facets that go into appreciation. There is no objective relative weighting of each of these many facets that would enable films to be ranked the same by impartial observers.

Nonetheless, some people, like Injectionlethal, have such an inflated opinion of their personal knowledge that they think accurate film rating can be learned, that they have the key, that the universe should follow their logic.


Why is everyone saying its not artistic enough?, is it anything to do with it being a french director? i dont get it die hard is one of my favorite movies, its not artsy, just because its french dont mean it HAS to be artsy, i understand that many people dont like it but some are acting like those who like it thinks its oscar worthy, i like it because it has action, a hitman having to basically adopt a girl (original plotline i hant seen till this) gary oldmans whacked out drug routine!, leons relationship with his boss, and the fact i was kinda sad when he died and that hangin from the dog scene and escape was pretty badass, it wasnt glitzy with a secret wall of guns he looked like a turnip farmer it was he didnt even remotely look like a typical slick well dressed hitman as hollywood always portrayed but when he went to work, thats when the art comes in. i loved this film those who dont i can do nothing each to his own.


This thread got ripped to pieces lol, I have to agree with everyone apart from the OP lol.

Great film, A cult classic.


This movie is one of the greatest movies of all time. And if you can't see that, then I feel sorry for you.


I gave this a movie a ten as well ( a rating I reserve for my top 10 movies all-time) and I got to disagree with a few things.

What I liked about this film was the good cinematography, underlying themes, stellar acting (from the 3 main characters), and really just Leon's bad-assness. I also did not find the movie predictable and some of the dialogue COULD have been written better

I could see why people wouldn't like Oldman's performance, but I for one thought it was great. It was over-the-top and I think it needed to be over-the-top, and if you were to classify his performance as "over-the-top", you'd have to admit he did still bring authentic intensity into the role.

Some people arguing about ratings, etc. whatever. People are going to like the film, people aren't going to like the film, some people are going to hate on it just solely for the reason that a lot of people like it. But I put this film right behind TGTBTU, Blade Runner, and Pulp Fiction. Tied with Saving Private Ryan, Fear and loathing & Raging Bull in that next tier


Sabbath, whats your favourite scene in the movie?


I mean the final battle is pretty epic, but there's just something so hauntingly beautiful and terrifying when Oldman grabs that shotgun and enters the apartment.

I also like the scene where Leon's training Matilda, the one where he is showing her where to shoot with the paintball gun.

You got any favorites?


my favorite is the russian roulette scene, followed by the ring trick scene


Great movie, but nowhere near as good as a lot of movies ranked lower than it.


It's all subjective, most found it to be at the very least entertaining, if not quite a masterpiece. Some, a minority, disliked it for whatever reason. It doesn't really matter. This film is no Acadamey Award winning, breathtaking masterpiece. But in my opinion, it's a great fvcking movie. I loved it when I first saw it, and I love it still after seeing it numerous times since its release. Oldman may have been over the top in his performance, but I still found him to be electrifying and so enjoyable to watch, even as you watch him kill women and children with a shotgun. But I've always thought Oldman was a great actor.

"Beethoven's overtures just get my juices flowing, but after the opening...I must admit, he does tend to get a tad fvcking boring. That's why I STOPPED!" You gotta love his crazed, drugged out, maniacal madman performance. Gary Oldman does it well.

They burned Sosobra, God of bad luck!



only watch the original uncut international version.

