This movie was great.

Just watched this movie for the first time. I wasn't expecting much and was blown away. Watching this movie is like stepping back to the mid 90s. Very rarely does a film capture a period so perfectly. Definitely my favorite Ben Stiller film. Will watch again soon.


It hardly captures the 90s well maybe for a very small demographic but a lot people under 30 weren't like that. Reality Bites was basically to sell the latest grunge fashions, sell a soundtrack and push an image that really didn't exist.


There was no grunge on the soundtrack .


I first gained interest in Reality Bites when I saw the soundtrack to Reality Bites in a thrift shop and I had always liked the music and I used to play the Reality Bites movie trailer over and over again on the computer. Then just out of the blue months later I saw Reality Bites on sale at Walmart and I asked Mom to give it to me as a birthday gift and so I watched it and I saw how great it was and Ethan Hawke and Winona Ryder were superb stars and Ethan Hawke even sang in it too. But part of the reason why Reality Bites was so popular in the theaters and did so well was because of it's storyline that appealed to young adults and teens and Lisa Loeb's song Stay "I Missed You" helped the soundtrack climb up the charts and made the movie a hit. But I found it odd that they use Peter Frampton's original version of Baby I Love Your Way in the movie and the version by reggae group Big Mountain is on the soundtrack. Also why was David Bowie's hit Young Americans not featured in Reality Bites and the soundtrack at all? But Reality Bites will always be remembered as one of the top pop culture films of the 90's


Love this flick


This is the movie that made me HATE Ethan Pussy Hawke. I despise this POS.


He married Uma Thurman though. He did something right.


No, Uma did something wrong and she corrected that issue.


If you want to watch a movie that capture that era/scene and is just a much better movie watch "Singles".


I just watched it and didn't really like it.


I agree. It’s dreadful, particularly for Ethan Hawke. You want to see his character die a slow, excruciating, humiliating death. He was the harbinger of the internet troll.


I watched it today and thought it was okay for the most part.


I think it kind of failed, actually. If the movie was supposed to be set in 1994, but the people had just graduated, they should be around 22 and thus born about 1972. But their references -- One Day at a Time, the Brady Bunch, the Saturday morning educational stuff, and so on -- are all for people born around 1962. So there's a very jarring temporal inconsistency.
