MovieChat Forums > Casino (1995) Discussion > The older I get, the stupider Sam become...

The older I get, the stupider Sam becomes

I watched Casino in my teen.
I thought it was a "real love story", and that Sam was a fool for love but still a true romantic.
25 years later, this love story looks like it was written by a teenager, not by an adult.

Only a seriously immature idiot behaves like this guy, like Ginger's the only woman on, a two bit jukie skank that doesn't even look that good for Vegas skank standards.
Not only he pursues her and gambles a fortune on her, he even dares to make a kid with her!

If anything, the writer should have finessed Sam's self hatred, or inferiority complex, or whatever else drives him to self destruction so he would "fall" like that for this woman.
I'm a grown man now, I find this "love story" to be mere puerile silliness.


Sam was a flawed genius.

He was brilliant but he would occasionally do things that defy common sense.

He should have respected Pat Webb and given his ne'er-do-well brother-in-law a job "further down the trough." He made Pat wait and then treated him with indifference and dismissal.

A no-brainer. Give Don Ward a job. A no show job if necessary. Treat Pat Webb with the courtesy and respect he deserved.

Yeah, the Ginger mess. He didn't handle that well. It was like he had a hernia in his head or something. Go figure.

Was Robert De Niro the right actor to portray Sam? Perhaps. He is the same age as Joe Pesci. You needed an actor close to him in age.

A good film nonetheless.


Yes, great film, I just wish it expanded the psychology of that love story.

I could accept the Ward fiasco more easily: Sam was outraged by that stupidity. He was also stressed from every angle (starting with Ginger). He just said "fuck it" and decided to go against his better judgement. Instead of doing what he should have, which is what you wrote.
He couldn't do every single thing right, that was the little mistake that he allowed himself, maybe out of hubris or plain disdain for the locals, and he will pay enormously for it.
But Ginger, a lifetime decision, seems just too much for me to understand as a grownup.


Lol. Sam walked away. You'd be dead.


Lol. Sam walked away. You didn't understand jack shit of what I wrote.


Who the fuck cares about your opinion? You were wrong and know absolutely nothing about women. Best take those pills. You won't be missed.


Ahaahha. Seriously, go fuck yourself.


The film was adapted from Nicholas Pileggi's biographical novel about Frank Rosenthal where Rosenthal himself said that the character Sharon Stone played brought back bad memories.


I am sure it did.
Still, Frank Rosenthal had some understandable reason to fall for a similar character.
It is not in the movie. I feel it is needed.


A couple of issues with Sam. He's not entirely stupid. He's incredibly weak with his Wife. I don't know if that qualifies as stupid - but that's how I see it - he's just weak with her. She plays him for a fool and he keeps going back for more. In terms of being stupid, I thought what he did, that was phenomenally stupid, was not give Don a job. I'm talking about when the old guy (I believe it was Don's Uncle) shows up at Sam's office pleading for him to give Don his job back. If it was me - knowing the Uncle was a relevant person, I'd have done something to keep the peace and keep the guy placated. While at the same time, never putting Don in any kind of a position with responsibility. As an example..,...

"Yes, it was real disappointing what happened with Don, but of course, I'd be happy to take him back. The only thing is, I filled his old position. The only openings I have right now are for dishwashers. This is all I have available. If Don would like to be dishwasher, I'd be happy to have him back at the casino".

Then if the old guy said "Well, do you see something else opening up in the future?"

Then I'd lie - "I'd be happy to consider Don for any future position. If you check back with me in about 6 months, we can revisit this".

That's how I would have played it. Sam turns the old guy into an enemy - and it kills him down the road.


I agree but, like I replied above,
I could accept the Ward fiasco more easily: Sam was outraged by that stupidity. He was also stressed from every angle (starting with Ginger). He just said "fuck it" and decided to go against his better judgement. Instead of doing what he should have, which is what you wrote.
He couldn't do every single thing right, that was the little mistake that he allowed himself, maybe out of hubris or plain disdain for the locals, and he will pay enormously for it.
What it seems to me, is that he fully understand what would be the intelligent decision, but he goes against it willingly.

But Ginger, a lifetime decision, seems just too much for me to understand as a grownup.


I disagree with the Ginger stuff Heisenberg. The guy was very simply weak. Maybe I see it that way cuz Ive seen it happen in life. I've seen guys put up with even more than what Sam put up with - and STILL go back for more. I suppose you could say character defect, stupid, mental illness.... whatever - To me I see it as weakness. Like the alcoholic that cant help himself and grabs another shot of tequila. Or the drug addict that cant help himself and does another line of coke. At least in the end, Sam is finally honest with himself. When he is fighting her like Hell so she cant leave with the 2 mil - he finally admits to himself the real reason "I knew I'd never see her again".

Anyway, thats my take. Smart guy, very organized, talented, weak with a woman. Ive seen it over and over again.

Also I should add, I haven't been above weakness in my own life either, hahahaha. Do you know how many times I tried to quit smoking cigarettes before I actually did? Plenty, ahahaahah


Love is blind. Even to someone who is otherwise very intelligent.


Ok, Ginger?
He should have stopped waaaay before "love".
Also, he doesn't seem that much in love to me. He is trying to be a good husband, but mostly he wants to change her and overpower her.


It was a bad relationship, no doubt. But some dudes just can't see when they're in the middle of it.
