MovieChat Forums > Kids (1995) Discussion > Casper - Consensual or Rape? - Guys Only

Casper - Consensual or Rape? - Guys Only

The last seen were casper wakes up in the middle of the night to find some booze and takes a seat on the couch besides jenny. Completely wasted, he tries to wake jenny up for sexual favours but she doesn't wake up. He then begins removing her jeans and then her underwear. He then sticks in it and starts thrusting her. In the act, jenny mutters "no" while casper calms her by saying "it's just me, casper", "it's ok, shh". 3-4min in the act, the screen turns black.

Here's what i think.

Jenny didn't want sex. Even if she knew casper, i don't think she'd agree for consensual sex. If you consider her side of the story, then SHE WAS RAPED!!

part 1: Casper, i think had feelings for jenny or maybe he cared for her well being. He knew telly's game and hence knew what had happened to jenny. This was clear when jenny arrives at steven's house in search for telly and finds casper in the bathtub. She asks him about telly whereabouts and casper tells her to forget about telly. When she insists, he tells her that he was fu@king a girl right now in the next door.

Hence, during the couch scene, he asks jenny to wake up for sex as if it'll be consensual. When he understands that she was high, he then forgets about waking her up and instead starts having sex with her while in her intoxicated state. To him, it was just plain simple sex. The word "Rape" must have never crossed in his mind.

I would like to ask the guys here. Put yourself in caspers position. What did you did according to you(ie, casper)? Do you consider differentiating "rape" and "getting sex"?

If you differentiate between "rape" and "getting sex" then you would be saying that HE DIDN'T RAPE HER.

If you consider both "getting sex" and "rape" the same thing then you would be saying HE RAPED HER.


& the sound in this movie is horrible. I didn't hear her saying "no" smh.

child please


We totally took away different points from that scene. To me it was all about Casper now likely getting aids.


Everyone seems so focused with whether or not Casper gets HIV - but any chance Jenny gets pregnant ?


It was rape. Anyone could see she was incapable of giving consent. He took advantage of that. Rape.


it wasnt rape. Both people had no idea what they were doing. Its unfair to blame one person


In this case it was obviously rape. Jennie was passed out and was in no condition to give consent. And like others have mentioned, she actually did wake up enough to mumble "No."

If she was drunk and conscious, that would be different. My only "controversial opinion" when it comes to rape is this: If a girl willingly gets drunk or high, and in that condition she consents to sex or initiates sex herself, then it's not rape.

People need to be accountable for their own actions, and that should include willingly/deliberately getting drunk or high to the point where it affects your judgment. I'm so sick of hearing about situation where a guy and a girl hook up at a party, both of them get drunk off their asses, they mutually decide to have sex, but in the law's eyes the guy committed rape and the girl is the innocent victim. That's just pure bullshit. If you get drunk and then you do something you regret, suck it up and learn from it. Don't shift blame to others.

By the same token, Casper was drunk but he's still responsible for his actions. He took advantage of someone who was passed out and then woke up enough to say "no." That's definitely rape.


Of course it's rape. Come on, she was out like a light.


It was rape. Plain and simple.


i remember this guy (posted 10 years ago) that would start a rape thread under almost EVERY movie, everything was rape for him, lol.
