Theater experiences

What was your experience like when you saw it at the movies? Me for example, about halfway through the screening, a guy walked out on it and before he left the auditorium he turned to the screen and booed the movie, very loudly, lol. After the movie ended i went to go to the exit. And on my way out, there were two girls in front of me who appeared to be high school aged. Anyway, one of them asked the other one "What was the point?".


I was living abroad for a couple of years when this film came out. I was 19 at the time. I watched the film twice at the cinema. First time in English and the second time in French. My French is very bad so went for practise. I remember loving it both times. It was just weird and suspenseful, but kept me intrigued throughout.

I was really shocked and surprised that in the French dubbed version the note that was handed over to Tom Cruise towards the end was actually written in French. I wonder how many takes Kubrick did of that scene to cater for other languages.

The reaction from the audience of the whole film as I remember it was of confusion. :-) Me and my friends did mock the film afterwards imitating the chant from that weird piano music at the raunchfest. :-)


LOL, Oh wow!


When I saw the movie the first night it was released, a girl gave a guy a blow job two rows in front of me. She had on a lite windbreaker kind of jacket. Every time she moved the fabric made friction rubbing sound. Pretty much everyone stopped watching the movie and started watching them.


At least she was getting into the spirit of things.


i would've loved to see this on the big screen
