Theater experiences

What was your experience like when you saw it at the movies? Me for example, about halfway through the screening, a guy walked out on it and before he left the auditorium he turned to the screen and booed the movie, very loudly, lol. After the movie ended i went to go to the exit. And on my way out, there were two girls in front of me who appeared to be high school aged. Anyway, one of them asked the other one "What was the point?".


No one booed but there was definitely a sense of disappointment in the air. It was hard to tell from the trailer exactly what the film was about and I think a lot of people were expecting more of a psychological thriller. I guess in a way it was but it's still really hard to classify this movie.


It's one of the few movies that kept me tense and on the edge of my seat while watching. The suspense is subtle but it hit me. Thus, it ranks with (but beneath) No Country For Old Men, which was the most suspense I've ever felt in a theater.


My girlfriend and I wanted to leave about a half hour in, but she had taken off her shoes and they had been kicked away by other audience members. We had to sit through the whole thing until the lights came up so she could get her shoes back.


Are you still together, if I may ask?


No. I am now married to a different woman. Our break-up had nothing to do with this movie, however.


Thanks. I'm asking because in some sort of way this account seemed similar to the events of the movie.


Interesting... Could you expand on this?


For me 'Eyes Wide Shut' is in great part about accidentality. Accidentally Bill meets Nightingale, accidentally saves the girl, escapes sex with an HIV positive prostitute etc. This series of accidental events lead to unpredicted and unexpected results. Someone somewhere is about to leave a movie theatre, finds out his shoes are kicked away, forced to stay until the end.

Well, it's just a personal feeling and a personal take on what happened to you and your former girlfriend. )


That's a neat parallel to our little mishap! Ours was on a much smaller scale, but still...

Our evening ended up well, as I recall. We went to our favorite coffee shop after the movie and talked about how awful it was, then we went back to her place and Saturday morning we went out for brunch and poked around in used book and antique shops all day.


I was scared to absolute frickign death.


Really?! Wow!


I was mesmerized as I am while watching all Kubrick movies for the first time. One of the guys I was watching the movie with said "If I was Kubrick, I'd die after making that movie too." My sister and her friend was watching with us and they laughed at Nicole Kidman acting high as it was pretty unconvincing.


It's a puzzling movie but in a good way.


Lol, I agree with your sister and her friend, AP, Nicole acting high was way over the top.


I saw it in the cinema back in 1999 with my friend and I loved it. I was mesmerized by the journey Bill embarked on in the film. One detail I remember from the screening was that my friend began mimicking the famous piano line. For instance when Bill goes to pick up the note by the manor gate, and the piano plays, my friend was sitting there playing the piano having learned the tune. I also remember the impact of the final line was felt in the cinema.


I was only 11 in 1999 but I can see people being disappointed after a 12 years wait since his last movie. This movie requires multiple viewings to be appreciated.


This movie absolutely does not require multiple viewings to be appreciated.


Yes, it does. Even Scorsese didn't get it at first.


I agree with Business, I recognized its greatness the first time I watched it. One of the most suspenseful movies ever!
