How old were you

When this came out in '99?
I was 4 and one of my earliest memories is seeing this in theatres. My earliest memory (maybe) is seeing the original Star Wars films...


In 1999 I was 36 and loved the movie and I still do, its my favorite of the prequels. I was 14 when the original Star Wars movie (Episode IV: A New Hope) came out. Loved that too!


a little over 9 and 1/2


Twenty seven. I remember seeing the original in the theater when I was four or five. I saw Phantom Menace at the midnight showing opening night. Seven minutes into the film I knew this was not Star Wars, I wound up yelling at Jar Jar to shut the hell up during his intro monologue.


21. I liked it, but I didn't love it.

dies ist meine unterschrift




Thanks guys for responding. This has been my most popular thread in my time on these boards. It was nice to hear from all of you. Farewell, and may the force be with you, always...


I was 20 and was obsessed with it.
Bought all the 'making of' + art books in the lead up, the script, the CD soundtrack, action figures galore. Must have seen it clsoe to 10x in the cinema over a 3-4 month period.

Now I'm 37, looking back, it will always hold a special place in my memory, but objectively, its myriad of flaws are glaringly apparant to me now, and have been for some time.

I very rarely watch it these days, perhaps once every 2-3 years.

Mr Annnderson.....!


What's your signature a reference to? It's seems very familiar.
Thanks for the response!
