How old were you

When this came out in '99?
I was 4 and one of my earliest memories is seeing this in theatres. My earliest memory (maybe) is seeing the original Star Wars films...


I was 13 and it was freakin' awesome!!! I immediately came home humming Duel of The Fates and began to draw pictures of random jedi fighting dudes with red lightsabers. I still think that movie was the best of the prequels. There's alot of magic in it, even if it wasn't well executed.


I see what you are saying. The other two kind of feel like "roll your sleeves up, we gotta do some brutal stuff"
Probably placing an emphasis on war and politics instead of adventure and cool new lands.
(This is coming from *gasp* a prequel lover!!!)


I was 27 and I saw it 20 times in the theater


I was 19, and I remember the build up, the excitement. I remember standing in line and anxiously waiting for the tickets to go on sale. I remember standing in line again to see the film...and then I remember the overwhelming sense of disappointment that it didn't live up to even the magic of the re-released trilogy that came up in the three or four years prior.

"Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop."


I must say I'm surprised that most of these replies are people who said it was good/OK. Thought it would be a minority opinion when I started this.


The haters had a massive head start. Negativity always seems to lead the way, unfortunately. It also gets more attention than positivity.


I was 25 and I enjoyed it. I remember laughing my ass off at Jar Jar Binks. Seriously.

"Guns don't kill people. I do."
- the Postal Dude


I was 27 when Menace came out and didn't think it was that bad. I was 5 when a New Hope came out, and hooked for life.


I was 29 and found TPM to be a let-down. The OT was filled with humans playing characters and ships that were actually crafted and posed. When ships exploded, there were actually filmed detonations and when you saw hundreds of characters in a scene, they were actually there acting. We moved to set pieces constructed entirely by computer and characters constructed the same way. I appreciate the workmanship of the OT than CGI can never match.


Long-time Star Wars fan.

I'm 34 now (May 2nd is my birthday) so back in '99, when this came out I just turned 17.

So...yeah, I was 17.

As far as me "Liking it"? Meh...

I thought Darth Maul was totally badass. Hell, I *still* think he's badass. Qui-Gon Jin, also. Maul and Qui-Gon are, in my opinion, the only memorable "new" characters that came from the prequels. Totally sucks that they were killed off in only the first film that they appeared in.

Overall, I was a bit disappointed but I still mildly enjoyed it.


"97-X...Bam....The future of...Rock 'n' Roll."


I was 4 years old when it came out and I loved it. It was the film that made me fall in love with Star Wars. As I have gotten older, I've grown to see the flaws in the film and consider it to be the weakest of the Prequels, but I still really like the film.
