How old were you

When this came out in '99?
I was 4 and one of my earliest memories is seeing this in theatres. My earliest memory (maybe) is seeing the original Star Wars films...


I was five, but it wasn't my first Star Wars movie in theaters. I remember seeing all three of the original trilogy when they came out in the special edition re-releases. Those are some of my very first memories actually.
I loved the Phantom Menace just as much.

Over time I obviously came to appreciate the original trilogy more, but I never outright disliked The Phantom Menace.


About 4, same as you. But I watched the original films before I watched the prequels.


I was 9. I am prequel generation...I guess I´m lucky because I love those movies...I love all 6...I have more fun with star wars saga then the haters


I was eight and also enjoyed it but now after watching all of them, I enjoy the originals more

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


I was 17, and like someone mentioned before, a huge fan of all the PC games and merchandise of that time. X-Wing and Tie Fighter were truly legendary games.

I remember being disappointed, hating Jar Jar Binks and the kid but quite happy with Liam Neeson, Darth Maul and the final duel.

I remember seeing the original remastered trilogy at the theatres 2 years earlier, that had more of an impact on me.


I was 10, going 11 at September.


Let's just say, I was much older than all of you, heh heh...I saw the original outing of ep 4 when it came out on the big screen, so you can appreciate how frustrating it was to wait so long for the "rest of the story", only to ultimately be disappointed at how wooden and slow moving these were...


20, thought it was about as good as the originals. Especially with the pod racing and score.


Oh, it was good in its own way...the race itself was kinda fun, but to me the movie didn't have the same kind of character "zing" the original had...


From my point of view I have a hard time reconciling the two trilogies as the overall feel is vastly different. the prequels lack in natural feeling from the character and no excitement and adventure.


The prequels lack charisma.


25. And for someone who had grown up with seeing each one upon release. I have to say it sucked.

Just kidding. I really enjoyed it back then and like it even more when I watch it today. Not as good as any of the OT for me but not much is.
Qui Gonn is the man.


9, and thought it was pretty good (although I think I was surprised that Obi-Wan had a pretty small and antagonistic role, but not really displeased with that).


I don't know why but I always liked that portrayal of obi wan as a young man. It the wildness referenced in empire strikes back. (Can't remember exact line).


I also remember that my dad overall liked the movie but disliked that he couldn't understand what Jar-Jar was saying. I didn't really like or dislike Jar-Jar although I liked a few of his gags.


I was 7 and was very intrigued and excited. I hadn't seen the originals in full, only parts but I had liked them.
