MovieChat Forums > Cube (1997) Discussion > If you cant answer these then this movie...

If you cant answer these then this movie was pointless (spoilers)

If you can answer me these questions about the movie, maybe I'll stop bagging it & respect it more, they are simple questions that every movie-goer should be able to answer when they go to see a film that actually has a plot that wants to convey a point or message (who,what,when,where,why)? I cannot comprehend a 7.5 rating on IMDB!

Who built the "cube"? Don't say the government unless you can answer...

Why was the "cube" built? Based on my understanding all you need to be is good with numbers, to survive the cube. Was it built to haven criminals because if so then all you need to be is good at maths, or suffer from autism? How are people determined, "valid" to be shoved in this cube?

How was the "cube" built? Don't say it was done my multiple companies, because surely not one person would ask-"why are we designing massive cubes, with torturous items in them?". Give me logic to how the "cube" moves, because I dont see a machine powerful enough to move 200 different cubes? At the edges of the cube why is there nothingness? Surely nothing could suspend a cube this big above ground? Tell me what could hold it up? How high up could they be & how would the government explain for the cost of a multi-billion dollar cube if in fact the government designed it?

What is the purpose of the "cube"? Give me a good reason other than the director trying to entertain the audience with the most gruesome deaths imaginable.

My rating is 1/10 for not going anymore than 90 mins...I don't care about how entertained you guys were if a movie follows no logic, no reason & no purpose then surely you either don't deserve to have an opinion about any films or have had a lobotomy!

If you truelly deep down in your heart loved this movie passionately, my real question should be...when are you going to jump off that cliff in front of you?

oh you got a murderous rage in you!


It was invented by the IMdB to store all the pricks on this forums.


it's obvious you don't like movies that don't give you all the information.

take pulp fiction. what was in the briefcase? did not knowing what was in there change the movie at all?

if you conform to only like movies that you yourself can explain in full detail, then you won't like a lot of movies by default. however, you have it within you the power to subvert your ego, and just "go with the flow". then, and only then, will you allow yourself to appreciate more of the world.

i mean really, how was the world created? do you know exactly? are you hating life simply because you don't have all the answers?


OP is an idiot.



possibly the worst thread imaginable. you sir are a idiot. but haters gonna hate so peace out hipster


Well its been 5 years since the OP made this thread. I wonder if hes grown up at all. I also wonder if his opinion on this movie has changed.


I'm with you! I'm rating Spider-Man 1 out of 10 until someone can explain exactly the genetic and biochemical processes that give humans the ability to shoot webs overnight. I, too, don't care if every writer on Earth says that stories often start with one unlikely event or thing as a given.


I like the movie somewhat, but the person who made the movie admits (in the commentary) that HE never even tried to explain anything about this movie. Me, if I was going to build a multi-zillion dollar death-trap, pay several zillions a year for it's electricity, & I couldn't figure out WHY I was doing all of that (or how I got that rich), I'd be seriously re-thinking my "strategy". Movies that don't explain everything to death are one thing. Movies that are about multiplying iggible bananas with candervorcore candles & other zero-sense "storylines", & then not bothering to explain ANY of the more meth-sounding, Wayans brothers-like elements are a different matter. Being so lazy that you claim that it's the viewers' responsibility to explain EVERYTHING in your own movie because you "didn't feel like doing it" yourself is the kind of laziness that would disgust even Garfield the cat.

As for those who claim that the later cube movies explain some of the mysteries from this one, I myself find their explanations to be flawed, & worse, the very idea that you need to watch a different movie if you want any explanations of this movie's mysteries SHOULD make you ask yourself why you would even bother watching this movie at all?
If I want your opinion, I'll GIVE it to you.


a) he does not ADMIT, he EXPLAINS that it does not matter who put them in there.
b) his original idea was "aliens testing us", which surely worked for the more stupid viewers, but he ultimately got rid of scenes indicating that, because it works better as an open beginning and open end.
c) the "point" of the film is explained in the film itself, as like 500 posters before me already pointed out. hell, even within this thread.
d) cube was written by vincenzo natali. it was meant as a concluded experience. the sequel and prequel are done by people who bought the rights from the production company. you can at best consider them "expensive fan fiction".


This is the most ridiculous post I have ever read, I will ask you the same questions about the universe, if you can not answer them this life is pointless:

Who built the universe?

Why was the universe built?

How was the universe built?

What is the purpose of the universe?
