MovieChat Forums > Shakespeare in Love (1999) Discussion > MY FAVORITE LINE IN THE FILM.


Queen Elizabeth to Lord Wessex, informing him of his future bride: "You're a lordly fool; she's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. It takes a woman to know it." Judi Dench was awesome in this movie. I know some people find it ludicrous to award an eight-minute performance with an Oscar but I happen to think Dame Judi earned it.


my favorite is when the guy who stutters comes out on stage and does the opening monologue to a T.

Future Tony Award Winner! :P


"Nobody knew."
"He did. I saw him kiss her boobies."


I had that Christopher Marlowe in my boat once.

A true Elizabethan take on the modern London cab driver




Everything that everyone already said.

Will: I was a lad of 18. Anne Hathaway was a woman half as old again.
Doctor: A woman of property?
Will: She had a cottage.

Give your immortality to me; I'll set you up against the stars.


Lord Wessex: You are allowed to show your pleasure.

PERFECT delivery!


god there are SO many! i love all the ones that have been mentioned so far... someone posted the scene where Ned walks in and says 'And who are you?' but they didn't post ...

'I am the money!'... that's (one of) my fav!

P.S... love the above post! Personally i think Colin Firth gets overlooked in this film...


My favorite has too be,"I spoke with your father" "I speak with him everyday"

It makes me laugh everytime

I'm superstitious. Before I start a new movie, I kill a hobo with a hammer-Gwyneth Paltrow


"Henslowe, you have no soul. So how can you understand the emptiness that seeks a soul mate?"

Lol, loved that.

"And, by the way, I adore you... in frightening, dangerous ways."


"SMOTHERING CATTS!!!!" - Ned Alleyn AKA the hilarious Ben Affleck


Said by Queen Elizabeth (Judi Dench) "Have her then, but you're a lordly fool. She's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you... it takes a woman to know it."
This is my favorite line because niether Lord Wessex or The Queen nows who had pluked her.


I saw him kissing her boobies.


Ned (upon learning of Mercutio's fate) : "He dies?" Good job, Ben. You actually made me laugh.



Will: You still haven't paid me for my play 'One Gentleman of Verona'

Henslowe: (bargaining under torture) I have a new play
Fennyman: Cut Off his ears
Henslowe: BY Will Shakespeare
Fennyman: And his nose

Henslowe: Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter
Fennyman: Good title

William Shakespeare: I'm done with theatre. The playhouse is for dreamers. Look what the dream brought us.
Viola De Lesseps: It was we ourselves did that. And for my life to come, I would not have it otherwise.


Dame Judi is a wonderful actress but she won it because she'd lost the year before for "Mrs. Brown". "Notes on a Scandal" is probably my favourite of her performances.

Best Supporting Actress of '98? Lynn Redgrave in "Gods and Monsters", followed closely by Jane Adams in "Happiness".

"I did cramps the way Meryl Streep did accents" - Calliope (Middlesex)


I love Judi Dench as Mistress Quickly in Henry V. The best death scene ever written, and, significantly, all the action takes place off-stage, or in this case, off-screen. Hey, that guy Will just might make it.


Hey, that guy Will just might make it.
You may be right. I heard he's doing a rewrite on Spiderman 4. Now we'll see what he's made of.


"(sung) Gentlemen, upstage; ladies, downstage. GENTLEMEN, upstage; LADIES, downstage. (between teeth, still sung) Are you a LADY, Mr. KEMP?"



Henslowe: Speak prose, Will. I haven't time for verse. .


My fav is the "Gentlemen upstage" one, but I also like the bit about Marlowe's death when someone says he was killed over the bill and Geoffrey Rush's character says something like, "Vanity, vanity" and I think it's Affleck's character that says, "Not the BILLING, the bill!" Geoffrey Rush's character is fact the only movie I really like him in except "Elizabeth"


After hearing a six word description of a play he hasn't written, Burbage screws up his face and says in a concerned voice

'Hmmmm. Ned's not right for it.'


"I dont know, it's magic"
I cracked up every time Geoffery Rush said that line. What an actor.


Too many great lines to narrow it down to a fave, but I also love:

"He's nobody...the author."

To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best.
