MovieChat Forums > Shakespeare in Love (1999) Discussion > MY FAVORITE LINE IN THE FILM.


Queen Elizabeth to Lord Wessex, informing him of his future bride: "You're a lordly fool; she's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. It takes a woman to know it." Judi Dench was awesome in this movie. I know some people find it ludicrous to award an eight-minute performance with an Oscar but I happen to think Dame Judi earned it.



my favourite line in the film is...
the seconds of astonished silence at the end of Romeo & Juliet.


Don't recall the line, but the boatman trying to get Will to read his play cracked me up.


"As it happens, I'm a bit of a writer . . . . ."


"There's this nurse.. . . "

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Lovely waistcoats, shame about the poetry.


Lotsa great ones, many mentioned so far. But I've gotta speak up for the bit where Wessex refers to the Queen as "Gloriana Regina", "God's Chosen Vessel", "the Radiant One who shines her light upon us", and ultimately "the old boot".



I don't know, it's a mystery.


You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die.

I cry everytime lol great film!


So many great lines! Ned had some of my favorites, especially loved it when he made Fennyman cower


Ned: A quarrel about the bill
Henslowe: The bill! Vanity, vanity!
Ned: Not the billING, the BILL!

Classic theatre joke.
Also, when they are on the boat after they kiss for the first time, and the boatman says goodbye to Viola, and Shakespeare goes, "Lady?!" and the boatman says something to extent of, "yeah, that's viola. Wouldn't deceive a child." The look on his face is priceless.


It's already been mentioned, but mine is "he did, I saw him kissing her bubbies!".

It's not exactly a line, but I love the scene where the nurse and Will come face to face on the balcany and both scream their heads off. Hilarious.


Wessex: Is she obedient?

Sir Robert de Lesseps: As any mule in Christendom - but if you are the man to ride her, there are rubies in the saddlebag.

I can only reiterate what others have said on this thread, that the script for this film is a diamond mine full of pithy expressions and quotations.


Easily the most romantic line/scene in the film, I'm surprised it has not yet been mentioned.

Viola: Are you the author of the plays of William Shakespeare?
Shakespeare: I am.
Viola: Then kiss me again for I am not mistook.

Followed closely by,

Henslowe: Do you know it?
Viola: Every word.
