MovieChat Forums > Shakespeare in Love (1999) Discussion > Definatly NOT the worst Best Picture

Definatly NOT the worst Best Picture

I've been trying to watch all of the Best Pictures and I've constantly heard that this is one of the worst and that it shouldnt have beat Saving Private Ryan. So I saw this yesterday.

I do agree that Private Ryan is the more "important" movie, and I think it should have won, but this is far from the worst Best Picture.

I found this to be a pretty good movie, with the right balance of comedy, drama, and romance. It was well written and well acted (especially from Judi Dench as the Queen), and it kept my full attention. Just because it beat the more popular (and to most better) movie doesnt mean it deserves to be labeled the "worst" best picture. I found the film to be much better than Chicago, Crash, The Hurt Locker, and the King's Speech.


Finally someone who agrees with me! But really The King's Speech that movie was great plus Chicago.

And if you really want to see a bad best picture winners see Broadway Melody, The Greatest Show On Earth, The Great Zigfried (yeah I know I spelled it wrong)

What you think of The English Patient, this IMDb norm user seems to hate that one, I think it is greatness


The English Patient is the only best Picture from the 90s I havent seen. I plan on watching it someime before we reach 2012.

Overall I thought the 90s was a much better decade of Best Pictures than this year. I'd give Dances with Wolves, The Silence of the Lambs, Unforgiven, Schindler's List, Forrest Gump, Titanic, and American Beauty at least a 8.5 out of 10.

This past decade has been pretty much hit and miss.


I'm one of the few who actually really liked Crash, I mean really liked it. 10/10. So obviously I feel it deserved to win. But yes, aside from the select few, the 90's were magnificent of the oscars


I felt the similarly after seeing Shakespeare in Love. It is a wonderful film, and thought it was a good choice for Best Picture.

Saving Private Ryan is the more "important" movie? Well, I disagree with that analysis. I believe The Thin Red Line is the more "important FILM".


My worst best picture is The English Patient, second worst American Beauty.



I agree with the OP, particular his use of "important" with quotation marks. First, the fact that a film concerns important subject matter does not mean it is a better film. Second, it is "important" because we were told that again and again by Spielberg and Hanks tooting their own horns. Third, the reason it is said to be "important" is because we are supposed to honor the sacrifices of the soldiers who landed at Normandy. IMHO that is not the role of film, and in any case, Saving Private Ryan did a poor job of it - Band of Brothers was much better in that respect. In any case, why is Shakespeare's life not deemed "important". For four hundred years his plays have been instructing and inspiring audiences in English and countless other languages. Without question he is the single most important figure in the English language and literature. His life and times is fascinating, as is the speculation (albeit entirely fanciful) as to what could have inspired him in general and his writing of Romeo and Juliet in particular. Why is war considered more important that art?


Hooray, very well said, Mark. Some sense at last.


This is actually one of my favorite movies. I think the script is one of the all-time greats. It's clever, romantic, funny, and just does a fantastic job of turning potentially dull subject matter into something fresh and exciting.

Saving Private Ryan is a great achievement of course, but it doesn't lend itself to repeat viewings well. SIL I can watch all the time and be entertained. SPR has too much filler and isn't paced as well.


Couldn't agree more, it's one of my favorites too.


This movie is SO good, and it gets the shaft all the time because it is a witty & clever romantic comedy/drama that beat a "serious" and "important" war movie. There's not a thing I can think of changing that would have made "Shakespeare in Love" a better movie - it's pretty flawless to me, thanks in large part to the stellar script and some pretty fantastic performances (Geoffrey Rush! He kills me in this!).


if anything, for me, this is one of the more deserving Oscar winners. but people always put it on lists of the worst because of Saving Private Ryan. both movies are truly great. and so different, but because of the silly Oscars they will always be compared, which is ridiculous. one is witty, farcical romantic comedy and the other is war epic. when people make the lists of the worst Oscar winners they should compare winners with other winners, not the other nominees. for me both SIL and SPR would have been deserving winners, and The Truman Show as well. also if SiL hadn't win it would probably have higher score on IMDb. 7.2 is too low for one beautiful, smart, original movie like this, especially when you see that some shallow, conventional, formulaic films are rated much higher.


I loved Shakespeare in love it has very nice costumes a beautiful score and the most important thing in a romantic film great chemistry between the main couple.

A little of topic but its funny how three years in a row a romance won best picture those were the English Patient, Titanic and Shakespeare in love and 2 of those have Colin Firth loosing his girlfriend or wife because of a Fiennes brother lol.

Loved the movies, maybe the people's complaint it's not because of saving Private Ryan, maybe the were tired that another romance won, after two consecutive years
